Thank you for volunteering to serve on TCE’s School Advisory Council. We value your time, opinions, and dedication.
In attendance: Traci Hemingway, Constance Woida (excused), Michelle Traylor, Emily DaBruzzi, Alison Cooper, Leslie Anderson, Suzanne Balog, Kim Denny (excused), Lisa Dowling, Kathy Gilmore, Stephanie Hall (absent), Ann Marie Hinkle (excused), Kelly Hoessler (absent), Dave Holden (excused), Stephanie Howell, Andrew Hurey – (excused), Jocelyn Marabell, Susan Nordin, Denise Perrigo, Katharine Sharman (absent), Julie Sutton, Patricia Tople, Christopher Vedvick (absent), Karleen Nickerson, Andrea Turner (excused).
I. Welcome – Mrs. Traylor
II. Mrs. DaBruzzi and Ms. Nickerson share information regarding the SAC - sponsored Military Family Workshop – An online course, support group for children who have military families, The Spark – caring teachers and administration who work with the students so that there is the support that keeps the students focused on school without having to think too much of the deployed parent. Background of families: how do we know if the students are from military families? Just added to the county’s registration process (now on 2017-18 forms) is the request for whether or not a parent is active duty. The guidance counselor will be able to identify the families to help the students with a report for the upcoming school year; however, for those who are currently enrolled, there will be a request for that data. Also those who have families in geographical areas, allow the teachers to be sensitive to expressing lessons about that area; celebrating the holidays when a student has a deployed parent – how can we help them? From the Comfort Crew for Military Kids is a kit - “With You All the Way”. A box with a diary (my super secret journal), post cards, family guidebook, a DVD, dog tags, a stuffed animal. This information is to help a student express his/her feelings with the parent being deployed.
III. Break into two groups to brainstorm ideas to map out the Military Family Group (Mrs. DaBruzzi) and the New Family Welcoming Plan (Mrs. Traylor)
New Family Welcoming Plan- Mrs. Traylor:
- Guidance/Registrar clerk, Amy Mann - when new families register, we should send them the updated newsletter in digital form and any other up-to-date information that they would need. Keep them in the loop as if they were already on campus so they know what is going on.
- Room moms – send a welcome letter to the other moms who may want to join the various programs at the school and/or volunteer at the school.
Military Family Group- Mrs. DaBruzzi:
- Start small the first school year. We plan to offer an after-school club to help support military children. A military child is anyone who has an active or reserve military member in their immediate family (mom, dad, sister, brother).
- Meetings will be monthly or every other month from 3-4 p.m. We will focus on support, holidays with/without military family members, Treats for Troops, Wall of Honor, and Veteran’s Day celebration.
- We may have to survey our families early next year to find out who would qualify.
IV. PTO Update/Call for Membership – Mrs. Nordin – We need another chairperson for the business partners/SAC position. This person brings in funds for the school. VP for fundraising needed – Boosterthon is one of the largest fundraisers and the PTO member would be the school liaison. SAC/PTO person needed – helps with communication.
V. Principal update – Mrs. Hemingway: 4 days for registration – the district allows us to have these days for one-on-one time with the registrar; kindergarten students are screened on basic knowledge for class placement; a tour by administration is done so that new students/families know the surroundings. This is open for all grade levels.
VI. Vote to approve March minutes – Mrs. Traylor – Kathy Gilmore motioned, Leslie Anderson seconded. Approved.
VII. Share the results of the School Recognition Disbursement vote – Mrs. Traylor - 84 ballots turned in. 1 “no”, 1 “blank,” all others “yes”. Lisa Dowling motioned, Julie Sutton seconded.
VIII. New business/Questions and answers – Mrs. Traylor – request for PTO positions should come from teacher emails instead of the school newsletter. SAC Member survey sent out this morning needed by May 19th.
IX. Adjourn/Next meeting reminder – Mrs. Traylor. Adjourned at 4:30. Next meeting will be May 1. Motioned by Stephanie Howell, approved by Patty Tople.