Lab Skills and Performance_____/ 3

C / P / Note: C = Complete, 1 pt; P = Partial, 0.5 pt.
Follows instructions accurately, adapting to new circumstances (seeking assistance when required)
Competent and methodical in the use of a range of techniques and equipment
Pays attention to safety issues

Logistics/Final Draft Quality_____ / 5.5

C / P / N / Note: C = Complete, 0.5 pt; P = Partial, 0.25 pt., N = Not at All = 0 pt.
Lab is fully typed
Lab includes a heading in the upper left-hand corner that includes: your name, the date the lab was turned in, your class period (and partner name(s) if applicable)
The appropriate title of your lab (i.e. it matches, or is extremely close to, the title given in class) is included as a document title—distinct, centered, and either bold or underlined
Your lab is presented in aproper, clear order
No single data table carries over onto a second page without proper notation and labels
Data tables, figures, and graphs are each numbered sequentially
Data tables, figures each have a proper, descriptive title and/or caption
All tables, figures, and graphs are inserted properly into a single Word document
The raw and processed data tables are all clear and easy to interpret—proper gridlines; legible font size; organized clearly.
The orientation of all pages of the lab report is consistently in the portrait orientation
Lab was turned in to on time and in a proper file format that can be opened and read.

Analysis Aspect 1: Raw Data: “The report includes sufficient relevant quantitative and qualitative raw data that could support a detailed and valid conclusion to the research question” ______/ 3 raw  _____ / 6 IB

C / P / N / Note: C = Complete, 0.5 pt; P = Partial, 0.25 pt., N = Not at All = 0 pt.
Single measurements that are supplemental (i.e. those related to controlled variables, not the MV or RV) have been recorded clearly and with proper units
Column headings for all variables include proper label and units
An appropriate number of manipulations have been recorded for the manipulated variable
An appropriate number of trials have been recorded for both the manipulated and the responding variables
There are only measured pieces of data, no calculations at all, reported in the raw data
Measured pieces of data are reported to an appropriate number of significant figures/appropriate precision

Analysis Aspect 2: DataProcessing“Appropriate and sufficient data processing is carried out with the accuracy”___ / 5.5(7.5) raw  ___ / 6 IB

C / P / N / N/A / Note: C = Complete, 0.5 pt; P = Partial, 0.25 pt., N = Not at All = 0 pt.
Column headings for all variables include proper label and units
At least 1 complete sample calculation is included for every individual type of calculation used during processing
All values that needed to be processed have been processed (and no extraneous/unnecessary data was processed)
All processing, as shown in the sample calculations, was completed correctly
All processing, as shown in the sample calculations, was reported completely—clear/thorough work shown
Sample calculations are immediately after the table in which the data is reported
A graph is included, using proper data in order to show the relationship between the MV and RV
The MV and RV have been plotted on their appropriate axis
The proper fit line(curve) has been applied to the data in the graph
A statement is made after the initial graph stating the relationship between the MV and the RV (not necessary if linear)
If the initial graph is not linear, sample calculations for and a data table showing the mathematical manipulation done to one of the axes of data is included
If the initial graph is not linear, the correct manipulation of your values has been calculated (and corresponds to the curve-fit of your initial data)
If the initial graph is not linear, a second graph, using your new calculated values, is included
Each graph has an appropriate title, has appropriate labels on each axis, and has no “extra” or unused space in the graph
Each graph contains point protectors (point symbols), but no “connecting lines”

Analysis Aspect 3: Impact of Uncertainty: “The report shows evidence of full and appropriate consideration of the impact of measurement uncertainty on the analysis.” ______/ 6 raw  _____ / 6 IB

C / P / N / Note: C = Complete, 0.5 pt; P = Partial, 0.25 pt., N = Not at All = 0 pt.
Appropriate absolute uncertainties have been reported clearly for each measured variable associated with the MV
Appropriate absolute uncertainties have been reported clearly for each measured variable associated with the RV
Appropriate absolute uncertainties have been reported clearly for each stated CV
Under the raw data table(s), statements justifying the uncertainties that were used have been reported
The statements justifying the uncertainties that were used are clear, logical, and thorough
The precision of the measured data agrees with the precision of the uncertainties that were reported
All averaged data includes properly calculated uncertainties (if different, should be in a separate, but adjacent, column)
Other processed data also includes correcly calculated uncertainties, reported in a proper way and in a column adjacent to the column in which the data is reported.
Sample calculations for each error propagation used have been shown thoroughly and clearly
Uncertainties are reported properly in graph(s) as error bars. If the error bars are too small to be visible, a statement explaining this has been included under the graph.
Max and Min slopes have been included on the final linear graph
Max and min slopes are inserted appropriately for the reported uncertainties/error bars used.

