
Dr. Ashwani Kumar

(Dept. of Physical Education & Sports , D.A.V. Dwarka)


The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between academic achievement and physical fitness.


500 male students were randomly selected from five Govt. Schools and five public senior secondary schools of south-west Delhi. The age of subjects were ranging 15 to 17 years studying in XI & XII class.To carry out the present study, the selection of variables were based upon mainly from two areas such as :-

a)Academic Achievement Record

The academic achievement was based upon the previous academic achievement of each student in form of total marks obtained in the five subjects at Tenth level examinations and first terminal Examination for the 11th, 12th standards.

b)Physical Fitness test

The second part in the present study was based upon the physical fitness tests, as formulated in the American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and dance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) youth fitness Test battery (YFTB). The main test items of AAHPERD youth fitness test battery were.

1)12 minutes Run and Walk

2)Shuttle Run.

3)50 Yard Dash.

4)Sit ups (Bent knee )


After getting the analysis of the collected data, the following findings has been drawn.

1)238 out of 500 subjects i.e. 47.36% had the significant academic achievement i.e. 60.39% in their X, XI & XII Ist term examination whereas 52.4% students could not get significant academic achievement.

2)138 out of 238 subjects i.e. 57.98% belonged to significant academic achievement category, performed very well in 12 minutes Run/ walk test. Where as only 42.01% subjects could not performed better in 12 minute run/ walk test.

3)166 out of 238 subjects i.e. 69.74% belonged to significant academic achievement category, performed very well in shuttle run test. Where as only 30.25% subjects could not performed better in shuttle run test.

4)218 out of 238 subjects i.e. 91.59% belonged to significant academic achievement category, Performed very well in 50 yard dash test. Where as only 8.40% subjects could not performed better in 50 yard dash test.

5)138 out of 238 subjects i.e. 57.98% belonged to significant academic achievement category, performed very well in sit- ups test where as only 42.01% subjects could not performed better on sit- ups test.



The importance of education has already been established in the society. The educators has also realized the multidimensional aspects of the education. Keeping in view, this aspect they are also in the direction to develop other educational areas, which are also related with the human- being and the positiveness for the society. The education provides various fundamental directions like: mental, physical, intellectual, social, spiritual and economical etc. These directions have their own utility and importance to the education so that each specific area is also required to improve, which reflects the improvement of educational values.

Physical education, as it would be agreed to enable to students to achieve a state of physical, mental and social well being. Furthermore, it has been a well estimated fact that participation in sports improves one’s health, physical fitness and work efficiency which serves as a means of beneficial recreation, strengthens social harmony and discipline. The need, of every citizen irrespective of sex and age should therefore be to develop general standards of physical health, which would help them for participation in sports and shine.

Recognizing this fact, the “Government of India” has approved a ‘ National Sports Policy’ in both the houses of Parliament in August, 1984. The‘ National Sports Policy’ may certainly reflect on education. The spirit of approval should be practical implemented with the proper check and supervision on the ‘ National Sports Policy’ implementing process.




The present study may also have some following limitations which may effect the final result of the study and also the things, which were beyond the control of the investigator.The Academic achievement may be effected due to individual differences of mental status of senior secondary students of West Delhi.

a)The physical fitness of the senior secondary students of West Delhi schools may also be effected because of participation and training in sports for competitive purpose.

b)The socio- economic status of the family may also effect the mental and physical fitness level and achievement of the students.

c)The height and the weight may also effect the physical fitness of the individuals.


The present study was delimited in the following angles:

a)The present study was delimited to the senior secondary students of South-West Delhi schools only.

b)Five hundred male subjects were selected randomly within the senior secondary class (i.e. XI class) of South- West Delhi Schools.

c)The present study was delimited in regard to the age of senior secondary male students male student ranged between 15 to 17 years only.

d)For the conduct of present study, the senior secondary students were selected randomly from the various schools of South-West Delhi.


The investigator has expected some important contribution in the field of physical education by undertaking the present study.

a)The result may be helpful for teachers and counselors of physical education to provide information of their relative achievement status to the students and the society.

b) The relationship of the present study may help to plan the various curriculum designing for different age group and sex.

c)The relationship of academic achievement and physical fitness of senior secondary students may certainly motivate their cognitive and non-cognitive performance domains.

d)The result of the study may also highlight for the increase of physical education and sports activities in the school curriculum, if the result will be highly significant to the academic achievement and physical fitness relationship.


