January 24, 2017

6:00 PM City Hall

1008 Civic Court, Pleasant View, Tennessee

CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 PM By Dan Small


Present: Mike Guthrie, Jimmy West, Stephen Carr ,Dan Small, Buddy Wright

Heather Hardwick, 7th spot vacant unfilled.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Stephen Carr motioned to keep existing officers the same, 2nd by Buddy Wright, Mike Guthrie Clarified stating that current officers were Dan Small chairman, Stephen Carr vice-chairman, Mark Goins Secretary. Vote All present Aye motion passes 6-0


Stephen Carr Motioned to approve the minutes from the regular meeting on December 27th , 2016 . 2nd Mike Guthrie 2nd the motion. Vote All Present Aye 6-0, Motion Passed.


1.  Jennifer Hersteck commented on lots being across zoning lines, Discussed calculations for the overlay presented copies to planning commission of her calculations.

2.  Sharon Armstrong observation on Aspen Grove, conservation district and contradictions, Calculations disparity. talked about lots going over district lines. discussed connections to Pleasant View road and Boat factory road ask that the commission not consider action on this plan due to concern over ordinance problems.

3.  Mike Armstrong asked questions about we are not following our own regulations. Pleasant View is not ready for growth, needs to prepare before growth. Due to infrastructure, schools, and fire protection. Ordinance is contradictor to itself in multiple areas. Boards are not questioning what is being done.

4.  Melissa Phillips concerns over like not like housing, quoted land use plan, and wants turn lanes installed at all entrances to development.

5.  Kelly Dowlingham concerned about Aspen grove entrance across from their house. Feels like the intersection would be very dangerous.

6.  Tracy Baker talked about serious problem with curves at new intersection. Thinks that entrance is poor location.

7.  Willie Joe Collins wondering what they are going to start are they going to have to fix Boat Factory Rd. where it comes out owns property across and beside. Feels like the criminals and traffic will cut through the area. Is the city or developer going to fix the road.

8.  Billy Lynch lives in Pin oak wants the area to stay the same, feels like 400 vehicles will be too much traffic. Talked about most of these home would be occupied by young people with kids. Feels traffic is going to be terrible.

9.  Patrica Dogin lives on Pin oak drive. Narrow rural farm road, mirrors gets knocked off of vehicles, the road will not hold the vehicles. 2 major businesses are already on this road and have heavy traffic. The congestion from Pleasant View Road will become Boat factory road congestion.

10.  Jim Hudgins asked about the city impromptu discussion with developer concerning road improvements.

11.  Heather Hardwick discussed meeting with developer on turn lanes. The city is planning on working on Pleasant View Road. The developer is installing a left turn lane.

12.  Cheryl Hoffsfield what about the hill. People do not drive 30 on that road. people fly on that hill. People will top hill at 50.

13.  Janet Tabor asked will the infrastructure be in before the development is done. The widening of Pleasant View Road needs to be done first.

14.  Robert Wiggins came from Florida they have a problem with cut through roads with speed bump to slow people down for the sake of the children.


A.  Mike Guthrie Motioned to approve amendments to Subdivision regulations Article I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII, Appendix A and B , 2nd by Stephen Carr ,Vote all present AYE 6-0 ( Public hearing was held on December 27th 2016.)


A.  Motion to approve Proposed sketch plat and open space/cluster concept plan for Aspen Grove Development . Made by Stephen Carr 2nd By Buddy Wright motion withdrawn by Stephen Carr and Buddy Wright before vote. No vote

B.  Motion restated to approve proposed sketch plat (open space/cluster )with any deficiencies corrected on the preliminary plat. by Stephen Carr, 2nd by Buddy Wright. motion vote; Dan Small No, Stephen Carr yes, Mike Guthrie yes, Heather Hardwick yes, Buddy Wright yes, Jimmy West Yes, Motion passes 5-1


Contractor for Dr. Nordquist has decided to make office 100% brick which exceeds the design standards but is a change to what was approved.

Motion to Adjourn by Stephen Carr, 2nd by Dan Small. Motion passes all present Aye.
