Name: Date:

My Year 4 Report


Consider each statement carefully then circle the answer you have chosen.

  1. I like taking part in class discussions. Yes No Sometimes
  2. I am a good listener. Yes No Sometimes
  3. I enjoy reading. Yes No
  4. I really enjoyed (circle your favourites) shape poems, limericks, poetry, guided reading, big books, planning stories, planning and writing stories.
  5. I can find information in reference books. Yes No Not sure
6.I can use the library computer to find books. Yes No Not sure
  1. I write really good, imaginative stories. Yes No Not sure
8.My stories contain good, varied vocabulary. Yes No Sometimes
9.I use similes and metaphors in my writing. Yes No Sometimes
10.I use a variety of connectives to join my sentences. Yes No Sometimes
11.I am a good speller. Yes No Sometimes
12.I always remember punctuation. Yes No Not sure
13.My handwriting is neat and joined correctly. Yes No Sometimes

Circle the 2 types of books you enjoy reading most.

Non-fiction Stories from different countriesHistorical Fiction Animal stories Stories from different cultures Poetry Fantasy Adventure stories Science fiction


Writing stories

Talking about stories

Writing poems

None fiction writing

Any other ______



  1. I find maths easy. Yes No Not sure
  2. I enjoy maths. Yes No Not sure
  3. I can follow written instructions. Yes No Not sure
  4. I know these multiplication and division tables: (Please circle all the ones you know) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  5. I am good at Numeracy. Yes No Not sure
  6. I am accurate with my Numeracy. Yes No Not sure
  7. I like solving real-life problems. Yes No Not sure
  8. I know the names of 2-D shapes. Yes No Not sure
  9. I know the properties of 2-D shapes. Yes No Not sure
  10. I know the names of 3-D shapes. Yes No Not sure
  11. I know the properties of 3-D shapes. Yes No Not sure
  12. I can use simple fractions. Yes No Not sure
  13. I understand the relationship between fractions and decimal fractions.

Yes No Not sure

  1. I can measure accurately in CMS and metres. Yes No Not sure
  2. I can weigh accurately in grams and Kgs. Yes No Not sure
  3. I can find the area of shapes. Yes No Not sure
  4. I can draw a bar graph from information I have collected.
Yes No Not sure

Mental Maths





Shape and space



Clubs I have been to:


Country Dancing

Gardening Club


Maths Club


Tick 1 box only in each row

  1. I enjoy science.
  2. I have good ideas in science.
  3. I’m good at planning investigations.
  4. I can write about what I have found out.
  5. I know a lot about science.
  6. I enjoyed learning about the earth in space.
  7. I enjoyed finding out about the human body.
  8. I enjoyed finding out about forces, motion and magnetism.
  9. I enjoyed finding out about changing and

separating materials and substances.

Tick 1 box only in each column.

Earth in Space

Forces, Motion and Magnetism

The Human Body

Changing and separating Materials and Substances.


Changing font size and colour

Using WordArt

Inserting ClipArt

Inserting pictures saved in your folder

Using the scanner

Creating African designs

Composing tunes

Using live webcams

Using cyberhunts

Using the Internet for research

Using spreadsheets

Using PowerPoint

Using Publisher

Other Subjects

Really enjoyed / Quite enjoyed / Didn’t enjoy / Absent
Romans topic
Making a Roman Shield
Visit to Verulamium
African topic
Kojo’s visit
African Art
African Music
Making an African mask
Making a Batik bag
Rainforest topic
Rainforest Art
Tudor topic
Tudor portraits
Harvest topic
Harvest assembly
Judaism topic
Visit to the Synagogue
Easter topic
Taking part in class assemblies
Using Lego Dacta
Listening to music
Using instruments as an accompaniment
Playing the keyboard
The Wizard of Oz










  1. I think I am popular
  2. I am quiet
  3. I am helpful
  4. I am thoughtful
  5. I care about the feelings of others
  6. I consider the opinions of others
  7. I work hard
  8. I could work harder
  9. I get on well with teachers
  10. I am confident
  11. I work too quickly
  12. I work too slowly
  13. I talk too much in the classroom
  14. I daydream

I have won a prize in school this year (please circle)

Handwriting Effort and Achievement 3-D Art

I have gained these certificates;

Swimming: Confidence Elementary National Curriculum

Personal Survival 1 Personal Survival 2 Intermediate

Advanced Other ______

Gymnastics: B.A.G.A. 6 B.A.G.A. 5 B.A.G.A. 4 B.A.G.A. 3 B.A.G.A. 2

Work chosen for display.


I think, in Year 5, I will need to concentrate especially on these areas in my work :


