Annual General Meeting Loon Lake, Dartmouth, N.S.
16 May 2010
1. Meeting called to order at 1300.
2. Minutes of the last meeting were read. Moved by Ken Whitney, seconded by Joe Paquin. Adopted.
3. Financial report was read by Andy. Moved by John Dohan, seconded by Gerry Mailloux. Adopted.
4. Old Buisness:
A. New web page: “Navy Diver.Ca”. Short discussion followed. Tony Dubois suggested a
Letter of appreciation.
B. Joint Replacement: Short discussion followed. Andy had read the letter at the AGM on the
west coast.
C. Naval Centennial Celebrations: Short discussion followed. CPO Mark Simonsen reviewed
schedule of events. Events / dates / times to be posted in future e-mails.
D. Centennial Reunion: Short discussion followed. Andy to investigate and post .
E. Reunions: Ottawa Chapter and West Coast Chapter voted to stay with the 3 year cycle
rather than the proposed 2 year cycle.
F. AGM Eastern Chapter: Short discussion followed on whether to hold the annual meeting in
April or to continue with May each year. Show of hands. May was voted in.
5. New Buisness: Moment of silence in memory for PO Blake. Many accolades were expressed for
all who took part and to how well it was all put together.
Andy presented two (2) small diver sculptures to CPO Mark Simonsen in appreciation for all that FDU does to support CNDA.
Ken Whitney reported on Tug Wilsons condition.
Gerry Baskette requested info as to golf shirts with the CNDA crest. COM to investigate. John
Dohan provided info concerning various items of dress.
Wayne Catchpaugh informed everyone about Don Jones upcoming move to Ontario.
ELECTIONS: President: Dale Silvester
Vice President Gary Reddy
Secretary Wayne Catchpaugh
Treasurer Andy Desrochers
Raffle: Glen Frauzel 40 oz. Pussers rum and Pussers Mug
Mike Middleton Pussers Mug and licence plate
Jules Verhaeghe Mug
Walter Dubeau Beer Mug
Mark Simonsen Licence plate
With no further business Tony Dubois moved the meeting be adjourned at 1340, seconded by Gerry
Baskette. Motion carried