Revised 04/29/02
CV updated 1 13 2013
J. Edward and Ruth Cox Lantz Professor of Christian Communication
Office: Yale Divinity School
409 Prospect Street
New Haven, Connecticut 06511
T 203-432-5330 F 203-432-5356
Home: 56 Hickory Road
Woodbridge, Connecticut 06525
D. D. Virginia Theological Seminary
S.T.D.Dickinson College, 1993
B.D.Colgate Rochester Divinity School, 1970
B.A.Yale University, graduated cumlaude, 1967
Co-President of Societas Homiletica (the international guild of scholars in homiletics) 2008 -- 2010
President of the Academy of Homiletics, 1987
Twice books and/or contributions were listed by the Academy of Parish Clergy as
among the ten most important in the year they were published.
Ecumenical Scholar, Colgate Rochester Divinity School, 1967-68
Scriven Foundation Scholarship, 1963-67
United Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.
Episcopal Church
2005 – presentJ. Edward and Ruth Cox Lantz Professor of Christian
Communication, Yale Divinity School
2002 -2005 Sr. Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs
The Iliff School of Theology
2000-2005 Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program
The Iliff School of Theology
1991 - 2005Ralph E. and Norma E. Peck Professor of Preaching and Communications
The Iliff School of Theology
1986-1991Professor of Preaching and Parish Ministry
Colgate Rochester Divinity School/Bexley Hall/Crozer
Theological Seminary
1977-1986Associate Professor of Preaching and Parish Ministry
Colgate Rochester Divinity School/Bexley Hall/Crozer
Theological Seminary
1970-1977Associate Pastor
New Hartford Presbyterian Church
Courses in homiletics, worship and congregational song
A Sermon Workbook: Exercises in the Art and Craft of Preaching, Thomas H. Troeger, Nora Tubbs Tisdale (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2013)
Music as Prayer: The Theology and Practice of Church Music, Thomas H. Troeger (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013)
Sermon Sparks: 122 ideas to ignite your preaching, Thomas H. Troeger (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2011)
Wonder Reborn: Creating Sermons on Hymns, Music, and Poetry Thomas H. Troeger (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2010)
God, you made all things for singing, Thomas H. Troeger, New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.
So That All Might Know: Preaching to the Whole Congregation Thomas H. Troeger & Edward Everding, Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2008.
Preaching and Worship Thomas H. Troeger (St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2003).
Above the Moon Earth Rises: Hymn Texts, Anthems and Poems for a New Creation, Thomas H. Troeger. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2001).
Imagining a Sermon, Thomas H. Troeger, tr. by Hirohide Koshikawa. In Japanese. (Tokyo: The Board of Publications, The United Church of Christ in Japan, 2001).
Preaching While the Church is Under Reconstruction. The Visionary Role of Preachers in a Fragmented World, Thomas H. Troeger, Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1999.
New Proclamation Series A, 1999, Easter Through Pentecost, Thomas H. Troeger, et. al. Minneapolis: MN: Fortress Press, 1999.
Wrestling with the Patriarchs. Retrieving Women’s Voices in Preaching. Lee McGee edited by Thomas H. Troeger. Nashville: Abingdon Press (1996).
Ten Strategies for Preaching in a MultiMedia Culture, Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1996.
Borrowed Light: Hymn Texts, Prayers, and Poems. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Trouble at the Table. Gathering the Tribes for Worship. with Carol Doran. (Nashville: Abingdon Press 1992).
The Parable of Ten Preachers. (Nashville: Abingdon Press 1992).
New Hymns for the Life of the Church, with Carol Doran. (New York: Oxford University Press 1992).
Imagining a Sermon. (Abingdon Press: 1990).
New Hymns for the Lectionary: To Glorify the Maker's Name, with Carol Doran, (Oxford University Press, 1985).
Open to Glory: Renewing Worship in the Congregation, with Carol Doran, (Judson Press, 1983).
Creating Fresh Images in the Pulpit: New Rungs for Jacob's Ladder. Listed as one of the ten most important books in 1983 by the Academy of Parish Clergy. (Judson Press, 1982).
Are You Saved? Answers to the Awkward Question, (Westminster Press, 1979).
Rage! Reflect. Rejoice! Praying with the Psalmists (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1977).
