Cincinnati Christian University, Woodwind Methods Class Spring 2013



Instructor: Susan Sullivan PMW 160w

Phone: 859.240.2255 Classroom #271

Email: Class: Monday1:30-3:20 p.m.


Required texts: Essential Elements 2000 book 1 Flute

Essential Elements 2000 book 1 Clarinet

Essential Elements 2000 book 1 Alto Saxophone

Binder with tabs for class notes, research, and class handouts



Instrument: required instrument (flute, clarinet, alto saxophone) will be provided for use free of charge; students may be provided an oboe and/or bassoon based on availability. Should any instrument be lost or stolen, the student is responsible for the entire cost of a new


Instrument supplies: Rico clarinet reed- 2, Van Doren clarinet reed- 2, Alto sax reed – Rico 2,

Alto sax reed – Van Doren – 2, Clarinet swab, teeth saver

Plastic straw

Individual mirror


Instruction in playing and teaching of woodwind instruments, including care of instruments

and methods and materials. Prerequisite: PMW 112.


This class provides group instruction for the student with little or no previous training on flute, clarinet, and alto saxophone. Students will have hands-on experience with each of the three woodwind instruments.Double reed information will be completed through lecture and demonstration.

The course will help the music teacher candidate to develop basic skills, pedagogies, and understanding of the woodwind instrument family in order to be successful in the teaching of these instruments in the classroom. The course is a requirement for the BME program.


At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate and describe proper assembly of instrument, embouchure formation, tone production, hand position, body posture, and correct fingerings for clarinet, flute, and alto saxophone.
  2. Perform to at least a beginner student level with one semester instruction on clarinet, flute, and alto saxophone.
  3. Describe the intonation tendencies of clarinet, flute and alto saxophone.
  4. Diagnose problems and describe possible solutions for common errors with embouchure, tone production, hand position, posture, intonation, and fingerings for clarinet, flute, and alto saxophone.
  5. Describe and demonstrate basic maintenance and emergency repair for flute, clarinet, and alto saxophone.
  6. Describe proper assembly, tone production, hand position, body posture, and correct fingerings for double reed instruments.
  7. Describe appropriate reed, reed size/strength, and mouthpiece selection for woodwind instruments (single and double).
  8. Plan, teach, and self-evaluate a lesson for a woodwind instrument.
  9. Discuss methods and supplemental student books for appropriate level of instruction.


  1. Performance assessments: (15 pts.) Points will be awarded on the quality of the performances and how effectively the techniques covered thus far are exhibited. The assessment tool which will be used to evaluate your playing will be created during class.
  2. Binders: (25 pts.) Points awarded will be based content, organization, and quality. You will be creating your own collection of materials that include tips and tools for teaching woodwinds. Please types all work for the binder, including class notes. Please include an index of topics and a bibliography of all published articles collected. Binders will be due at the end of the semester.
  3. Reading Assignment/reflections: (15pts.)There will be several reading and listening assignments to be done throughout the semester. Include a copy of the reading assignment in your binder in addition to aone- page summary of the assignment should be typed and placed in binder. The summary should include the important points and connection of how you may use in the information as a future teacher. Please use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. when completing your work.
  4. Written Tests/Quizzes/Exams: Points will be provided with each assessment.
  5. Observation (15 pts.) Five observations of concert band classes (variety of levels, variety of schools) are required. Points will be awarded for completion of the observation sheet. Please use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. when completing your work. Please place written work in your binder.
  6. On-site Teaching: (20 pts.) Set up two opportunities to work with individual woodwind student or small group of woodwind students. A list of potential contacts will be given in class. After each session, write a one-page summary: what you did, how successful-why/why not, what you need to know before next session.
  7. Class participation/discussion: (15pts.) Points awarded each class session based on preparation of performance assignments and reading/discussion assignments.
  8. Mini-teaching lessons: (30 pts.)Each student will be expected to teach a 5 minute lesson during class. Details for lesson will be given out in class before assignment. The assessment tool which will be used to evaluate your planning and instruction will be created during class.
  9. Attendance: (5 pts.) Points will be awarded for prompt attendance at each session.

