CBHDA Governing Board Agenda Summary

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

9:30 am


Legislative Committee


Scott Gruendl

Madelyn Schlaepfer

10:30 am


Governing Board Call to Order


Tom Sherry

10:35 am


Secretary/Treasurer Report


Mary Hale

11:00 am

/ Action Items / Robert Oakes
11:30 am
/ Priority Discussion Items / Robert Oakes

12:00 pm




1:00 pm


Committee Reports


Committee Chairs

2:00 pm


CBHDA Report


Robert Oakes

2:30 pm


CIBHS Report


Sandra Naylor Goodwin

3:00 pm


CalMHSA Report


Maureen Bauman

3:30 pm




Tom Sherry

4:00 pm /

DHCS/CBHDA Executive Committee Meeting



Date: Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Location: 2125 19th Street, 2nd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95818

Time / Item / Lead / Notes
9:30 am / Legislative Committee / Scott Gruendl
Madelyn Schlaepfer / Please see separate agenda
10:30 am / Governing Board Meeting
·  Welcome
·  Conflict of Interest Query / Tom Sherry
10:35 am / Secretary/Treasurer Report:
·  September Minutes
·  August Financial Statements
·  CBHDA FY 2013/14 Audit (Debbie Ask, Waddell & Co.)
·  ASO Document Storage / Mary Hale
Paula Laiewski / Action Requested: Approval of Minutes and Financial Statements
11:00 am / Action Items
·  SAPT Contract w/CBHDA
·  Financial Services – CPE Match / Robert Oakes
Tom Renfree
Kirsten Barlow
Don Kingdon / Action Requested: Approval
11:30 am / Priority Discussion Items
·  GB Strategic Planning Meeting
o  Location/Logistics
o  Survey
o  Topics / Robert Oakes
12:00 pm / Lunch
1:00 pm / Committee Reports
·  Medi-Cal Policy
o  Katie A. Draft Expectations Letter
·  MHSA Committee
o  Status of PEI Regulations
o  School Based MH Services
·  Financial Services
o  Drug Medi-Cal State Plan Amendment / Suzanne Tavano
Uma Zykofsky
Stephen Kaplan
Michael Kennedy
Debbie Innes-Gomberg
William Arroyo
Terry Rooney
Tom Sherry
Mary Hale
2:00 pm / CBHDA Report
·  CADPAAC/CMHDA Language Bill
·  TAR Antipsychotics for Under Age 18
·  DMC-ODS Waiver Amendment
·  2015 1115 Renewal – Whole Person Care Pilot
·  CBHDA-CAHP Workgroup – Eating Disorders
·  ABA / BHT as Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Benefit / Kirsten Barlow
Molly Brassil
2:30 pm / CIBHS Report / Sandra Naylor Goodwin
3:00 pm / CalMHSA Report / Maureen Bauman
3:30 pm / Adjourn / Tom Sherry
4:00 pm / DHCS/CBHDA Executive Committee Meeting