Meditation: Escape to Reality, (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1977).
Update on publications 5/9/2013
3 chapters in Feasting on the Word (Westminster/John Knox)
expositions of
Psalm 89
2 Samuel 11: 1-15
2 Samuel 11:26-13:13
12 monthly columns for the journal Lectionary Homiletics
“Preaching that Heals: Responding to the Cognitive Imperialism of the new Atheists” in the journal The Preacher (Published by The College of Preachers in Great Britain) April 2013
Chapters in press:
“Reforming Preaching in Light of the Environmental Crisis” due out in the collected papers of Societas Homiletica (the international guild of homiletical scholars)
A significant number of hymn texts and anthem texts have been published with new settings by contemporary composers. Since these poems were already named in earlier years – they date from the early 1980s up to the present – they do not count as new publications, but I think it is significant that they continue to grow in influence as a vital part of congregation song and choral repertoire.
Composers who have created new settings for my poems as hymns, anthems, larger choral works and art songs:
William H. Albright, Rene Clausen, Carson Cooman, Donald Crutchfield, Dominic Diorio, Carol Doran, Brock Downward, Bradley Ellingboe, David Hurd, John Kuzma, Libby Larsen, Christopher Lee, Sally Ann Morris, Barry Oliver, Alice Parker, Donald Pearson, Walter Pelz, Richard Proulx, Carey Ratcliff, William Rowan, Glen Rudolph, K. Lee Scott, and Amy Schifrin.
Chapters in Books:
12 homiletical essays in Feasting on the Word (Westminster/John Knox) 6 published, 6 in press.
“Brocoli, Chocolate, Tigers, Buytterflies: Transformational Teaching as Faithfulness to the Creator” in Transforming Power, Hugh Ballou, ed., Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 2008.
“I Thank You, God, My Heart Is Beating: The Place of Elemental Prayer in a Preacher’s Life” in Best Advice: Wisdom on Ministry from 30 Leading Pastors and Preachers, William J. Carl III, (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 2009).
Contributor to Yes to Peace, R. Scott Colglazier, ed. St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press (2001) "No More Scapegoats," pp. 58-64.
Contributor to Preaching through the Year of Luke: Sermons that Work IX, Roger Alling and David J. Schlafer, eds. Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing, (2000). "Living with Ambiguity as Faithfulness to Christ: Some Implications of Richard Hooker's Theology for an Anglican Homiletic," pp. 106-118
Contributor to Patterns of Preaching: A Sermon Sampler, Ronald J. Allen, ed. St. Louis: MO: Chalice Press (1998). "The Alchemy of Grace," pp. 151-162.
Contributor to Speaking of Stewardship: Model Sermons on Money and Possessions, William G. Carter, ed. Louisville, KY: Geneva Press (1998). "Good Circulation [Daniel 5:23]," pp. 13-17.
Contributor to Best Advice for Preaching, John S. McClure, ed. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press (1998). “Coordinating with the Rest of the Service” pp. 117-134.
Contributor to The Sermon as Symphony: Preaching the Literary Forms of the New Testament by Mike Graves. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press (1997). "Overhearing Love’s Music in a Brutal World" [Revelation 7:15-17], pp. 248-255 .
Contributor to Preaching as the Art of Sacred Conversations. Sermons That Work IV. Roger Alling and David J. Schlafer, eds. Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing, (1997). "Come My Way, My Truth, My Life," pp. 80-84.
Contributor to Seasons of Preaching: 160 Best Sermons from the Preaching Resource, Word & Witness. John M. Rottman and Paul S. Wilson, eds. New Berlin, WI: Liturgical Publications Inc., 1996.
Luke 2:1-20. Christmas Eve, December 24-25, 1985. Pp 37-38.
Isaiah 58:5-12. The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, February 8, 1981. Pp. 67-68.
Matthew 5:1-12. The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, February 1, 1987. Pp. 71-72.
Acts 1:1-11. Ascension Day, May 20, 1982. Pp. 158-159.
Contributor Preaching on the Brink. The Future of Homiletics, Marsha J. Simmons, ed., Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1996; “Can You Imagine This? The Future Role of Imagination in Preaching,” pp. 135-44.
