Lesson Plan 1

Title: /

The Photographic Process

Tutor: / Adrian John / Subject: / ICT / Course: / Digital Photography
Date: / 9/25/2013 / Time: / 18.00 – 20.00 / Location: / Abbotsmead CDC
Session: / 1 out of 6 / Code: / ABC 85
Broad aims
Students should have an understanding of:
  • The complete digital photographic process
  • Common faults in pictures
  • What makes a good picture

Smart objectives
Students should be able to:
  • Spot differences in resolution
  • Describe the points in the digital photo process where the image is changed
  • See what might count as a technical fault in a picture.

Methods and materials to be used
Presentation /  / Group work /  / One-to-one / 
Oral questioning /  / Pair work / Practical work
Class discussion /  / Role play / Individual tasks
Interactive Plasma /  / Photographs /  / Own Cameras / 
Computer programs / Pdf Exercise / Reference materials / 
Laptop/Desktop / SD Cards and Readers / Web Site / 
Time / Activities / Resources / Learning Checks
Before / Set up laptop and check interactivity
Set up tripod and camera
Make sure picture is showing on screen
Get documentation ready
Give out name labels for identification
Sort out money
18.05 / Welcome
Induction checklist
Summarise course plan and objectives / Powerpoint
18.10 / Summarise lesson plan and objectives / Powerpoint
18.20 / Ask each member of the group to say something about themselves and why they want to be on the course. / The group! / None!
18.35 / Expo
The Photographic Process. / Powerpoint~
Printer / Individual questions and responses.
19.00 / Break / Tea and Coffee
19.10 / Group work – round robin
Comparing resolutions of different pictures.
1) Sort them into order of sharpness.
2) Looking for problems in pictures
3) What makes a good picture
Make notes.
4) Which is the best of these two pictures. / Prepared copies of pictures in three different categories. / Individual questions and responses.
Group responses.
19.30 / Group work
Feedback from each group
19.40 / Initial Eval / Form from forms central / Assess current level.
19.50 – 20.00 / Summarise lesson
Say what we are doing next lesson. / Powerpoint
After / Go through things with individuals

Reflection and critical evaluation

This is not looking too good. I’ve prepared this course to be about manipulating digital images. This group – to a woman – want to find out about their cameras and how to use them.

One member of the group was very confident and a little too noisy for some people. This caused a bit of negativity from some people.

I will have to completely rewrite this course to fit the group!

I abandoned the initial eval for this reason as it seemed irrelevant.

June 2012

Lesson Plan 2

Title: /

Using Your Camera

Tutor: / Adrian John / Subject: / ICT / Course: / Digital Photography
Date: / 2/10/2013 / Time: / 18.00 – 20.00 / Location: / Abbotsmead CDC
Session: / 2 out of 6 / Code: / ABC 85
Broad aims
Students should have an understanding of:
  • Compromise between depth of field and shutter speed.
  • Creative use of shutter speed and depth of field.
  • Selecting different picture modes on your camera.

Smart objectives
Students should be able to:
  • Find different picture modes on the camera
  • Set their camera to take a portrait
  • Set their camera to take a landscape

Methods and materials to be used
Presentation /  / Group work /  / One-to-one / 
Oral questioning /  / Pair work / Practical work / 
Class discussion /  / Role play / Individual tasks / 
Interactive Plasma /  / Photographs /  / Own Cameras / 
Computer programs / Pdf Exercise /  / Reference materials
Laptop/Desktop / SD Cards and Readers /  / Web Site / 
Time / Activities / Resources / Learning Checks
Before / Set up laptop and check interactivity
Set up tripod and camera
Make sure picture is showing on screen
Get documentation ready
Give out name labels for identification
Sort out money
18.00 / Welcome
Go over new plan for sessions. / PowerPoint
18.10 / Go over plan for today. / PowerPoint
18.15 / Basics of photography
Use the room as an example of a camera and ask what is happening to the light, imagining the window as a pin hole and then as a lens. / Comments and questions during discussion.
18.35 / Look at examples of pictures in PowerPoint and ask what can be said about aperture and shutter speed. / PowerPoint / Responses to questions and contributions to discussion.
19.00 / Break / Tea and Coffee
19.10 / Examine own cameras and find menu options for Portrait and Landscape modes. / PowerPoint / Students find these modes on their cameras.
19.30 / Demo of depth of field
Set up room to take two pictures. One with narrow depth of field. One with large depth of field. / My camera and tripod. Computer and card reader. / Comments and questions during discussion.
19.50 – 20.00 / Summarise lesson
Say what we are doing next lesson.
Remind about break next week. / PowerPoint
After / Go through things with individuals

Reflection and critical evaluation

The group seemed a lot happier with the new plan and the feeling at the end of this session was a lot more positive. I’ll do a first eval next lesson – though it seems a bit late!

Observed next week it seems. That should be fun. It seems that I got a 3 for my iPad course last Autumn. Nice to find out 8 months later.

