Date as Postmark

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your interest in the post of Farm Livestock Officer

Please find enclosed with this letter a copy of the following information about the post.

  • An application form
  • A Job Description – Farm Livestock Officer.
  • Person Specification – Essential Skills
  • Terms and Conditions of Employment
  • Staff Structure within Essex Wildlife Trust

Essex Wildlife Trust was founded as a Charity and Limited Company in 1959 by Essex people who were determined to protect interesting wildlife and important habitats and countryside. Essex Wildlife Trust is a registered charity, protecting wildlife for the future and for the people of Essex. The Trust has 87 nature reserves, 9 Visitor Centres, over 33,000 members, 100 staff and 2,000 volunteers.

You will be responsible for day to day management of the Trust’s livestock enterprise. We run a herd of about 50 Shetland cattle and a flock of about 350mainly Shetland sheep, plus eight Exmoor conservation ponies. The livestock is based at our Tollesbury Wick Nature Reserves, however the sheep are moved around the county to graze our other nature reserves. Many of our nature reserves are in agri-environment schemes and require the carful management of grazing to fulfil the conditions of the scheme. The livestock also produce a return from meat and livestock sales.

The Farm Livestock Officer will be responsible for the animal welfare to ensure the animals are maintained in good health and good condition. There is a system of people willing to check animals on a daily basis and the Farm Livestock Officer is responsible for maintaining a robust system. The Farm Livestock Officer will be the first point of contact for emergencies and matters relating to stock issues.

The Farm Livestock Officer will also be responsible for all the administration involved with keeping livestock such as movement records, medicine records etc. and to ensure Essex Wildlife Trust is compliant with all regulations,including health and safety and meetingtheconditions of Single Payment Scheme Cross Compliance.

This position is a new post and there is plenty of scope to expand the business. The post holder would be expected to expand the business by grazing more of our nature reserves while maintaining the balance of good conservation management to maximise income for the Trust through meat and livestock sales.

This is a most interesting position that will enable the right person to apply their livestock knowledge and experience to develop the livestock enterprise of the organisation whilst maintain the good conservation condition of our nature reserves.

To apply for the post please return the application form together with your full CV and a covering letter explaining why you are suited to the post, bearing in mind the essential skills for the post. Please send your applications to our Headquarters at Abbotts Hall Farm.

Closing date for applications is Friday 11th April at 4pm. Interviews will take place Wednesday 30th April at Tollesbury Wick Nature Reserve, with appointment soon after. We will acknowledge safe receipt of your application, however, due to the high number of applicants we are not able to respond further unless you are selected for interview. If you are selected for interview, we will phone you and confirm in writing.If you have not heard from us by the interview date you have not been successful in getting an interview. Thank you in anticipation of your application.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Neil Bedford

Senior Reserves Manager


Job Description for: Farm Livestock Officer


Essex Wildlife Trust aims to protect wildlife for the future and for the people of Essex.
It is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. It is one of 47 Wildlife Trusts which form the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts. The staff of Essex Wildlife Trust and its subsidiaries Essex Wildlife Sales, Essex Ecology Services, Chafford Gorges and Thameside Nature Park, work alongside large numbers of volunteers and work within the policies and budgets agreed by the Board of Trustees and set out in the Strategic Plan. We are a dynamic and fast growing organisation with many opportunities, both to maintain our existing activities and to take on important new initiatives.

Title of Post:Farm Livestock Officer

Responsible to:Reserves Manager North and East

Main Aim of the Job: To support the Strategic Plan of the Trust and be responsible for animal welfare and the administration of Essex Wildlife Trust stock, including all cattle, sheep and ponies. To work closely with Essex Wildlife Trust staff and volunteers to ensure the good conservation grazing of our nature reserves. To develop best practice so Essex Wildlife Trust adheres to meeting all legislation and regulations. Where opportunities arise develop the grazing animal programme.

