Vlado KOVACEVIC1, Miranda SEPUT2, Marija PRIBANIC3 and Dario ILJKIC1
1 University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture, Kralja P. Svacica 1d, 31000 Osijek, Croatia, e-mail:
2Croatian Centre for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Institute of Soil and Land Conservation, Vinkovacka cesta 63c, 31 000 Osijek, Croatia, e-mail:
3 Agricultural Institute Osijek, Juzno predgradje 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia,
The stationary field experiment with increasing rates (0, 3.5, 7.0 and 14.0 t/ha) of fertdolomite (3,0 N + 2,5% P2O5 + 3,0% K2O) was started in autumn of 2011 on acid soil in Osijek-Barannya County. The experiment was arranged by the randomized block design in four replicates (basic plot 112.5 m2). Maize (2012) and winter wheat (2012/2013) were grown on the experiment.The growing season 2012 was particulary unfavorable for maize growing because of drought and high air-temperatures. Precipitation in July and August were only 52 mm or about 50% lower in comparison with the 30-year average. At the same period of 2012 average air-temperature was for 3.8 oC higher. For this reason, maize was harvested at beginning of September or three weeks before usual term. Average yield of maize in the experiment was only 2.71 t/ha as result of unfertised cobs and 65% female-sterille plants due to unfavorable weather during pollination/silking stage of maize. However, the growing seaosn 2012/2013 was relatively favorable and average yield of wheat was 7.64 t/ha. By liming with fertdolomite, grain yields of wheat were increased up to 22% and application of fertdolomite in amount of 7.0 t/ha was adequate.
Key words: liming, grain yied, maize, wheat, weather characteristics
Acid soils are widespread in Croatia and they cover 831.704 ha, representing about 32% of total agricultural land (Mesić et al., 2009). Improving the acid soils fertility through the application of different liming materials is widely recognized practice to enhance crops productivity (Rengel, 2003).
As affected by liming, mainly considerable effects on yield and nutritional status of main field crops were found in Croatia (Andrić et al., 2012; Iljkić et al., 2011, 2013; Kovačević et al., 2010a, 2010b, 2011, 2013a, 2013b; Kovačević and Rastija, 2010; Rastija et al., 2010) and in the northern Bosnia (Marković et al., 2008). Aim of this study was testing response of maize and winter wheat to liming by fertdolomite on acod soil of Osijek-Barannya County.
Material and Methods
The field experiment
The stationary field experiment with increasing rates (0, 3.5, 7.0 and 14.0 t/ha) of fertdolomite (3,0 N + 2,5% P2O5 + 3,0% K2O: product of Petrokemija Fertilizer Factory, Kutina, Croatia) was started 21th November 2011 on Gorjani acid soil (Osijek-Barannya County). The experiment was arranged by the randomized block design in four replicates (basic plot 112.5 m2). Maize (2012) and winter wheat (2012/2013) were grown on the experiment.
Maize (the hybrid Os515) was sown in term April 12, 2012 by pneumatic sowing machine (interrow spacing 70 cm and distance of seed in row 26 cm: theoretical density 54946 seeds/ha). The experiment was fertilized for maize as follows: NPK 8:26:26 was ploughed in autumn (200 kg/ha), urea (46% N) was applied before presowing soil tillage in spring (150 kg/ha) and CAN (calcium ammonium nitrate: 27% N) in amount 150 kg/ha was added in dressing by interrow cultivation in 6-8 leaves stage. Total amounts of nutrients added for maize by the fertilization were (kg/ha) 126 N + 52 P2O5+ 52 K2O. Maize was harvested manually in term September 7, 2012 (4 internal rows from each basic plot). Mass of cob was weighed by precize Kern electronic balance (d=50 g). Ten cobs from each treatments was used for determination of grain moisture and grain share in cob (waiging by Kern electronic balance, d = 10 g). Grain moisture was determined by portable electronic grain moisture instrument (WILE-55, Agroelectronics, Finland). Grain yields were calculated on realized plant density and 14% grain moisture basis. Plant densities were determined in level of treatment by addition of individual replicates data.
Winter wheat (cultivar Renata) was sown in term October 27, 2012. Mineral fertilizers NPK 5:15:30 (170 kg/ha) and urea (170 kg/ha) were ploughed and CAN (total 250 kg/ha) was added by two top-dressings (tillering and stem elongation stages) and total amounts of nutrients added for wheat (kg/ha) were 155 N + + 27 P2O5+ 54 K2O. Wheat was harvested in term July 3, 2013. Selection of four 0.25 m2 of area was made at individula basic plot o fthe experiment. The ears were separated from stem by shears, enumerated and trashed by special combine for the experiments. Grain yield was calculated on 14% grain moisture basis.
The data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and treatment means were compared using t-test and LSD at 0.05and 0.01 probability level.