Noisy individual a lot quieter this week. Still a bit too loud though and overconfident.

June 2012

Lesson Plan 3

Title: /

Using Your Camera– Part 2

Tutor: / Adrian John / Subject: / ICT / Course: / Digital Photography
Date: / 16/10/2013 / Time: / 18.00 – 20.00 / Location: / Abbotsmead CDC
Session: / 3 out of 6 / Code: / ABC 85
Broad aims
Students should have an understanding of:
  • Focusing and exposure.
  • ISO settings.
  • Picture saving formats.
  • Colour balance.

Smart objectives
Students should be able to:
  • See how to select different options on their camera
  • Give examples of situations where colour balance may be a problem
  • Change the size of picture their camera takes

Methods and materials to be used
Presentation /  / Group work /  / One-to-one / 
Oral questioning /  / Pair work /  / Practical work / 
Class discussion /  / Role play /  / Individual tasks / 
Interactive Plasma /  / Photographs /  / Own Cameras / 
Computer programs /  / Pdf Exercise /  / Reference materials / 
Laptop/Desktop /  / SD Cards and Readers /  / Web Site / 
Time / Activities / Resources / Learning Checks
Before / Set up laptop and check interactivity
Set up tripod and camera
Make sure picture is showing on screen
Get documentation ready
Give out name labels for identification
Sort out money
18.00 / Welcome
Summarise lesson plan and objectives / Powerpoint
18.10 / Recap on last weeks ideas.
Use photo of Jack Nicholson to see what they have understood and remind them of the ideas / Powerpoint / Comments and answers made during discussion.
18.25 / Focussing options on your camera. Expo how point of focus can be changed.
Metering options
Two stage shutter release on all cameras. / PowerPoint / Comments and Questions.
18.45 / Look for focussing options on their own camera / Own cameras / Individual checks and discussions.
19.00 / Break / Tea and Coffee
19.10 / Group work. Same as before.
Problem pictures. / Printed photos and copies on PowerPoint. / Discussions with groups and individuals.
19.25 / Expo:
Picture sizes
Colour Balance / PowerPoint
19.30 / Group work.
Find out how to set focus, colour balance, metering and size options on your own camera. / Learners own cameras and my camera for demo. / Discussions with groups and individuals.
19.55 – 20.00 / Summarise lesson
Say what we are doing next lesson. / PowerPoint
After / Go through things with individuals

Reflection and critical evaluation

This seemed to go OK.

June 2012

Lesson Plan 4

Title: /

Camera Feedback

Tutor: / Adrian John / Subject: / ICT / Course: / Digital Photography
Date: / 23/10/2013 / Time: / 18.00 – 20.00 / Location: / Abbotsmead CDC
Session: / 4 out of 6 / Code: / ABC 85
Broad aims
Students should have an understanding of:
  • The information that their camera gives them about a shot they have just taken
  • Optical and Digital zooms

Smart objectives
Students should be able to:
  • Interpret a histogram
  • See exif data

Methods and materials to be used
Presentation /  / Group work /  / One-to-one / 
Oral questioning /  / Pair work /  / Practical work / 
Class discussion /  / Role play /  / Individual tasks / 
Interactive Plasma /  / Photographs /  / Own Cameras / 
Computer programs /  / Pdf Exercise /  / Reference materials / 
Laptop/Desktop /  / SD Cards and Readers /  / Web Site / 
Time / Activities / Resources / Learning Checks
Before / Set up laptop and check interactivity
Set up tripod and camera
Make sure picture is showing on screen
Get documentation ready
Give out name labels for identification
Sort out money
18.00 / Welcome
Summarise lesson plan and objectives / PowerPoint
18.15 / Find information that their own cameras give while taking and after taking a picture. / Own cameras / Students report back on how their cameras.
18.40 / Histograms. What is is and an explanation. / PowerPoint / Individual responses to questions.
19.00 / Break / Tea and Coffee
19.10 / Group exercise
Looking at histograms and trying to match them up to a set of pictures. / Photographs and note paper. / Responses while circulating.
19.40 / Plenary
Ask each group to give their responses. Record these on the flipchart and compare answers. / Flip chart, students own responses. / Q + A and responses from groups.
19.50 – 20.00 / Summarise lesson
Say what we are doing next lesson. / PowerPoint
After / Go through things with individuals

Reflection and critical evaluation

Everybody managed to find the feedback from their own cameras. Denise camera would not do histograms, but she was able to see the exif data.

Histograms were hard for most people and a lot of people got the wrong idea to start with (most notable Jeff) Most were getting there by the end, though the plenary proved very useful, there are still a lot of students who have not quite got this difficult concept.

June 2012

Lesson Plan 5

Title: /

Basic Photo Editing and Sharpness

Tutor: / Adrian John / Subject: / ICT / Course: / Digital Photography
Date: / 6/11/2013 / Time: / 18.00 – 20.00 / Location: / Abbotsmead CDC
Session: / 5 out of 6 / Code: / ABC 85
Broad aims
Students should have an understanding of:
  • How software can alter digital images
  • How to see what extra information (exif) is stored with every photo that they take.