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Work closely with existing EWT staff and volunteers to administer and manage livestock used for the management of grassland and heathland habitats on a number of nature reserves.
  2. Take overall responsibility and carry out practical tasks for all EWT stock welfare issues; ensure that all EWT animals grazing sites are maintained in good health and condition. This includes:
  • Animal health plans
  • Welfare risk assessments
  • Stock management activity risk assessments
  • Biosecurity/cleansing and disinfection procedures
  • Movement of livestock
  1. Ensure that all legislation relating to livestock is implemented across all aspects of the livestock on EWT sites. This includes:
  • A continuous herd/flock record
  • Movement book/passports
  • Medicine records
  • Movement licences
  • Tagging requirements
  1. Using the Grazing Animals Project (GAP) guidelines to implement a Grazing Policy across the Trust by working closely with the Reserves Managers, other EWT staff and volunteers
  1. Take overall responsibility for the EWT flying flock and work closely with other reserves staff/volunteers to co-ordinate the movement of the flock around the reserves, in particular to ensure grazing compliance with Higher Level Stewardship Scheme.
  2. To be responsible for the gazing animal budget, and ensure control of expenditure and ensure income is generated though sale of livestock and meat.
  3. Coordinate day-to-day welfare inspections at all sites where livestock are located.Establish, manage and monitor volunteer ‘lookers’ for sites where livestock are grazing.
  4. Be the first point of contact for staff or volunteer ‘lookers’ with regard toemergency issues, such as those requiring a vet.
  5. Monitor the grazing infrastructure (fencing, handling facilities, and water supply) of sites where the livestock graze to ensure it is well maintained and, where appropriate, liaise with the site wardens to complete necessarymaintenance of livestock infrastructure.
  6. Carry out practical tasks that relate to livestock including maintaining and installing fencing, gates, water and stock handling facilities.
  7. Work closely with other staff/volunteers to deliver good conservation practice including monitoring the effects of grazing on habitats and associated wildlife.
  8. Seek out opportunities to develop the grazing animal programme to generate income and secure good conservation grazing on our nature reserves.
  9. Liaise and maintain good working relationships with neighbouring landowners, graziers, volunteers and visitors to EWT reserves.
  10. Seek to promote the good work of EWT through attending and assisting at events, giving presentations, writing articles, press releases etc.
  11. Provide advice on livestock and support other reserves staff and volunteers who are involved with grazing on EWT sites
  12. To undertake other comparable duties under the direction of your line manager which are bound to occur in a busy organisation.

Essential Skills

  • A qualification in agriculture, livestock management, land/conservation management and or at least three years significant experience in the practical (hands on) management of livestock.
  • Comprehensive understanding and experience with all livestock legislation/administration including animal welfare regulations.
  • Practical management, especially livestock fencing and stock handling equipment.
  • Need to be physically fit to undertake practical duties all day long.
  • Sound understanding of managing grassland to maintain good conservation status
  • Familiarity with relevant IT packages (computer literate).
  • Ability to manage resources well, and prioritise workloads
  • Understanding of safe working practices especially related to livestock and carry out risk assessments for all relevant tasks.
  • Ability to work within a team and encourage good working relationships between staff, volunteers and partners.
  • Able to work in a calm and sympathetic manner when dealing with both livestock and people
  • Experience of providing excellent customer service, understanding your customers’ needs
  • Valid driving licence including towing a trailer


NameofEmployer: Essex Wildlife Trust

TitleofPost: Grazing Livestock Officer


Responsibleto: Reserves Manager whoisLineManagerforthispost.

PlaceofWork: Tollesbury Wick Nature Reserve.

HoursofWork: 37.5hoursperweek,normally7.5perdayexcludinglunchbreaksandotherbreaks.Normalhoursare9amto5pm,however,workwillberequiredoutsidethesehours,and you must expect to worksomeevenings,weekendsandBankHolidaysforwhichtimemaybetakenoffinlieu.GuidanceandproceduresonclaimingtimeoffinlieuareincludedintheStaffHandbook,locatedonSharePoint.

Itinerary:YoumustcompleteastaffitineraryinadvanceforeachweekforyourLineManagertoread,thismustshowthedaysyouareworking,thehoursyouintendtoworkandindicatekeyjobsyouareundertaking. ThisisheldonMicrosoftOutlookCalendar.InstructionsareintheStaffHandbook.

