ICS4M: Visit to DND / QETE (April 16)
- arrive at our building at 10:00 am
- walk to the center entrance, enter the building and collect as one group - do not wander
- contact Warrant Officer Tim Woods at 819-997-3476 (there is a phone at the Commissionaire's desk)
- WO Woods will greet you and get everyone signed in
- you must have photo ID, which is exchanged for a building pass andreturned to you when you sign out
- the students are escorted to the Quality Engineering Testing Establishment (QETE) boardroom
- 10:30 the students are greeted by Dr. Malcolm Bright, Director General of QETE for a briefing
- 11:00 the QETE tour begins
- 12:30 the QETE tour ends
- 12:30 – 12:45 –lunch / snack
- 12:45 marks thestart the question and answer session with the Public Affairs Officers in training
- 1:30 the session ends, afterwards the students collect their coats and bags and proceed with their escort to the Commissionaire's desk to retrievetheir photo IDs
student behaviour/dress/etc.
- professional comportment at all times
- dress code: proper dress (no jeans or t-shirts) is respectful and appreciated, no dishevelled/torn clothing
- identification: each student is required to bring photo ID
- no straying away from the group
- how to address people:
- always address military and civilian staff formally -- "hello Warrant Officer Woods", "helloMr. Paquette" -- until invited otherwise
- if you don't know someone's name, always useSir or Ma'am when addressingthem (military or civilian)
- do not touch thingsin the QETE zones -- people's lives depend on their work
- do not talk out while other people have the floor, raise your hand if you wish to interject -- you will be acknowledged and then given the opportunity to talk
Topics the Public Affairs Officers will want to discuss
- How do you connect with your peers?
- What social networks do you belong to?
- Are there any unwritten rules about how you talk to each other online?
- What type of sites do you like to surf? What's entertaining to you? What'sinformative?
- How much time per day do you spend on the Internet/WWW.
- If you were interested in learning something about the military, where would you look first?
- Would you like to see a Canadian Forces page on networks like Facebook, MySpace?
- Before you knew you were coming here - how many of you visited one of our DND-CF sites?
- Do you prefer to use email or text messaging?
- How many of you own a cell phone? How much call time do you spend a day on it?
- How many text messages do you send/receive a day?
- In your experience, is there a difference in the amount of time girls versus guys spend on theInternet? Ontheir cell phones talking/texting?