Student Activity Sheet: Kindergarten Cooties & Jealous Gentlemen
Goal: To model a problem using a vertex-edge graph and solving it using Euler paths and Hamilton circuit
Number of players: 2
Student Activity Sheet
20 small blue circles
20 small red circles
20 large blue circles
20 large red circles
15 worksheets with large circle per sheet
- Population 1:
- Boys (small blue circles)
- Girls (small red circles)
Setting 1: Kindergarten party table
- Population 2:
- Gentlemen (big blue/red circles)
- Ladies (small blue/red circles)
Setting 2: Wedding dinner tables
- Level 1: Kindergarten birthday party
- Divide the small circles between you and your partner so that one takes care of the kindergarten boys (small blue circles) and one takes care of the kindergarten girls (small red circles).
- The big circle on your worksheet represents the party table. Draw in 5 chairs around the table.
- Each partner takes turn in placing a kindergartener on a chair. Girls don’t like to sit next to boys and vice versa. So, avoid placing a girl next to a boy. The person who is unable to seat their kindergartener loses.
- Try this game using different number of chairs and fill in the table provided in the next page.
Trial # / # of chairs / Who made the first move? / Win/Lose / Comments (Any special moves that you or your opponent made)?
1 / 8 / me / Win / None; just guessed my move
While you are playing the games, here are some questions to think about:
Do you notice any patterns?
Can you identify any winning strategies?
Trial # / # of chairs / Who made the first move? / Win/Lose / Comments (Any special moves that you or your opponent made)?
Concluding comments (Any patterns? Winning strategies? Winning moves?):
- Level 2: Wedding party
- Divide the large circles between you and your partner so that one player has blue couples (large and small blue circles) and one player has red couples (large and small red circles).
- The big circle on you worksheet represents a wedding banquet table. Draw in 10 chairs around the table
- Each partner takes turn in placing a couple (i.e. blue couple, red couple) on the chairs. A blue couple doesn’t like sitting next to a red couple. So, avoid placing a blue couple next to a red couple. The person who is unable to seat their couple loses.
- Try this game using different number of chairs and fill in the table provided in the next page.
Trial # / # of chairs / # of coupled chairs / Who made the first move? / Win/Lose / Comments (Any special moves that you or your opponent made)?
1 / 8 / 4 / Win / Lose / Trying the strategy found in level 1
Think about these questions as you play:
Do you notice any patterns? If yes, are they the same patterns that you found in Level 1?
Can you identify any winning strategies?
Trial # / # of chairs / # of coupled chairs / Who made the first move? / Win/Lose / Comments (Any special moves that you or your opponent made)?
Concluding comments (Any patterns? Winning strategies? Winning moves?):
- Level 3: Wedding party
- The big circle on you worksheet represents a wedding banquet table. Draw in 20 chairs around the table
- Each partner takes turn in placing a couple (i.e. blue couple, red couple) on the chairs. Each individual takes up one seat and each couple has to sit together side by side. A gentleman doesn’t like his partner sitting next to another gentleman (i.e. blue gentleman doesn’t like his partner sitting next to either a red or another blue gentleman. Similarly, red gentleman doesn’t like his partner sitting next to either a blue or another red gentleman.); the gentleman will get jealous if another gentleman sits next to his partner. The person who is unable to seat their couple without a gentleman getting jealous loses.
- Try this game using different number of chairs and fill in the table provided in the next page.
Think about these questions as you play:
Do you notice any patterns? If yes, any same patterns as you found in Level 1 or 2? Can you identify any winning strategies?
Trial # / # of chairs / # of coupled chairs / Who made the first move? / Win/Lose / Comments (Any special moves that you or your opponentmade)?
Concluding comments (Any patterns? Winning strategies? Winning moves?):
Conclusions & Take home points:
(After teacher discussion)
Goal of the model used:
Winning strategies:
- Level 1:
- Level 2:
- Level 3:
- Common winning strategy:
Take home points on the model used (i.e. What did you learn from this game?):
Can you model the game with a vertex-edge graph? What are your vertices and what are your edges? If yes, how do you use the vertex-edge graph in your model? In other words, what are you trying to do using the vertex-edge graph?
Teacher Lesson Plan for: Discrete Math—Euler Paths and Hamilton Circuit
Math Game: Kindergarten Cooties & Jealous Gentlemen
Game Lesson Length: 1 hour
Game Type: Devise Strategies
Grade Level(s): 9-12 grade high school
Student Math Game Worksheets
20 small blue circles
20 small red circles
20 large blue circles
20 large red circles
15 worksheets with large circle per sheet
Learning goals:
-To model a problem using vertex-edge graphs, and solving the problem through
investigation and application of Euler Paths and Hamilton Circuits.
Formulating a rule
Searching for a pattern
Making a hypothesis and testing it
NCTM Standards Correlation:
This game satisfies the NCTM Standards for Communication by enabling grades 9-12 students to:
-Organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication.
-Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers and
-Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others.
This game satisfies the NCTM Standards for Discrete Mathematics by enabling grades 9-12 students to:
-Understand and apply vertex-edge graph topics including Euler paths, Hamilton
paths, critical paths.
-Understand, analyze, and apply vertex-edge graphs to model and solve problems
related to paths, circuits, networks, and relationships among a finite number of
elements in real-world and abstract settings.
-Cut out small and large circles on red and blue construction paper using a dime and a quarter to trace the circles (20 for each student x #of students).
-Print out 15 worksheets with 1 large circle per page (x # of student pairs).
-Practice the math game with another person to familiarize yourself with the
concepts before using the game lesson in class.
- Distribute student worksheets and cut out circles
- Place students in pairs
- Give each pair 15 sheets with circles pre-drawn on them. (5 min for steps 1-3)
- Read over the instructions for Level 1 together (5 min).
- Have students try Level 1 game and walk around to see how they are doing;
ask them questions (15 min).
- Have students move onto Level 2 game (15 min)
- Have students move onto Level 3 game (10 min)
- Distribution “Conclusions & Take home points” sheet andcome together to explain
the Euler paths and Hamilton Circuits (10 min)
- Assess the students’ understanding by looking over their“Conclusions & Take home points” sheet.
Discussion and Problem Solution:
This game could be represented as a vertex-edge graph. The vertices represent the seats and the edges connecting two vertices represent the degree of freedom of the opponent’s moves. There are two goals of each move: (1) To connect all possible vertices (2) To minimize the degree of freedom (DOF) of the opponent’s moves. An edge can only be drawn to connect two of the same-colored circles. For example: Level 1 game: Let blue make the first move and red make the second move,
Now let’s think of ourselves as player #1. Our aim is to create aEuler path as shown below:
Thus, we want to know what the consequences are if we seat a kindergartener in one of the vertices that is part of our aim, i.e. seat #2, #3, #4, #8, #9, #10, #11. If we seat a blue kindergartener in seat #2 then, there are 6 possible seats for our opponent, player #2, to seat a red kindergartener given the constraints; this means that the DOF of the opponent’s moves is 6. Repeating the same logic to seat #3, #4, #8, #9, #10, #11, it is found that the minimum DOF of the opponent’s moves is 4. Thus, the best move would be to seat a kindergartener in seat #8 or #9. Similarly, player #2 will follow the same technique and find that seating a kindergartener in seat #3 will minimize player #1’s moves.
Now, our aim for Euler path is:
Again, follow the same logic finding the opponent’s minimum DOF. In this game, each path is determined by finding the opponent’s minimum DOF. You can picture each value of DOF as the cost of traveling the Euler path.
After several repetitions, you can find that there is first-move advantage for odd number of chairs and second-move advantage for even number of chairs. The same strategy could be use to tackle level 2 and level 3 of this game. However, it is important for the students to be able to recognize that a couple can be represented as a single individual with a certain constraints (e.g. the constraint for Level 2 game is that there has to be 2 chairs next to each of the red circle.)
Facilitating questions during game time encourages students to think deeper and develop new strategies:
- Level 1:
Do you notice any patterns?
Can you identify any winning strategies?
Can you model the game with a vertex-edge graph? If yes, how do you use the vertex-edge graph in your model? What are your vertices and what are your edges? In other words, what are you trying to do using the vertex-edge graph?
- Level 2 and 3:
Do you notice any patterns? If yes, any same patterns as you found in level 1? Can you identify any winning strategies?
Can you model the game with the same vertex-edge graph that you used for level 1?
If yes, how do you use the vertex-edge graph for this level? What are your vertices and what are your edges?
If not, what modification did you make to your vertex-edge graph? Did you use a completely different vertex-edge graph?
Wrapping up the game:
- Possible questions to ask at the end of the game:
- What is the common winning strategy?
- What model did you use?
- What is your goal by using that model?
- What did you learn from this game about that model?
- Do you think you can use the same model for any other application? If yes, give an example!
Use the “Discussion and Problem Solution” and Examples of answers to the Student Activity Sheet (below) to assess student understanding:
Modelused: Vertex-edge graph
Goal of the model used:
(1) To connect all possible vertices
(2) To minimize the DOF of the opponent’s moves.
Winning strategies:
- Level 1, 2, and 3common winning strategies:
- Odd number of chairs:Make the first move to win! (Reason: you basically have more choices to choose from by taking the first move)
- Even number of chairs: Make the second move to win! (Reason: since you have even number of chairs, there is equal number of choices for both players; thus, seeing your opponent’s move will give you advantage to adjust your strategy.)
- Minimize the opponent’s DOF.
Take home points on the model used (i.e. What did you learn from this game?):
Vertex-edge graph can be used to model a real situation. In this case, the opponent’s DOF to sit a person in a table under certain constraints can be pictured as the cost to travel through the Euler’s path.