Salary:upto£23,300 perannumdependingonexperienceandqualificationsandsubjecttoreviewwithyourLineManager. Salaryispaidmonthlyinarrears. IfforsomereasonitisclearthattheTrusthasoverpaidorunderpaidononemonthitwilladjustthisbydeductionoradditiononthenextmonth. RatesofpayarereviewedinNovembereachyear.DetailsofsalaryduringProbationaryperiodwillbesetoutinyourletterofappointment.

Travelling: WhenusingyourownvehicleonTrustbusiness(excludingordinarycommuting)amileageallowancemaybepayable(fulldetailsandcurrentratesareavailableintheStaffHandbook). Whenyoumakeatravelclaimyouwillbeaskedtoconfirmthatyourprivatevehicleisappropriatelyinsured,taxedandhasanMOT(whereapplicable).

Travelatthebeginningorendoftheworkingdayto/fromyournormalplaceofworkiswithinyourowntime. Itisnotclassedasworkingtimeandyouarethereforenotentitledtorecordtimeoffinlieuforthesejourneys. Ifanemployeetravelsfromtheirplaceofworktoanotherworkrelatedlocationortemporaryplaceofwork,thisisnormallyinworktime.Ifanemployee’srolerequiresthemtotravelfromhometoatemporaryplaceofworkatthestartofthedayitwouldbereasonableforanemployeetospendthefirst30minutesofthejourneyintheirowntime.Thesamewouldapplyattheendofthedayifanemployeetravelsfromatemporaryplaceofworktohomeinthatitwouldbereasonablefor30minutesofthatjourneytobeintheirowntime.FullguidancecanbefoundintheStaffHandbookonSharePoint.SpecificexceptionstothiscanbeagreedbyyourLineManagerforgoingonaparticularvisitortrainingoutsideofEssex,wherethelengthofthejourneyismorethananormaljourneytimeyouwoulddowithinEssex.

AnnualLeave:Ourholidayyearrunsfrom1stJanuaryto31stDecember.Foracompleteholidayyearfull-timestaffareentitledto23workingdaysinadditiontodaysinlieuofstatutorybankholidaysrisingto25daysafter5years’ service.


Youwillnotnormallybeabletotakemorethan3consecutiveweeksasholidayandatleastthreeworkingdaysmustbetakenbetweenNovember1standMarch1st. Annualleavemustnormallybetakeninthecalendaryearitisdue,butsomedayscanbecarriedoverwithagreementoftheLineManagerprovidingtheyaretakenby31stMarchofthefollowingyear.



LengthofContract: This is a permanent post

OtherExpenses: OtherlegitimateclaimsforexpensesonTrustbusinesscanbemadeontheappropriateclaimformprovidingthesehavebeenagreedinadvancebytheappropriateBudgetHead.

Pension: The Trust or its subsidiaries will offer a pension contribution of 4% to a pension scheme approved by Essex Wildlife Trust and which meets the criteria for auto-enrolment, providing that the member of staff has passed probation and also contributes 3% into that same pension scheme.

Notice:Aftertheprobationaryperiod,onemonth'snoticeofterminationofemploymentisrequiredbyeitherside. TheEmployerisrequiredtogiveoneadditionalweekofnoticeforeachcompletedyearofcontinuousemploymentexceeding4completedyearstoamaximumof12weeks’ notice.TheTrustmaydirectastaffmembertotakeanyoutstandingholidayduringtheperiodofnotice.


AnemployeeshouldtakeanyGrievanceorAppealinthefirstinstancetotheLineManagertowhomhe/sheisresponsible. AnyDisciplinarymatterwill,inthefirstinstance,beraisedbyanEmployee'sLineManager.










Ifamemberofstaffisabsentfor1–3calendardaysinclusivetheyshouldcompletePartAoftheAppendix2FormStatementofSickAbsenceandforwardthistotheirLineManagerandtheCEO’sPAforconfidentialfiling. Appendix2StatementofSickAbsenceFormisavailablefromTrustMainOffices,fromtheComputerUDriveunderStaffInformation–Forms,orSharePoint.



SickpayentitlementsincreaseinrelationtothetimethatamemberofstaffhasbeenincontinuousemploymentwiththeTrustoritssubsidiaries. Thefollowingarethetotalamountsofsickpaythatamemberofstaffisentitledtoreceiveduringany12monthperiodasaresultofsickabsencewhichhasbeenproperlynotifiedtotheTrust. (Forthesepurposesthe12monthperiodisarollingperiodof12consecutivemonthscalculatedfromthefirstdayofabsence).





