Minutes for the Meeting of thePage 1 of 4
City of Syracuse Planning Commission
March 3, 2014
Minutes of the Meeting of the
City of Syracuse Planning Commission
City Hall, Syracuse, New York
March 3, 2014
- Summary of cases discussed herein:
SP-02-03 M1 / SR-13-10 / R-14-02 / 4R-14-04
R-14-05 / 3S-14-01 / SR-05-02M2
- Attendance
Members PresentStaff Present
Dr. Ruben Cowart Ms. Heather Lamendola
Ms. Linda Henley Ms. Meghan McLees Craner
Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary Mr. Jeff Harrop
Mr. Steve Kulick
Ms. Rebecca Livengood
- Meeting called to order at 6:08 p.m.
- Approval of the minutes
Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 10, 2014 meeting of the City Planning Commission. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Public Hearings
1)SP-02-03 M1(Continuation from 1/21 and 2/10/2014)RC, SK, LH, AK
Special Permit Modification-Offices of Religious and Educational Institution
Modify Site Plan
3017-3065 East Genesee Street
Friends of Jowonio, Inc. (owner/applicant)
Residential, Class C
Mr. Steve Steiner, at 4988 Longacre Drive representing the owner, submitted a revised site plan to the Commission, which showed the required side-yard screening as part of expanding an existing parking lot on property situated at 3017-3065 East Genesee Street.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengoodmade a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration.Ms. Linda Henleyseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Site Plan Review
Alter an Existing Building for Office Use
306 West Division Street
Crawford and Castro Properties, LLC (owner/applicant)
Lakefront, T-5[2]
Mr. Tom Kinslow, of Harmony Associates, PC, at 1860 Erie Boulevard East, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of renovating an existing building on property situated at 306 West Division Street.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review,Ms. Linda Henleymade a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration and granting seven waivers from the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended, with regard to the finish material, trim, roof slope, architectural opening, window opening, window setback and building material requirements.Mr. Steve Kulickseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Realign Two Properties into Two New Lots
200-214 and 216-226 South Salina Street
Syracuse Urban Renewal Agency (owner/applicant)
Commercial Business District-Retail
Mr. Paul Driscoll, Commissioner for the City of Syracuse Department of Neighborhood and Business Development, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of realigning two properties into two new Lots in order to convey 15,933.6 square feet of park area to the City of Syracuse on property situated at 200-214 and 216-226 South Salina Street.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review, whereupon the Commission acknowledged a request from the applicant to reschedule the Public Hearing to coincide with a pending Public Hearing for a companion Project Site Review, the Commission agreed to reschedule the Public Hearing as requested by the applicant.
Combine Two Properties into One New Lot
204 and 208 (aka 200-202, 204-206, 208, 210-216 (214), 218, 222-226, 228-230 and 236-238) West Water Street
Syracuse SOMA Project, LLC (owner/applicant)
Central Business District, Office and Service District
The applicant requested the Commission to reschedule the Public Hearing to coincide with a pending companion Project Site Review application. Since the Public Hearing for this request was published in the Public Notice on February 20, 2014, the Commission opened the Public Hearing.
Ms. Heather Lamendola, Zoning Administrator for the City of Syracuse, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of combining two properties into one new Lot in order to facilitate the development of a building addition on property situated at 204 and 208 (aka 200-202, 204-206, 208, 210-216 (214), 218, 222-226, 228-230 and 236-238) West Water Street.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review, the Commission agreed to continue the Public Hearing on a date to be determined so as to coincide with the companion Project Site Review.
Combine Three Properties into One New Lot
205 and 213 Schuyler Street and 216 North Lowell Avenue
St. Patrick’s Church (owner/applicant)
Residential, Class B
Mr. Martin Masterpole, at 344 Coleridge Avenue, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of combining three properties into one new Lot in order to facilitate the expansion of an existing parking lot on property situated at 205 and 213 Schuyler Street and 216 North Lowell Avenue.
One person spoke in favor of the proposal. One person spoke in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review,Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration.Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Three-Mile Limit Subdivision Review-Town of DeWitt
Combine Two Parcels into One New Lot
6300-6322 Thompson Road
Carrols, LLC (owner/applicant)
Ms. Heather Lamendola, Zoning Administrator for the City of Syracuse, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of combining two properties into one new Lot on property situated at 6300-6322 Thompson Road.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review,Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Mr. Steve Kulick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- New Business
1)SR-05-02 M2
Site Plan Review Modification
Replace Six Roof-Top Antennas
2501-2513 James Street
Jan Nastri (owner)
Robert Wilson-Verizon Wireless (applicant)
Business, Class A
Ms. Heather Lamendola, Zoning Administrator for the City of Syracuse, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.
After discussion and review, Mr. Steve Kulick made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Authorizations
Mr. Steve Kulick made a motion to authorize those cases listed and presented orally for Public Hearings on Monday, March 24, 2014, in addition to those cases held open during tonight’s meeting. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Adjournment
Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to adjourn at 7:14 p.m. Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.