Your grade will be determined by percentage of points received based on total points possible.

You may retake any performance assessmentonce for a chance to raise your grade, but you must complete the retake within the following week. Retests are only allowed through the final session of class.

Cincinnati Christian University uses the following grading scale:

Grade / Percentage / Points / Meaning
A- / 95-100
92-94 / 4.00
3.67 / Exceptional work; outstanding or surpassing achievement of course objectives
B- / 89-91
83-85 / 3.33
2.67 / Good work; substantial achievement of course objectives
C- / 80-82
74-76 / 2.33
1.67 / Acceptable work; essential achievement of course objectives
D- / 71-73
65-67 / 1.33
0.67 / Marginal work; minimal or inadequate achievement of course objectives
F / 0-64 / 0.00 / Unacceptable work; failure of course objectives


Late work or late work due to an unexcused absence, will receive a deduction of 10%. The work must be handed in at the next class session to be accepted for a grade.


Regular attendance is required. According to CCU policy, more than 2 absences will result in an FA (failure due to absence).


Students are expected to spend an appropriate amount of time at least five (5) days a week on instrument practice. Due to the nature of the learning, out of class preparation is imperative.


Feel free to bring your laptop/iPad, etc. to class to use for in-class browsing.


  • Observations and/or performances outside the scheduled class period
  • Class discussions
  • Performance
  • Lecture
  • Reading/research assignments
  • Written assessments
  • Performance assessments
  • Quizzes – performance, written
  • Class demonstrations/Mini-lesson
  • Binder
  • Mid-Term Exam
  • Final Exam

