Research Guidelines: For Non-Dearborn Public School Individual or Group Researchers, Agencies, and Dearborn Staff and Administrators
1. Research Purpose, Methodology and Instruments must be presented and approved by appropriate administrators (central office, assessment coordinator, building principal, union, and so on). A brief abstract (300 words or less) is required. This information may be emailed directly to Kathleen Klee, Director, Assessment at
2. Research may not take place during student instructional time. Participating students are not to be pulled out of extended day or any other school-related activity or intervention programs.
3. Research (i.e., staff interviews, staff surveys, and so on) by Non-Dearborn Public School Individuals or Group Researchers, or Agencies may not take place during the working hours of staff. Dearborn staff may not conduct their research during
their working hours nor instructional time.
4. Researcher must obtain written permission on Dearborn letterhead through the Assessment, Research & Evaluation Department (ARE).
5. Approved Parental Permission slips must be provided to parents and returned to researchers. Copies of parental approval for each participating student must be provided to school principals. The permission slips need to be translated if recommended by the ARE Office. If ARE requests copies of permission slips, they must be provided.
6. Confidentiality of all information gathered on the participants must be maintained unless disclosure is given by parents/guardians and Dearborn Public Schools.
7. If Dearborn Public Schools buildings are needed to meet with participants or parents, a building permit (providing location, meeting area and times) must be obtained from the Dearborn Public Schools Adult & Community Education Office.