Reading Log: Grapes of Wrath Name:
Date: Per.:
Chapter / Critical Thinking Question / Supported Response (TS +2 Chunks. Weave-in quotes.)(Suggestion: Use space below for note-taking. Type or write your response on a separate page to have more room.)
1 / How do the women know that the men are not “broken”? What makes the men “whole”
3 / What could the turtle symbolize? Why?
4 / What kind of man is Casey? What does he seek? wonder about?
(Weave-in a quote from him.)
6 / How does Muley feel about his land? How is he affected by its loss? Why?
7 / How are the car dealers portrayed? What do they value? How do they affect others?
8 / How is Ma characterized? What object is she compared to and why?
What does “holiness” mean to Casey? Where can it be found? How is it lost?