Contributor to and one of the main poets for the translations of the biblical texts in The Psalter, ed. Gabe Huck (Chicago, IL: Archdiocese of Chicago, Liturgy Training Publications, 1995).
Contributor to and one of the main poets for the translations of the biblical texts in Psalms for Morning and Evening Prayer, ed. Gabe Huck (Chicago, IL: Archdiocese of Chicago, Liturgy Training Publications, 1995).
Contributor to New Songs of Rejoicing, David P. Schaap, ed. (Kingston, NY: Selah Publishing Co., 1994) p. 149.
Contributor to Intersections: Post-Critical Studies in Preaching, Richard L. Esinger, ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1994), "Poetics of the Pulpit for Post-Modern Times," pp. 42-64.
Contributor to The Complete Library of Christian Worship, 7 vols. Robert Webber, ed. (Nashville, TN: Abbott-Martyn Press, Summer, 1993). Vol. IV Resources for Music and the Arts in Worship. Entries included are:
- "Art in Worship: The Integrity of Form and Faith"
- "Choosing a Hymnal: An Act of Ministry on Behalf of the Whole Church" (with Carol Doran).
Contributor to Together Met, Together Bound: Hymn Settings by William Rowan. (Selah Publishing Co.,1993).
Contributor to Preaching through the Apocalypse. Sermons from Revelation. "Overhearing Love's Music in a Brutal World." Edited by Cornish R. Rogers and Joseph R. Jeter, Jr. (St. Louis: Chalice Press, 1992) 97-105.
Contributor to Abingdon Preacher's Annual 1993. Edited by John K. Bergland (Nashville: Abingdon, 1992) 285; 293.
Contributor to The Hymnological Annual, An International Forum on the Hymn and Worship, ed. Vernon Wicker (Vande Vere Publishing, Ltd.).
Contributor to 1992 and 1993 Abingdon Preacher's Annual, ed. John Bergland (Abingdon Press).
Contributor to Learning Preaching: Understanding and Participating in the Process, a project of the Academy of Homiletics funded by the Lilly Foundation and others, 1989.
Contributor to Preaching As a Social Act, A. Van Seters, ed. Nashville: (Abingdon Press, 1988). ["The Social Power of Myth as a Key to Preaching on Social Issues, pp. 205-234; Sermon, "A Primal Fearsom Wonder," pp 225-231.]
Contributor to Preaching Biblically, Don M. Wardlaw, ed. Listed as one of the ten most important books in 1984 by the Academy of Parish Clergy. (Westminster Press, 1983). [Shaping Sermons by the Encounter of Text with Preacher: Jeremiah 1:4-10; Sermon: 'I Am With You'"]
Guest Editor, Circuit Writer (July-August 2000) Vol. 24, No. 4.
Editor of the Abingdon preacher's series on imagination and preaching:
Editor, The Hum: Call and Response in African American Preaching by Evans Crawford (Abingdon, 1995)
Editor, Speaking from the Heart. Preaching with Passion by Richard F. Ward. Nashville, TN: (Abingdon Press) 1992.
Art and Media editor for the journal, Homiletic.
I continue to write a monthly column for Lectionary Homiletics.
I am just finishing my 4th and final year as chaplain to the American Guild of Organists, and I have written 4 years of monthly columns for their journal The American Organist
"Themes for the Season: ‘A Transition of Power" in Lectionary Homiletics (July2003), Vol. XIV, No. 4, p.39.
"Themes for the Season: ‘Optometry for the Human Heart’" in Lectionary Homiletics (June 2003), Vol. XIV, No. 4, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: ‘Is It Possible to Change the World?’" in Lectionary Homiletics (April/May 2003), Vol. XIV, No. 3, inside front cover.
"The Blessing and the Curse of Tolerance" in The Living Pulpit (January- March, 2003), Vol. 12, No. 1, p.6.
"Themes for the Season: ‘The Next Time You Look at a Rainbow’" in Lectionary Homiletics (February, 2003/March 2003), Vol. XIV, No. 2, p.29.
"Themes for the Season: ‘Doing a New Thing: When God Shifts the Paradigm" in Lectionary Homiletics (February, 2003/March 2003), Vol. XIV, No. 2, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: ‘Conspiracies Worth Knowing About’" in Lectionary Homiletics (December, 2002/January 2003), Vol. XIV, No. 1, p.37.