Weather characteristics
The growing season 2012 was particulary unfavorable for maize growing because of drought and high air-temperatures (Table 1). Precipitation in July and August were only 52 mm or about 50% lower in comparison with the 30-year average. At the same period of 2012 average air-temperature was for 3.8 oC higher. Also, maximal air-temperatures in the first and third 10-day periods of August were above 40 oC. Under these conditions, maize was force matured to end of August. For this reason, maize was harvested at beginning of September or three weeks before usual term. Average yield of maize in Croatia in 2012 was 4.34 t/ha or 38% lower than under normal weather conditions of 2010 (Kovačević et al., 2013). In general, the lower yields of maize are in connection with the lower precipitation and the higher air-temperatures, particularly in July and August (Markulj et al., 2010; Kovačević et al., 2013).
Precipitation in the 2012/2013 growing season was close to 40% higher and air-temperarure for 1.3 oC higher compared to 30-year average (Table 2). However, distribution of precipitation characterized by oversupplies in December-March period and moderate supplies in April. Impacts of weather charactreistics on grain yield of wheat were elaborated by Marijanović et al. (2010) and Pepo and Kovačević, 2011).
Table 1. Precipitation and air-temperatures in Osijek
Osijek Weather Bureau: Precipitation and mean air-temperatures in 2012 and average 1961-1990 (61-90)Year / Monthly precipitation (mm) / Mean air-temperatures (oC)
Apr. / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Σ / Apr. / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / X
2012 / 47 / 94 / 68 / 48 / 4 / 32 / 293 / 12.5 / 16.9 / 22.5 / 24.8 / 24.1 / 18.9 / 20.0
61-90 / 54 / 59 / 88 / 65 / 58 / 45 / 368 / 11.3 / 16.5 / 19.5 / 21.1 / 20.3 / 16.6 / 17.6
Additional data for the 2012 growing season: Absolute maximal air-temperature (oC)
July / August
The values for 10-day intervals of 2012 / a / b / c / a / b / c
a = 1.- 10.; b = 11. – 20.; c = 21. – 31. / 37.0 / 36.0 / 35.0 / 40.1 / 34.6 / 40.3
Table 2. Precipitation and mean air-temperatures (Osijek Weather Bureau)
Osijek Weather Bureau: monthly precipitation (mm) and mean-air-temperature (°C)Oct. / Nov. / Dec. / Jan. / Febr. / March / April / May / June / Total / Mean
The 2012/2013 growing season
mm / 65 / 50 / 104 / 61 / 86 / 84 / 45 / 119 / 63 / 677
°C / 12.1 / 9.0 / 0.4 / 2.1 / 2.9 / 5.2 / 13.1 / 16.7 / 20.0 / 9.1
Long-term (30-y) averages (1961-1990)
mm / 41 / 57 / 52 / 47 / 40 / 45 / 54 / 58 / 88 / 492
°C / 11.2 / 5.4 / 0.9 / -1.2 / 1.6 / 6.1 / 11.3 / 16.5 / 19.5 / 7.9
Results and Discussion
Maize yield in the experiment was very low as result of unfavourable weather characteristics (Table 1). Additional, extremely weather affected maize at pollination/silking stage and fertilisation of cob was very low. For this reason, female-sterile plants in the experiment were about 65%. Average yield of maize grain was only 2.71 t/ha. Maize grown on the limed treatment had mean 62.1% of sterile plants or for 10.7% lower compared to the control. This phenomenon is possible to explain by difference in dynamics of maize development (delaying on the control for a few days). However, comparison of liming affects under these stress conditions is difficult because combination of unfavorable weather characteristics and stage of maize development is in this year more coincidence than principle and independent on liming.
As affected by liming, whet yield was significantly increased up to 22% and fertdolomite application in amount of 7.0 t/ha was adequate for this yield (Table 3).
Table 3. Respopnse of maize (the hybrid Os515) and wheat (cultivar Renata) to liming
Fertdolomite / Response of maize and wheat to liming with fertdolomite: the experiment Gorjaniin autumn 2011 / Maize (2012) / Wheat (2012/2013)
(t/ha) / Plant density / Female-sterile / Grain yield / Grain yield / Ears density
(plants/ha) / plants (%) / (t/ha) / (t/ha) / (ears/m2)
0 / 50 233 / 72.8 / 1.41 / 6.93 / 692
3.5 / 50 155 / 60.4 / 2.21 / 7.27 / 732
7.0 / 48 525 / 65.5 / 2.71 / 8.47 / 758
14.0 / 47 749 / 60.3 / 4.51 / 7.90 / 760
Average / 49 166 / 64.5 / 2.71 / 7.64 / 736
LSD 5% / 1.51 / 0.87 / ns
LSD 1% / ns / ns
Liming with fertdolomite was useful with aspect of wheat yield, but excessive unfavourable weather characteristics in the 2012 growing season (drought and high temperatures at pollination/silking stage) drastically reduced yield of maize. These investigations are continued as stationary field experiment and maize – wheat rotation. For this reason, more reliable conclusion regarding effects of liming will be possible after a few years.
This work was supported by Petrokemija Fertilizer Factory Kutina and Agricultural Institute Osijek.
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