Daily Course Plan

Date / Session / Class work
1/28/13 / 1 / General Information: Syllabus, grading, tests, homework, practice, assign instruments, method book
Clarinet: Assembly, disassembly, embouchure, posture, finger position, instrument care, tone production (concert Bb, C, D, E, F), indentify parts, basic maintenance
Assignment: Next session: E.E. Rev. 1-10, New 11- 26
Practice log: Design and keep an excel sheet of time practice each day
Research: Find and share with class ideas on selecting clarinet/woodwind mouthpieces; share one article with ideas on selecting ligatures; record ideas in your notes.
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
2/4/13 / 2 / Clarinet – Breathing exercises, tonguing, mouthpiece selection, ligature selection, transposition/ranges
Assignment: E. E. Rev. 11-26, New 27-39
Performance Assessment: TBA
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research: Bring at least two examples of existing performance rubrics to class.Design your own performance assessment tool.
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
2/11/13 / 3 / Clarinet : Register names, Clarinet family, Over the Break
Assignment: E. E. Rev. 27-39, New 119-125, pg. 40 concert Bb
Performance Assessment: TBA
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research: Find and share one article about clarinet repair, intonation, and troubleshooting. Record ideas in your notes.
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
2/18/13 / 4 / Clarinet : Chromatic scale
Assignment: E. E. Rev. 119-125, Fingering chart – chromatic scale
Performance Assessment: TBA
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research: Compare two clarinet method books. Make a list of similarities and a list of differences. Consider the page layout, sequence of learning new information, unique features, etc. After your research, write a 1-page reflection of the method you would chose to use in future teaching and why.
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
2/25/13 / 5 / Clarinet: Final Exam – 1 octave scale(concert Bb & Eb)
Chromatic scale (low E to High C)
E. E. exercise (your choice Pgs. TBA)
Assignment:Work on your binder.
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research: Flute teaching tips, troubleshooter information, information to help select students to play flute; physical attributes, audition ideas, etc.
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
3/11/13 / 6 / Return clarinet;assign flute.
Flute : Assembly, disassembly, embouchure, posture, finger position, instrument care, tone production (concert Bb, C, D, E, F), indentify parts, basic maintenance
Assignment:E.E. Rev. 1-10, New 11- 26
Performance Assessment: TBA
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research: Strategies for small and large group instruction – beginner, intermediate, secondary. Topics can include: seating, grouping (homogenous, heterogeneous), special needs students
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
3/18/13 / 7 / Flute : Breathing exercises, tonguing, transposition/ranges
Assignment: next session: E. E. Rev. 11-26, New 27-39
Performance Assessment: TBA
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research: Compare two flute method books. Make a list of similarities and a list of differences. Consider the page layout, sequence of learning new information, unique features, etc. After your research, write a 1-page reflection of the method you would chose to use in future teaching and why.
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
3/25/13 / 8 / Flute:Flute family
Assignment:E. E. Rev. 27-39, New 40-51, pg. 40 concert Bb
Performance Assessment: TBA
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research:Historical research on one woodwind instrument (selections will be done in class) Address the following questions:When/where was the instrument invented; the primary inventors; any significant changes/developments to the instrument; who implemented these changes?
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
4/1/13 / 9 / Flute:Warm-up exercise – octave, chromatic, intonation tendencies
Assignment:E. E. Rev. 40-51, Fingering chart – chromatic scale
Performance Assessment: TBA
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research:Prepare lists of possible brand selections for flutes and for clarinets. Include beginner, intermediate, and professional level
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
4/8/13 / 10 / Flute: Final Exam – 1 octave scale(concert Bb & Eb)
Chromatic scale (low F to High D)
E. E. exercise (your choice Pgs.TBA)
Assignment:Work on your binder.
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research: Prepare a list of appropriate level solos and ensembles, various levels, for one woodwind instrument. We will make instrument assignments in class.
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
4/15/13 / 11 / Return flute; distribute alto saxophone.
Alto Saxophone: Assembly, disassembly, embouchure, instrument care, tone production (concert Bb, C, D, E, F), indentify parts, basic maintenance
Assignment:Next session: E.E. Rev. 1-10, New 11- 26, Pg. 40 concert Bb
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research: Compare two alto saxophone method books. Make a list of similarities and a list of differences. Consider the page layout, sequence of learning new information, unique features, etc. After your research, write a 1-page reflection of the method you would chose to use in future teaching and why.
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
4/22/13 / 12 / Alto Saxophone: Breathing exercises, tonguing, mouthpiece selection, ligature selection
Assignment:E. E. Rev. 11-26, New 27-39, chromatic scale
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research:Prepare a list of possible brand selections for alto saxophone players. Include beginner, intermediate, and professional levels.
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
4/29/13 / 13 / Alto Saxophone: Transposition/ranges, saxophone family
Assignment:Work on your binder. Due next session.
Alto Saxophone Final Exam – 1 octave scale(concert Bb & Eb)
Chromatic scale (low E to High B)
E. E. exercise (your choice Pgs.TBA)
Practice log: Continue to log your practice minutes
Research:Find and read one article about starting students on double reed instruments; topics may include: physical limitations, cost, ensemble needs, etc.
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
5/6/13 / 14 / Return alto saxophone.
Double reeds –oboe/bassoon: (Guest lecturer) Tonguing, reed selection, transposition/ranges, basic maintenance, best class method books for double reed players
Assignment:Prepare for written final; type/organize double reed info for binder
Practice log: Place the excel record in your binder.
Research:Locate at least one article about technology for use in the instrumental classroom. Read and summarize (1- page): what is it, how much does it cost, how it is used, required technology to run program, etc., would you use it?
Class discussion: Your thoughts on today’s class work. Any questions?
5/13/13 / 15 / FINAL EXAM
Course evaluation/discussion – suggestions for improvement

Students who require academic accommodations due to any documented physical, psychological or learning disability should request assistance from the Academic Support Director within the first two weeks of class. The Academic Support Office is located in the Lower Level of the Worship and Ministry Building (room 153). You may also contact the office by phone (513-244-8420).

Academic Honesty

Adhere to the CCU policy regarding academic honesty.

Any part of this syllabus is subject to change during the course of the semester at the discretion of the instructor.