"Themes for the Season: ‘Extravagant Claims You Can Trust’" in Lectionary Homiletics (December, 2002/January 2003), Vol. XIV, No. 1, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: ‘The Energy Field of Hope" in Lectionary Homiletics (November, 2002), Vol. XIII, No. 12, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: ‘Breaking the Speed Limit on the Road to Nowhere’" in Lectionary Homiletics (October, 2002), Vol. XIII, No. 11, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: ‘Pardon and Punishment'" in Lectionary Homiletics (September, 2002), Vol. XIII, No. 10, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'God’s Irrevocable Faith In Us?'" in Lectionary Homiletics (August 2002), Vol. XIII, No. 9, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'Who Calls the Tune?'" in Lectionary Homiletics (July 2002), Vol. XIII, No. 8, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'Do No Harm'" Lectionary Homiletics (January 2002) Vol. XIII, No. 2, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'Never Out of Breath'" Lectionary Homiletics (May 2002) Vol. XIII, No. 6, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'Far Better than a Visitation of Angels'" Lectionary Homiletics (April 2002) Vol. XIII, No. 5, inside front cover.
"Initiation and Formation in a Post-Christian Era. 'What King Would Wade Through Murky Streams: baptism as the confluence of divine extravagance and human need'" in Virginia Seminary Journal (January 2002), p. 5-15.
"You Are What You Eat: formation as feeding on Christ" in Virginia Seminary Journal (January 2002), p. 16-28.
"Themes for the Season: 'Starting Assumptions'" Lectionary Homiletics (March 2002) Vol. XIII, No. 4, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'Suckers for the Talking Snake'" Lectionary Homiletics (February 2002) Vol. XIII, No. 3, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'Do No Harm'" Lectionary Homiletics (January 2002) Vol. XIII, No. 2, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'The Realism of Christmas'" Lectionary Homiletics (December 2001) Vol. XIII, No. 1, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'Speaking Different Languages'" Lectionary Homiletics (November 2001) Vol. XII, No. 12, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'Each Breath Is Borrowed Air'" Lectionary Homiletics (October 2001) Vol. XII, No. 11, inside front cover.
"Serving the Word" Homily Service (September 2001) Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 30-32
"Themes for the Season: 'A Parable Rewritten,'" Lectionary Homiletics (September 2001) Vol. XII, No. 10, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'Carrying Too Much?'" Lectionary Homiletics (August 2001) Vol. XII, No. 9, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'The Problem with a Religion of Right Answers,'" Lectionary Homiletics (July 2001) Vol. XII, No. 8, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'Truth Too Heavy to Bear,'" Lectionary Homiletics (June 2001) Vol. XII, No. 7, inside front cover.
"Solid Meanings Fold: the terror of resurrection" Lexington Theological Quarterly (Summer 2001) Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, p. 65.
"Traveler Passing Through: the surprise of resurrection" Lexington Theological Quarterly (Summer 2001) Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, p. 81.
"View the Present Through the Promise: the hope of the resurrection" Lexington Theological Quarterly (Summer 2001) Vo. XXXVI, No. 2, p. 99.
"'Resurrection Weavings,' Acts 9:36-43," Journal for Preachers (Easter 2000), Volume XXIV, No. 3, pp. 11-14.
"Themes for the Season: 'Grumbling and the Flutter of Holy Wings,'" Lectionary Homiletics (May 2001) Vol. XII, No. 6, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: Futile Strategies for Resisting God,'" Lectionary Homiletics (April 2001) Vol. XII, No. 5, inside front cover.
"Traveler, Are You Passing Through?" Hymn Text used in "Hymn Tune Interpretation: Badlands, and Brookings, 7777D" by Sally Ann Morris in The Hymn (January 2001) Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 44-45.
"Themes for a Season: 'Long Ago and Far Away, Here and Now, Forever,'" Lectionary Homiletics (March 2001) Vol. XII, No. 4, inside front cover.
"Themes for a Season: 'A Connection More Essential Than Being on Line,'" Lectionary Homiletics (February 2001) Vol. XII, No. 3, inside front cover.
"Serving the Word" Homily Service (December 2000) Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 74-76.