The present study was based upon the senior secondary schools and subjects related to south-west Delhi. The schools of ‘ South-West Delhi directly working under directorate of Education, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, Delhi. The senior secondary schools were selected randomly whereas, it was kept in mind that a suitable field should be available. The subjects were also selected randomly from the senior secondary classes specifically from eleventh standard. 50 subjects were selected from each school for the present study . The subjects were divided into two groups (i.e. five Govt. Schools and five public schools) from ten senior secondary schools of south-west Delhi. The age of subjects were ranging 15 to 17 years studying in XI & XII class.


To carry out the present study, the selection of variables were based upon mainly from two areas such as :-

c)Academic Achievement Record

The Academic achievement variable was considered as the first part of the present study. The academic achievement was based upon the previous academic achievement of each student in form of total marks obtained in the five subjects at Tenth level examinations and first terminal Examination for the 11th, 12th standards.

d)Physical Fitness test

The second part in the present study was based upon the physical fitness tests, as formulated in the American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and dance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) youth fitness Test battery (YFTB). The main test items of AAHPERD youth fitness test battery were.

1)12 minutes Run and Walk

2)Shuttle Run.

3)50 Yard Dash.

4)Sit ups (Bent knee )

The academic achievement data was collected through the total marks obtained in class tenth examination and Ist terminal examination in 11th , 12th Standard. The data was recorded on the basis of sum of marks of five subjects in their secondary level examination. The physical fitness scores were also recorded as per the specified unit for each test item, like: 12 minutes run/walk in meters, shuttle run in seconds, 50 yard dash in seconds, sit ups in number within 60 seconds, each test variable was to measure the physical fitness of senior secondary school students age ranging 15 to 17 years. The total physical fitness scores were compiled with the help of statistical process and converted into one unit to measure as one variable of physical fitness.


The present study was divided mainly into two parts as:

a)Academic Achievement Record

To collect data for this part, the research scholar has gone through the secondary (tenth) level examination records as to furnish all the information related to academic achievement. Each academic achievement, score (sum of five subjects marks) was mentioned against each respective name of the secondary level student. The authenticity of the data was also maintained because each score was recorded from the officials of the considered school .

b)Physical fitness test

The appropriate and specified processes of the test items were followed to conduct the test items realted to ‘ AAHPERD’ youth fitness test battery. The data was collected through administering the selected eight test items as described under ‘ AAHPERD’ youth. Fitness test battery. The data was collected through administrating the selected eight test items as described under: ‘ AAHPERD’ youth fitness test battery. The correct procedure has been adopted for explanation of each test item.


The researcher conducted a survey cum practical study on male student of various school situated in south-west Delhi belonging to XI & XIIthstandard .


Regarding the mean score of various parameters such as academic achievements, 12 min. run/ walk, shuttle Run, 50 yard dash. Sit, ups related to secondary male students.

S.No. / Name of the Parameter / Total No. of students / Mean Score
1. / Academic Achievement / 500 / 60.39%
2. / 12 min run/walk / 500 / 2394 mtrs.
3. / Shuttle run / 500 / 9.35 sec.
4 / 50 yard dash / 500 / 10.77 sec
5. / Sit ups / 500 / 38.11

Table No. IV.1 reveals that senior secondary male students scored the mean score as 60.39%, 2394 mtrs, 9.35 sec, 10.77 sec, 38.11 in the following parameters, academic achievement, 12 min run/ walk, shuttle run, 50 yard dash, sit-ups respectively.

Table No. IV.2

Regarding comparison between the students of lower & higher mean score of 12 minutes run/walk test in relation to academic achievement.

S. No. / Name of the parameter / Number of student in particular item / Total Number / %
1. / Students who scored more than or equal to mean score of academic achievement / 238 / 500 / 47.6%
2. / Students who scoredequal or more than the mean score of 12 minutes run/ walk test item. / 138 / 238 / 57.98%
3. / Students who score less than the mean score of 12 minutes run/ walk test item. / 100 / 238 / 42.01%

Table No. IV. 2 indicates that the students who had higher academic achievement that is 60.39% also had the greater number of percentage in 12 minutes run/ walk test that is 57.98% in comparison to lower percentage that is 42.01% in 12 minutes run/walk test.