Afterthreeyears’ ofcontinuousservice


After five years’ continuousservice


It should be noted that Company Sick Pay is discretionary and each situation will be subject to review and dealt with on an individual basis.

Ifstatutorysickpay(SSP)isforalongerperiodthananyoftheabovethenSSPwillbepaidtotheendofthatlongerstatutoryperiod. Inordertoqualifyforsickpaythenstaffmustfollowtheproceduresetoutintheircontractandinthispolicy. IfthereareexceptionalcircumstancesthentheTrustwillusediscretionandthiswouldinvolvetheLineManagerdiscussingthecircumstanceswiththeCEOwhowouldcometoadecision.


Contactoutsideofficehours: TheTrustoritsofficersmayneedtocontactyououtsideofficehoursforimportantTrustbusiness.



StaffHandbook:AStaffHandbookisavailableforallTruststaffontheIntranet. Itmustbeunderstoodthatthishandbookandthedetailsinitformclearguidancetostaff,butdonotformpartofacontractofemployment. ItistobefoundontheIntranet,oramemberofstaffcanrequestacopyiftheydonothaveaccesstotheIntranet.










CriminalRecordsBureauChecks:NotethatifthispostiswithinEducationoryouarerequiredtohavethequalificationofaCharteredorCertifiedAccountantyouwillbesubjecttoCRBbackgroundchecks. Convictionsaffectingyourabilitytoworkinthesepostsmayresultinterminationofthepost. AcriminalrecordisnotnecessarilyabartoworkingwiththeTrust.



(This information will be confidential to the Interview Panel and the line manager)






Please outline what experience you have to meet the following Essential skills for this post.
Please feel free to expand the reply boxes or use a separate sheet if you wish to give us further information. (Max 120 words per box)
1.Please highlight your practical (hands on) management of livestock and list any qualifications in agriculture, livestock management, land/conservation management that you have
2. Please describe your experience of livestock legislation/administration including animal welfare regulations
3. Please describe your experience of your practical abilities, especially livestock fencing and stock handling equipment
4. Are you physically fit to undertake practical duties all day long
5. Please describe your understanding of managing grassland to maintain good conservation status
6. Please describe your familiarity with relevant IT packages e.g. use of word processor, email and internet
7. Please explain how you manage resources well and prioritise workloads
8. How do you work to goodand safe working practices especially related to livestock and have you undertaken or carried out risk assessments?
9. Please explain your ability to work within a team and encourage good working relationships between staff, volunteers and partners.
10. Please describe how you work in a calm and sympathetic manner when dealing with both livestock and people
11. How do you work so that you provide excellent customer service and understand your customers’ needs
a) Do you have a valid driving licence? Do you have any current points on your licence and if so how many?
b) Does your driving licence include towing a trailer
1. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? If so please give details of any unspent convictions. Spent convictions do not have to be declared as the job is not one covered by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974(Exceptions) Order 1975)
If you are invited for an interview we will require evidence of the qualifications you have referred to in your application.


We will contact you before we take in references, but please give the name, address, telephone number and email of two referees, stating how long you have known them and in what capacity. One should be your current or most recent employer who is giving a reference on behalf of that company.

Name: / REFEREE 2
Job Title: / Job Title:
Address: / Address:
Telephone Number: / Telephone Number:
Email address: / Email address:
How long you have known them: / How long you have known them:
In what capacity you have known them: / In what capacity you have known them:
I hereby give my consent to Essex Wildlife Trust and its subsidiaries processing the data supplied in this application form for the purpose of recruitment and selection.



I declare that the above information together with my CV and covering letter are to the best of my knowledge complete and correct. Please note: Any false, incomplete or misleading statement may lead to dismissal from the Trust.

Signed by the Applicant: Date:

To assist us with adverts please tell us where you saw this advert

Please return to:

Essex Wildlife Trust, The Joan Elliot Visitor Centre, Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough

Colchester, Essex, CO5 7RZ or e-mail to