Town of Shallotte

Planning Board Meeting

March 12, 2013

6:30 PM

The Shallotte Planning Board met for their regularly scheduled meeting on March 12, 2013 at the Shallotte Town Hall Meeting Chambers with Chairman Gene Vasile presiding.

Members Present:Derek Danford, Evelyn Madison, Gene Vasile,Dennis Winters, Karyn Hart and Elwood Cheers (arrived at 6:45)

Members Absent: Justin Whitesideand alternate Tim Gore.

Staff Present: Allen Serkin, Debra White

Aldermen Liaison:Jimmy Bellamy

1.Call to Order:Gene Vasile called the meeting to order.

2.Agenda Amendments: Gene Vasile suggested adding the Shallotte Greenway Presentation following approval of minutes and to add discussion of rezoning of the RD White project and UDO amendment of cul-de sac ratios to item # 7 –Staff Report.

Dennis Winters motioned to approve the January 11, 2012 minutes as read; seconded by Evelyn Madison. The motion passed 5 yes 0 no.

3.Public Comments:None

4.Approval of Minutes:

Evelyn Madisonmotioned to approve the February 12, 2013 minutes as corrected; seconded byDerrick Danford. The motion passed5yes 0 no.

5.(Planning and Zoning) Shallotte Greenway Project Presentation - Cameron Kinlaw presented an idea of a project that he and his brother, Chris, had been working on for some time. This project would create greenway that would interconnect within certain already developed developments. It would create walking trails throughout these developments. Mr. Kinlaw would like for the town to consider the project and use him as an agent to oversee the project. Mr. Kinlaw has talked with some of the property owners very briefly and the property owners were not against the idea.

Action Taken:

Shallotte Planning Board member, Evelyn Madison stated she would like for the Planning Board to meet with Mr. Kinlaw at a later time to discuss this project in more detail. The Planning Board selected a sub-committee consisting of Evelyn Madison, Dennis Winters, Karyn hart and Gene Vasile, to get more details on this project.

6.(Planning and Zoning # 12-0023) San Rio Phase 3 Recombination - William Honaker, Senior Vice President of Wells Fargo, parent company of property owner REDUS NC Land, LLC, has submitted a final plat and nullification instrument for the total recombination of all remaining tracts of San Rio Phase 3, comprising a total of 59.41 acres (all 43 tracts with parcel numbers beginning with 198GA).

a)Recommend approval of a finding of no material adverse impact and recommend approval of the final plat/recombination.

Agent, Chris with LandTech Receiver Services, LLC was present at the meeting and requested San Rio Phase 3 Nullification and recombination of Final Plat.

Action Taken:

Evelyn Madison motioned that the Shallotte Planning Board recommend approval to the Board of Aldermen of finding no material adverse impact to recombine San Rio Phase 3, Motion second by Elwood Cheers. The motion passed 6yes 0 no.

Dennis Winters motioned that the Shallotte Planning Board recommend approval to the Board of Aldermen the nullification and recombination of the final plat for San Rio Phase 3. Motion seconded by Derrick Danford. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

7.(Planning and Zoning # 13-0003) Shallotte Plaza River Deck Site Plan ModificationBarrett McMullan of McMullan Partners, LLC has submitted site development plans to construct 3,936 SF of decking at ground level and on and protruding from the roof of the existing shopping center located at 4924 Main Street (PID 19700052). The plans include a 567 SF enclosed rooftop bar and restroom structure and associated stairwells.

a)Recommend approval of the site development plans.

Agent, Barrett McMullanwas present at the meeting and requested approval of site plan. This was a non-conforming parking and a UDO text amendment was suggested to allow existing structures different parking requirements.

Action Taken:

Derrick Danford motioned that the Planning Board recommends to the Board of Aldermen an amendment to UDO Article 17-17c to eliminate the need (remove the requirement) for parking lot islands in the redesign/restriping of existing parking lots for up to twenty (20) consecutive (continuous uninterrupted) spaces provided that no additional pavement is added to (extends) the existing lot.

Motion seconded by Karyn Hart. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

Derrick Danford motioned to approve thesite plan for construction of a to construct 3,936 SF of a decking at ground level and on and protruding from the roof of the existing shopping center located at 4924 Main Street (PID 19700052). The plans include a 567 SF enclosed rooftop bar and restroom structure and associated stairwellswith conditions listed below;

  • The Board of Aldermen approves the UDO text Amendment Section 17-17c toeliminate the need (remove the requirement) for parking lot islands in the redesign/restriping of existing parking lots for up to twenty (20) consecutive (continuous uninterrupted) spaces provided that no additional pavement is added to (extends) the existing lot.