Analysis Aspect 4: Interpretation of Processed Data “The processed data is correctly interpreted so that a completely valid and detailed conclusion to the research question can be deduced.” ______/ 2 raw  _____ / 6 IB

C / P / N / n/a / Note: C = Complete, 0.5 pt; P = Partial, 0.25 pt., N = Not at All = 0 pt.
The slopes for each of the 3 lines (best-fit, max and min) have been reported with appropriate sig. figs. and units
The final slope is clearly reported with appropriate uncertainty, sig. figs. and units
If outliers were present in the data, a statement has been included to outline why they were determined to be an outlier, and what was done with them during processing.
There is a summary of the lab—an interpretation of the graph to respond to the lab’s purpose and the meaning of the slope.

Evaluation Aspect 1: Conclusion “A detailed conclusion is described and justified which is entirely relevant to the research question and fully supported by the data presented.” ______/ 3(3.5) raw  _____ / 6 IB

C / P / N / n/a / Note: C = Complete, 0.5 pt; P = Partial, 0.25 pt., N = Not at All = 0 pt.
Logical/correct conclusion is drawn, based on data processed
Correct or not, the written conclusion relates to the problem / purpose of the lab
Appropriate/Key data has been used to support conclusion with direct reference to figures and tables
Patterns and/or trends in the data related to the research question have been stated, with specific numerical reference to figures and/or data tables
Patterns and/or trends in the data are described with reference to the graph(s) created during processing.
If any hypotheses are being tested, there is a statement whether the data supports the hypotheses (without using the word “proves” or “disproves”)
The level of support (strong, weak, none, or inconclusive) for the hypothesis/conclusion is identified, correct and justified.

Evaluation Aspect 2: Scientific Context “A conclusion is correctly described and justified through relevant comparison to the accepted scientific context.” ______/ 2(3) raw  _____ / 6 IB

C / P / N / n/a / Note: C = Complete, 0.5 pt; P = Partial, 0.25 pt., N = Not at All = 0 pt.
Scientific explanation for the results is described
If measuring an already known and accepted value, compare value with that in a textbook, in order to assess the validity of the result.
If using an accepted value, reference appropriate source (Wikipedia is not acceptable)
Accuracy of conclusion is discussed quantitatively and qualitatively, referencing data and comparison to known value as appropriate
Precision of the conclusion is discussed quantitatively and qualitatively, referencing supporting data as appropriate
Confidence in results is stated and discussed

Evaluation Aspect 3: Limitations “Strengths and weaknesses of the investigation, such as limitations of the data and sources of error, are discussed and provide evidence of a clear understanding of the methodological issues involved in establishing the conclusion.”
_____ / 5 raw_____ / 6 IB

C / P / N / Note: C = Complete, 0.5 pt; P = Partial, 0.25 pt., N = Not at All = 0 pt.
1st of 3 errors / limitations that actually affected data and/or conclusion
Description of how 1st of 3 errors / limitations may have impacted results and/or conclusion
2nd of 3 errors / limitations that actually affected data and/or conclusion
Description of how 2nd of 3 errors / limitations may have impacted results and/or conclusion
3rd of 3 errors / limitations that actually affected data and/or conclusion
Description of how 3rd of 3 errors / limitations may have impacted results and/or conclusion
More than 3 applicable errors/limitations have been properly identified and described (3 minimum required)
Errors/limitations are not overly simplistic
Anomalous data points (outliers) identified and explained (if appropriate)
Obvious errors/limitations have not been overlooked

Evaluation Aspect 4: Suggestions “The student has discussed realistic and relevant suggestions for the improvement and extension of the investigation.” _____ / 6 raw  _____ / 6 IB

C / P / N / Note: C = Complete, 0.5 pt; P = Partial, 0.25 pt., N = Not at All = 0 pt.
1st of 3 improvements to procedure are provided, based in errors / limitations described
1st of 3 improvements suggested was specific, realistic and not vague/simplistic*
2nd of 3 improvements to procedure are provided, based in errors / limitations described
2nd of 3 improvements suggested was specific, realistic and not vague/simplistic*
3rd of 3 improvements to procedure are provided, based in errors / limitations described
3rd of 3 improvements suggested was specific, realistic and not vague/simplistic*
At least one improvement to the procedure was provided for each error/limitation described
Suggestions obviously reduce errors or improve control of variables
Suggest modifications to MV range, or justify why the selected range was appropriate for the experiment in terms of errors present
An additional research question (extension) is stated with clear MV and RV
The research questions are an extension from the conclusion and evaluation
A short explanation for the question is given to establish its importance and relevance

* “Be more careful” and “do more trials” are not acceptable improvements