"Themes for the Season: 'Lifetime Ordination Ambiguities,'" Lectionary Homiletics (January 2001) Vol. XII, No. 2, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'Collapsing the Distance between Heaven and Earth,'" Lectionary Homiletics (December 2000) Vol. XII, No. 1, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'A Penny's Worth of Galaxies,'" Lectionary Homiletics (November 2000) Vol. XI, No. 12, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'The Deed That Interprets Itself,'" Lectionary Homiletics (October 2000) Vol. XI, No. 11, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'The Breaker and Maker of Taboos,'" Lectionary Homiletics (September 2000) Vol. XI, No. 10, inside front cover.
"Commentary: Song of Songs 2:8-13; Psalm 45: 1-2, 6-9; James 1:17-27; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 [Proper 17: September 3, 2000, Vol. 00:5 (Year B)]" in Preaching Word and Witness, Paul Scott Wilson and John M. Rottman, eds. New Berlin, WI: Liturgical Publications, Inc., pp. 189-192.
"Redeemed by a Weeping God," [Proper 14] August 13, 2000 Biblical Preaching Journal (Summer 2000) Vol. 13, No. 3: pp. 19-21.
"Built on Rock, Open to the Wind: Five Wesleyan Principles for the Renewal of Worship," Circuit Rider (July-August 2000) Vol. 24, No. 4: 4-6.
"Themes for the Season: 'Getting the Heart in Shape,'" Lectionary Homiletics (August 2000) Vol. XII, No. 9, inside front cover.
"Themes for the Season: 'The Epistle as the Sound Track to the Gospel,'" Lectionary Homiletics, (July 2000) Vol. XII, No. 8, inside front cover.
"Serving the Word: 'Wind Over the Plain,'" Homily Service (June 2000) Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 36-38.
“Themes for the Season: 'Ancient Listeners,' ” Lectionary Homiletics, (June 2000) Vol. XII, No. 7, inside front cover.
“Themes for the Season: 'Resurrection Hermeneutics,'” Lectionary Homiletics, (May 2000) Vol. XI, No. 6, inside front cover.
“Themes for the Season: 'Burying the Terror of Resurrection, '” Lectionary Homiletics, (April 2000) Vol. XI, No. 5, inside front cover.
“Themes for the Season: ' Lent as a Resurrection Flash Back,'” Lectionary Homiletics, (March 2000) Vol. XI, No. 4, inside front cover.
“For God Risk Everything: Reconstructing a Theology of Church Music, ” Reformed Liturgy & Music, Vol. 33.3, 1999, pp. 3-7.
“Themes for the Season: 'After the Angels Depart,' ” Lectionary Homiletics (January 2000) Vol. XI, No. 2, inside front cover.
“Themes for the Season: ' The Most Convincing Angel,'" Lectionary Homiletics (December 1999) Vol. XI, No. 1, inside front cover.
“Serving the Word,” Homily Service (October 1999) Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 44-46.
“Spending Our Inheritance on Hope,” Preaching Stewardship in Faithfulness Sustains the Generations, a Stewardship Education Magazine for Congregational Leaders published by Presbyterian Church (USA) (1999) Vol. I, Part 2, pp. 6-7.
“Boundary Time, ” Genesis 32:22-31 (August 1, 1999) [Proper 13] Biblical Preaching Journal (Summer 1999) Vol. 12, No. 3: pp. 12-15.
"Serving the Word," Homily Service (December 1998) Vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 17-19.
“Hymns as Midrashim: Congregational Song as Biblical Interpretation and Theological Reconstruction. The Hymn (July 1998) Volume 49, No. 3, pp. 13-16.
“Preaching the Lesson” Lectionary Homiletics (June 1998) Volume IX, No. 7, pp. 8, 1516.
“First Sunday of Advent (November 30, 1997) Luke 3:1-6,Stand Firm,” Biblical Preaching Journal (Fall 1997) Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 25-27.
"Let All the World in Every Corner Sing," Pulpit Digest (July/August 1997): 37-40.
"Hospitality in Worship: A welcoming God and a welcoming church" In Builder An Educational Magazine for Congregational Leaders. Congregational Literature Division of the Mennonite Publishing House, Scottsdale, PA. (July 1997): 2-5.