
May 18, 2007 Department of English Volume XLI, Number 14



The Department of English would like to congratulate Don Shipley, Ph.D. candidate now teaching at LouisianaCollege, on his receipt of the Professor of the Year Award given by the students. Congratulations, Don!


On February 28, Dr. Richard Russell gave a paper titled, “Stewart Parker's Kingdom Come: A Carribean Critique of Imperialism,” to “The Irish in the Atlantic World,” part of the Program in the Carolina Lowcountry and Atlantic World (CLAW), in Charleston, SC. On March 7 and March 21, he lectured and led discussions on Barry Unsworth's novel Morality Play at ChristChurch (Episcopal) in Temple as part of their Lenten series on Christianity and culture.

Dr. Russell’s essay, “Tom Murphy’s Comedy of Redemption in Bailegangaire,” will appear in the Spring 2007 issue of Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism.His note, “A Paralyzing Echo of Eliot’s ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ in Larkin’s ‘Aubade,’” is forthcoming in the Winter 2007 issue of The Explicator.


Dr. Paula Woods read a paper titled “Creation of Identity: Anglo Writers Writing Native American Protagonists” at the Popular Culture Association Conference in Philadelphia, April 4-7, 2007.She also chaired a session: Influencing the Identity of Fictional Sleuths: Region, Culture, Ethnicity, & Species. In addition Dr. Woods attended the North American meeting of the Editorial Board of Clues: A Journal of Detection, to which she has been appointed for a second term.


Dr. Joseph Jeyaraj's essay, "Grammar Gurus and Essayists in Colonial India: A Short Study on Writing Practices," appeared in The Knowledge Society Journal 2.2 (April 2006): 68-90.


Dr. Kevin Gardner's essay, "Anglicanism and the Poetry of John Betjeman," originally published in 2004 in Christianity and Literature, has been reprinted in Poetry Criticism, volume 75 (Thomson Gale).


Jeannette Marshall Denton presented a paper titled “Sound Change and the Psycho-phonetic Effect of a Text” at the Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference held at The Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA, April 13-15th, 2007 and at a meeting of the Baylor Linguistics Club on April 27th. She presented an earlier version of her research titled “Why the Pronunciation of a Medieval Text Matters” to the Texas Medieval Association at their annual conference held on the Baylor campus October 6th-7th, 2006.


Information has been received fromthe Boston University Conference on Language Development concerning a conference taking place November 2-4, 2007. 500-word abstracts may be submitted by May 15, 2007. For more information, please see the flier on file in CS 106.