Motion seconded byEvelyn Madison. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

Denise Winters motioned to approve the Land Use Plan consistency statement. Motion seconded by Derrick Danford. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

8.(Planning and Zoning # 13-0005) R&R Auto Sales Conditional Use Permit/Site Plan -
Clayton Robinson has requested a conditional use permit and site and landscaping plan approval to operate an automobile dealership in and around the existing 2,556 SF building located on ±2.0 acres at 541 Whiteville Rd (PID1970001904). The property is zoned Business (B-2) and automobile and truck dealers are a conditional use in that district.

a)Recommend approval of the conditional use permit and site plans.

Action Taken:

Evelyn Madison motioned torecommend approval to the Board of Aldermen for the conditional use permit and site and landscaping plans to operate an automobile dealership in the existing 2,556 SF building located on ±2.0 acres at 541 Whiteville Rd. with conditions listed below:

  • Reinstall the previously approved fence along property.

Motion seconded by Karyn Hart. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

9.(Planning and Zoning # 13-0006) Wisteria Place PRD Rezoning/Master Plan Withdrawal-Jennifer Brown has submitted a petition for rezoning of ±41.16 acres located at 885 Village Point Rd (PID 2130003503) from R-10/PRD to RA-15 and for the withdrawal of the Wisteria Place PRD Master Plan at that location.

a)Consider approving the zoning statement, and recommending approval of the rezoning to RA-15, and the Master Plan withdrawal.

Action Taken:

Elwood Cheers motioned that the Shallotte Planning Board approve the zoning report, Motion second by Derrick Danford. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

Evelyn Madison motioned that the Shallotte Planning Board recommend approval to the Board of Aldermen to rezone property located at 885 Village Point Rd (PID 2130003503) from R-10/PRD to RA-15. Motion seconded by Derrick Danford. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

Evelyn Madison motioned that the Shallotte Planning Board recommend approval to the Board of Aldermen thewithdrawal of the Wisteria Place PRD Master Plan with conditions listed below:

  • Instrument of Nullification to be approved by town attorney.

Motion seconded by Elwood Cheers. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

10.(Planning and Zoning # 13-0004) River Pointe Apartments Conditional Use Permit - Brian Smith of Southern Properties and Development, LLC has submitted an application for a conditional use permit to construct a 62-unit, 4-building apartment complex on ±6.27 acres located at 4620 White St (PIDs 18200171 & 18200172).

a)Consider approving the conditional use permit.

Action Taken:

Dennis Winters motioned Shallotte Planning Board recommend approval to the Board of Aldermen for a conditional use permit to construct a 62-unit, 4-building apartment complex on ±6.27 acres located at 4620 White St (PIDs 18200171 & 18200172) with conditions listed below:

  • The Shallotte Technical Review Committee (TRC) shall review the concept plan and their recommended changes shall be verified and approved by Town staff prior to Board of Alderman hearing on this permit.
  • Approval of Conditional Use permit is not valid without full site plan approval by the appropriate approving authority. The site plan shall be consistent with the concept plan approved as part of this permit or a permit modification shall be required.
  • The two subject parcel shall be properly combined prior to issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance
  • Existing vegetation in required buffers shall be protected and preserved and required buffers shall be adequately maintained or this permit shall be void.
  • Recreational area shall be perpetually guaranteed as required by UDO Section 10-3(H)(4) prior to issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance
  • Failure to permit the Town to make future road connection shown on the concept plan shall void the permit
  • Approval shall be conditional upon receipt of all other required permits, including but not limited to Town of Shallotte stormwater permit and NCDENR stormwater permit.

Motion seconded by Derrick Danford. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

11.(Planning and Zoning) Discussion Items

A staff report providing a summary of major activities and general information from the Board of Aldermen in the past month was presented to the Planning Board. The Shallotte Planning Board discussed the RD White rezoning and decided to wait until a later time to consider the staff suggested rezoning. The Planning Board also decided to move forward with the cul-de-sac ratio change consideration and requested staff to place this as an item on the April 2013 Planning Board meeting.


Dennis Wintersmade a motion to adjourn, seconded byDerrick Danford. The motion passed 6yes 0 no.

Respectfully Submitted,


Debra White,

Planning BoardClerk