Beaver Butler Presbytery
Guidelines for Remitting Funds
To expedite the remittance of percapita, mission, and misc. other funds, please use the enclosed remittance form.
Please make sure the information at the top of the form is filled out completely and indicate the funds being remitted. Examples of other remittances would include: mission yearbook orders, special youth funds, etc.
Mission Giving Remittance Detail
· Shared mission giving – if all your mission funds are to be shared they will be divided according to the following percentages: Presbytery Mission 65%, Synod Mission 15%, General Assembly Mission 20%.
· Directed mission giving - will be distributed as you designate. Please include project names and numbers to ensure that the funds are being applied correctly. If you wish to designate funds according to your own percentages, instead of those used under the shared mission you may do so, for example, if your church wishes to designate 100% to the Presbytery general mission, mark general under the project name and include the amount you wish to designate.
· Special offerings - would include all those that are listed. Other would include special funds and projects such as Theological Education, Disaster Relief, ECO – extra commitment opportunities, Hunger Fund, etc.
Note: Information for GA projects and numbers can be found in the Directed Mission Support and ECO Opportunities catalogs which are sent to all churches annually, or copies can be obtained by calling the Presbyterian Distribution Center at 1-800-524-2612. In order to ensure that your funds are being used as you wish, GA mission projects require that churches submit Directed Mission Support Pledge Forms annually to the GA Mission Funding and Development Office by February 15th of the pledge year. These forms can be found in the back of the Directed Mission Support catalog.
Please include a phone number for the person submitting this report, should we have any questions.
Should you have any questions please call Lauren Cesnales at (724) 452-7515 or email at .