General Chemistry Course Outline
Mr. Karl Hwang
The course expectations and policies for Chemistry are outlined in this document. After reviewing this course outline, please sign where indicated if you understand and agree to support the contents of this document. Although I do not foresee any reason to change the contents of this document, circumstances may arise in which it will be necessary to do so. As such, the rules and information in this outline are subject to change.
Course Name / ChemistryCourse
Description / Students will be exposed to an array of topics, practices, and concepts in modern chemistry. We will also work on developing problem-solving skills and lab techniques.
Teacher / Mr. Karl Hwang
Required Supplies / · Three-ring binder (at least 2”)
· Textbook, Study Guide, and Lab Notebook
· Loose-leaf paper (no spiral notebooks please)
· Pencils (Preferred) or blue/black pens
· A calculator
· A positive attitude
I expect students to come to class on time and prepared with all necessary materials and work. I expect students to show respect among their peers, themselves, and me. Accordingly, I will show each and every student the respect they deserve as a fellow individual. In addition, I expect persistence and a desire to achieve. As is always the case in science classes, there may be concepts that are difficult to grasp at times, but I ask for perseverance in order to ensure success at each student’s full potential.
In return for the student’s efforts, I will also come to class prepared each day with a positive attitude and an open mind. Knowing that we are all different, I will make every effort to be accommodating through a variety of instructional methods. You can expect me to grade fairly and return assignments in a timely manner. If any student needs extra help outside of class time, I will be available during tutorial and before school by appointment. I ask only that you schedule extra help sessions with me in advance.
Bi-Weekly Assignment Calendar
Students will be given a new assignment calendar every two weeks. These calendars outline each class and what will be expected for homework. This is a good tool for planning your study schedule and for your parents to stay in touch with what's going on in our class. I advise you all to keep these calendars in your notebooks and to refer to them daily to help you stay organized. The calendar can be accessed on the class website at:
There will be times when these outlines change due to unforeseen circumstances. When and if this occurs, it is the student’s responsibility to make the necessary changes and keep up with what is required of them on a daily basis.
Grading Policy
Student grades are based on several aspects of the learning experience. The grading system for Chemistry is based on total points and assignments are weighted as follows:
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Semester Grade
Element / Point ValuesHomework and Classwork / 10%
Quizzes / 10%
Tests and Projects / 35%
Lab Reports / 25%
Semester Exam / 20%
Homework and Classwork (10%) – Students should expect daily homework assignments pertaining to concepts covered in class. These problem sets will vary in type and length but are meant to reinforce covered topics and help introduce new topics. Homework and most classwork will be graded based on effort, meaning that students should attempt, to the best of their ability, AND show all work, with respect to the assigned problems. In addition, assignments will be delivered and graded online at: Failure to do so will result in a zero for the assignment. I DO NOT accept late homework!
Quizzes (10%) – With rare exception, students need never fear an unannounced (pop) quiz. Students will be given advanced notice when a quiz is scheduled and these assessments will be given periodically to ensure comprehension.
Tests and Projects (35%) – Tests will be given at the end of each unit covered and may contain supplemental lecture material as well as material from the book. Review materials, such as practice tests and old homework sets, will be made available prior to such assessments to effectively focus the student’s studying. Projects will also be assigned throughout the year and may vary significantly in structure. Students will always be provided with a project-specific rubric as a guide.
Lab Reports (25%) - Documentation of thought processes and procedural information is a vital part of the scientific process. Lab reports for the remainder of the year will take different forms and the more formal the report, the more points it will be worth.
Semester Exam (20%) – The semester exam will assess the student’s comprehension and mastery of all material covered over the course of that semester.
Late Work Policy
The following policy will be strictly adhered to with regard to late work. In some instances, special consideration may be granted following extended absences. The course of action followed for late work depends on the nature of the student’s absence (excused or unexcused).
Excused Absences / Unexcused AbsencesClass Notes / Those students who miss class, for any reason, are responsible for obtaining the notes from the day(s) in question from a classmate.
Homework / If the student was present in class on the day an assignment is given, he/she is responsible for its completion on the due date.
If a student is not present on the day an assignment is given, it is due according to the formula: # of days missed +1 day. / If a student is truant, no credit will be given for any missed work.
If an assignment is given while a student is truant, the work is due on the original due date or will result in a zero.
Tests and Quizzes / If a student is in school on an exam day, but misses our test, they must complete the exam by 3:45 on that day excepting previously made arrangements.
If a student misses an entire day of school, they must take the exam according to the same formula as missing HW assignments unless otherwise specified by me. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the student, not the teacher, to schedule any make-ups. / If a student is truant on an exam day, no credit will be given.
*Please note that it is the responsibility of the student to complete missing or late work. I will not track down missing assignments, so please stay organized and turn in all work in a timely fashion!
Class Rules
1. Act professionally and respectfully at all times.
2. Come to class ready to participate and to learn some really cool stuff.
3. Turn off and put away all electronic equipment (cell phones, ipods, etc.) before the start of class.
4. Observe all rules set forth in the student handbook.
5. Five Tardies = a conduct grade of “N”
Laptop Policy
Laptop computers can be powerful educational tools when used appropriately. If you own a laptop, I welcome you to bring it to class and use it to take notes provided that you obey the following guidelines:
1. During class, students may not use their laptops for any tasks not directly related to class activities (absolutely no Facebook, MySpace, Youtube, etc.).
2. Students will never, under any circumstances, visit any websites or run any programs that containing inappropriate material or content.
Failure to follow these rules will result in immediate loss of laptop privileges for the remainder of the semester or year and possible disciplinary action from the administration.
Discipline Plan
Though I do not anticipate any serious discipline problems, the policies set forth in the student handbook will be followed if the need arises.
Teacher-Parent Communication
I will contact you periodically by email or phone to touch base about your child. Please feel free to email () at any time if questions or concerns arise. I am looking forward to a new and exciting year and I hope your child enjoys this class as much as I will!
Topics of Interest
Over the course of this year we will study myriad topics pertaining to chemistry and the scientific thought process. These topics include but are not limited to:
Semester 1
I. Data Analysis
II. Matter and its properties and changes
III. Atomic Structure and Nuclear Chemistry
IV. Electrons in Atoms
V. The Periodic Table and trends
VI. Ionic Compounds
VII. Covalent compounds and bonding
VIII. Chemical Reactions
IX. Moles
Semester 2
I. Stoichiometry
II. States of Matter
III. Gases
IV. Solutions
V. Energy and Chemical Change
VI. Reaction Rates
VII. Acids and Bases
VIII. Redox Reactions
IX. Electrochemistry
*Note the Final Exam for Semester two is COMPREHENSIVE which includes both semester 1 and semester 2 topics.
*** Please sign and return to Mr. Hwang by Friday, August 21, 2009 ***
Student Name:
I have read, understand, and will abide by Mr. Hwang’s course outline, rules, and expectations including the following topics:
· All students are required to maintain a dedicated three ring binder.
· Student attendance, participation, and effort are required to be successful in this course
· Student-teacher expectations are clearly outlined and will be followed
· There is a late work policy that will be strictly adhered to.
· The class rules and safety guidelines are understood and will be supported.
· Students will need to pickup a web-assign card to create a login for webassign
· If a student is marked tardy 5 times in one semester, he/she will earn a conduct grade of, “N.”
Student Signature: Date:
Parent Signature: Date:
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