PrepUS History
Unit 6 – America Expands
The Real West: Sitting Bull and the Great Sioux Nation
Before we begin watching the film The Real West, review the following vocabulary:
counting coup: the winning of prestige in battle by the Plains Indians; warriors won prestige by acts of bravery in the face of the enemy, and these acts could be recorded in various ways and retold as stories; any blow struck against the enemy counted as a coup, but the most important acts included touching an enemy warrior with the hand, bow, or with a coup stick and escaping unharmed
pictographs: pictures and symbols the Plains Indians wrote on rocks, cave walls, and on scraps of buffalo hide; these pictographs told stories of their battles, heroes, and daily life
As we watch the film The Real West answer the following questions:
1. Who introduced the horse to North America? How did horses change the lifestyle and culture of the Sioux?
2. What did the word “Sioux” mean to other Native Americans? What did the word “Sioux” mean to the Sioux?
3. What were the roles of men and women in Sioux life? Did inheritance and living arrangements follow the mother or the father? What is the term for this?
4. What larger ritual was piercings part of in Sioux culture??
5. What role did war have in Sioux culture compared to its role in white America’s culture? How do we know this?
6. What happened at the Fetterman Massacre?
7. What were the intentions of the U.S. Government in bringing the war chiefs East? How did they accomplish these goals?
8. Why weren't the Sioux interested in gold? What is the importance of the Black Hills to the Sioux culture?
9. What vision did Sitting Bull have before the Battle of Little Bighorn? What was his participation in the battle?
10. Why did Sitting Bull take his people to Canada? Why did they come back?
11. What unusual path did Sitting Bull’s life take after he surrendered?
12. Why was Sitting Bull killed? What did his killers do after his death?
13. Why were the Indians at Big Foot moved to Wounded Knee? What happened at Wounded Knee?
14. What were the consequences for both sides of the fight at Wounded Knee?