Regarding comparison between the students of lower & higher mean score of shuttle run test in relation to Academic Achievement.

S. No. / Name of the parameter / Number of student in particular item / Total Number / %
1. / Students who scored more than or equal to mean score of academic achievement / 238 / 500 / 47.6%
2. / Students who scoredequal or more than the mean score of shuttle run test item. / 166 / 238 / 69.74%
3. / Students who scored less than the mean score of shuttle run test item / 72 / 238 / 30.25%

Table No. IV.3 tells that the students who had higher academic achievement that is 60.39% also had the greater number of percentage in shuttle run test that is 69.74% in comparison tolower percentage that is 30.25% in shuttle run test.


Regarding comparison between the students of lower & higher mean score of 50 yard dash test in relation to academic achievement.

S. No. / Name of the parameter / Number of student in particular item / Total Number / %
1. / Students who scored more than or equal to mean score of academic achievement / 238 / 500 / 47.6%
2. / Students who scoredequal or more than the mean score of 50 yard dash test item. / 218 / 238 / 91.59%
3. / Students who scored less than the mean score of 50 yard dash test item. / 20 / 238 / 8.40%

Table No. IV.4 states that the students who had higher academic achievement that is 60.39% also had the greater number of percentage in 50 yard dash test i.e. 91.59% in comparison to lower percentage i.e. 8.40% in 50 yard dash test.


Regarding comparison between the students of lower & higher mean score of sit-ups test in relation to academic achievement.

S. No. / Name of the parameter / Number of student in particular item / Total Number / %
1. / Students who scored more than or equal to mean score of academic achievement. / 238 / 500 / 47.6%
2. / Students who scored equal or more than the means score of sit-ups test item. / 138 / 238 / 57.98%
3. / Students who score less than the mean score of sit-ups test item. / 100 / 238 / 42.01%

Table no. IV.5 reveals that the students who had higher academic achievement i.e. 60.39% also had the greater number of percentage in sit-ups test i.e. 57.98% in comparison to lower percentage that is 42.01% in sit-ups test.


After getting the analysis of the collected data, the following findings has been drawn.

1)238 out of 500 subjects i.e. 47.36% had the significant academic achievement i.e. 60.39% in their X, XI & XII ist term examination whereas 52.4% students could not get significant academic achievement.

2)138 out of 238 subjects i.e. 57.98% belonged to significant academic achievement category, performed very well in 12 minutes Run/ walk test. Where as only 42.01% subjects could not performed better in 12 minute run/ walk test.

3)166 out of 238 subjects i.e. 69.74% belonged to significant academic achievement category, performed very well in shuttle run test. Where as only 30.25% subjects could not performed better in shuttle run test.

4)218 out of 238 subjects i.e. 91.59% belonged to significant academic achievement category, Performed very well in 50 yard dash test. Where as only 8.40% subjects could not performed better in 50 yard dash test.

5)138 out of 238 subjects i.e. 57.98% belonged to significant academic achievement category, performed very well in sit- ups test where as only 42.01% subjects could not performed better on sit- ups test.


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2) Coleman, James S. "The Adolescent Subculture and Academic Achievement" American Social Journal, 1969, Pp. 337-347.

3) Hyatt, William Stephen. " An Analysis of the Academic Success of Student Athletes in Selected Junior Colleges In Texas". Dissertation Abstracts International.Vol. 43:07, January 1983, P. 2274 A.

4) National Sport Policy, "Program of Action - 1992'''.Government of India Publication. Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of Youth Affairs And Sports, August 1992, Pp. 01-09.

5) Pandey, R.P. “A Study Of Academic Achievement of Adolescent Students Of Rural And Industrial Area in Relation to their Introvert Extrovert Attitudes And Certain Other Personality Characteristic". Second Survey of Research on Education, Educational Bulletin, 1979, Pp. 5-8.

6) Smith H. L. and M. T. Eaton. "the Scholastic Achievement of Athletes of Indiana University". Bulletin Of School Education Indiana University XVII,1941, P.16.