Smart objectives
Students should be able to:
Methods and materials to be used
Presentation /  / Group work /  / One-to-one / 
Oral questioning /  / Pair work /  / Practical work / 
Class discussion /  / Role play / Individual tasks
Interactive Plasma /  / Photographs /  / Own Cameras / 
Computer programs /  / Pdf Exercise / Reference materials / 
Laptop/Desktop /  / SD Cards and Readers /  / Web Site / 
Time / Activities / Resources / Learning Checks
Before / Set up laptop and check interactivity
Set up tripod and camera
Make sure picture is showing on screen
Make sure that software is up and running
Have SD Cards and card readers ready
18.00 / Starter
What do you think this is for?
Show them the colour correction cards and ask them to think about what they might be for. / Colour correction cards
18.10 / Welcome
Summarise lesson plan and objectives / PowerPoint
18.15 / Chessboard Problem
Hand out chessboard picture and ask for comments about squares A and B. / Hand-outs with chessboard picture and PowerPoint / Individual responses and questions.
18.30 / Basic photo editing.
Introduction to Picasa / Interactive Plasma screen. Picasa software
18.45 / Students working in six groups examine photos and do some cropping, white balance manipulation. Examine exif data and histograms. / Pictures saved to accessible area on network.
Desktop computers with Picasa software available / Discussions with individuals and with groups.
19.00 / Break / Tea and Coffee
19.10 / Answer the question about the colour correction cards. / Colour correction cards / Individual responses and questions.
19.20 / Introduce ideas about sharpness / PowerPoint
19.20 / Continue working with Picasa, exploring ideas about sharpness. Seeing what affect edits have on pictures. / Pictures saved to accessible area on network.
Desktop computers with Picasa software available / Discussions with individuals and with groups.
19.50 – 20.00 / Summarise lesson
Say what we are doing next lesson. / PowerPoint
After / Go through things with individuals

Reflection and critical evaluation

Some card readers were very reluctant to work with the Windows 8 computers in the room. This made it hard for some learners to access their photos from their camera. I need to get better ones so that they will actually work.

More positive feedback from this session. People seems to enjoy it and appreciate what they had done.

June 2012

Lesson Plan 6

Title: /

Summary and Multiple Shot Options

Tutor: / Adrian John / Subject: / ICT / Course: / Digital Photography
Date: / 13/11/2013 / Time: / 18.00 – 20.00 / Location: / Abbotsmead CDC
Session: / 6 out of 6 / Code: / ABC 85
Broad aims
Students should have an understanding of:
  • What different kind of multiple shot may be available on their camera
  • What has been covered on the whole course
  • Considering the shots they are taking and how to allow for different situations

Smart objectives
Students should be able to:
  • Select a multiple shot option from their menu
  • See what sort of situations are likely to cause problems for exposure or colour balance or shutter speed.

Methods and materials to be used
Presentation /  / Group work /  / One-to-one / 
Oral questioning /  / Pair work / Practical work / 
Class discussion /  / Role play / Individual tasks / 
Interactive Plasma /  / Photographs /  / Own Cameras / 
Computer programs / Pdf Exercise / Reference materials / 
Laptop/Desktop /  / SD Cards and Readers /  / Web Site / 
Time / Activities / Resources / Learning Checks
Before / Set up laptop and check interactivity
Set up tripod and camera
Make sure picture is showing on screen
Chocolate cakes
18.00 / Starter
What do you think this is for? / Colour correction cards / Comments and questions
18.05 / Welcome
Summarise lesson plan and objectives / Powerpoint
18.15 / Multiple shots
Discuss the different types of multiple shots available. / Powerpoint / Individual responses.
18.30 / Look at own camera and see what the options are for multiple shots. Try some out.
Upload pictures onto the desktops to see what they have taken and discuss improvements. / SD Cards and Readers / See pictures taken.
See cameras in different modes.
19.00 / Break / Tea and Coffee
Chocolate cakes
Chocolate éclairs / Individual responses.
19.10 / Answers to starter about the colour correction cards.
Discussion about this. / Colour correction cards
19.20 / What do you need to be careful of?
Students are in groups according to the camera that they have.
Look at a selection of photographs and see what might make them difficult to take well. How would they correct for this on their camera. / Print outs of photographs / Individual and group responses
19.50 – 20.00 / Summarise lesson
Say what we are doing next lesson. / Powerpoint
After / Go through things with individuals

Reflection and critical evaluation

This was a pleasing session. They enjoyed looking at the pictures and considering what it was that might make them hard to take. They felt that this was useful.

New card readers were a lot better. Though still a few problems.

They are working very well in groups. It is interesting to see different partnerships forming. Also good to see that several (Jane, John particularly) are starting to experiment for themselves.

June 2012