
UNC-CH Remedy Implementation

User Guide
Remedy User 4.5

Contacts for help:

Shane Scott – 843-9145

or Submit a ticket to REMEDY ADMIN

Remedy Services

Shane Scott & Martha Powell


UNC-CH Remedy User Guide

Table of Contents


Logging Into Remedy

Changing Your Password

Changing Your Primary Group

Overview of the File Menu

Exploring the UNC-Request For Service

Exploring the Toolbar

Opening a Ticket (Submitting a Request for Service)

Updating an Existing Ticket

The Security Application

Using Remedy Notifier

Finding One or More Existing Tickets (Building a Search)

Building a Report Using the Remedy Reporting Tool

Building a Report Using Excel

Making Data Entry Easier (Customizing Field Preferences)


Setting User Options

Additional Resources


The objective of this document is to serve as a basic training guide to those who are not familiar with the Remedy 4.5 User Tool. This document will cover topics relevant to the UNC-CH Remedy application.

Logging Into Remedy

To log into Remedy...

  1. Go to Start-->Programs-->Action Request System-->Remedy User.
  2. You will be prompted with the login window. Enter your Remedy UserID and your password.
  1. Click on the Accounts button and make sure that in the Server window you have remedy.unc.edu chosen as your server. To the right, you should see an arrow in the AR Svr column and a check mark in the AR Ntfy column. If you do not see this, contact Shane Scott.

  1. From the Accounts window, press Close.
  2. Press OK in the login window and the client will open.

Changing Your Password

When your account is set up, your password is the same as your login name. To change your password:

  1. Go to FileOpen.
  2. In the Open window, select User from the list of forms and click Search.
  3. When the User form appears, type your login name in the 'Login Name' field.
  4. Click on the Search button.
  5. In the Modify User window, delete what is in the 'Password' field and type in the new password.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. Close all forms and repeat the login by going to ToolsLogin as described above.

Changing Your Primary Group

You may be a member of more than one group in Remedy. If this is so, then you have to designate one group as your Primary Group. When you select your Primary Group, you agree to see the data values in menus for that group as well as follow their Service Level Agreement (SLA). If you are a member of more than one group, you may want to change your Primary Group on a regular basis. For example, if you work at both the ITRC and Resnet as a computer consultant, you may want make ITRC-CONSULTANT your Primary Group while on your shift at the ITRC, and then make ATN-RESNET your Primary Group during your shift at Resnet.

To change your Primary Group:

  1. Save any tickets you are currently working on and close all windows by going to FileClose All. It is mandatory to save to avoid losing any work.
  2. Go to FileOpen, select UNC-Change Your Primary Group and click on New.
  3. Make sure your login ID and name is displayed in the verification window and click Continue.

  4. When the UNC-Change Your Primary Group2 window displays at the center of the application window, select the radio button next to the group that you want as your Primary Group.

  5. Click Update.

Overview of the File Menu


/ Brings up the Open window, where you can choose to open a form in New mode or Search mode.
Close / Closes the form that is currently displayed.
Close All / Closes all forms that are currently open.
Send / Allows you to take the current form, request or search and lets you either email it to someone or create a shortcut on your desktop.
NOTE: The email option in this menu is separate from the emailtool that is built into the UNC-Request For Service form.
Print Setup / Allows you to set printing properties (Portrait vs. Landscape, etc.).
Print Preview / Allows you to view what the printout will look like.
Print / Select this to print out a ticket.
Recent New Forms / A quicker alternative to File-->Open that lets you open recently accessed forms in New mode..
Recent Search Forms / A quicker alternative to File-->Open that lets you open recently accessed forms in Search mode.
Recent Requests / Lets you go directly to recently accessed tickets.
Exit / Choose this to shut down Remedy.

Exploring the UNC-Request For Service

The following section is an overview of the UNC-Request For Service, including a field-by-field description. Notice that when you are creating a new entry, the form is green. When the created ticket is saved, both the Response and Resolution clocks start (unless the ticket status is set to "Solved" on creation).

Response Clock: measures the time it takes for an individual to take ownership of the ticket. If a ticket is assigned to you, the response clock will stop if you set the status the 'Work In Progress'. On initial group setup, your sub-administrator "told" the Remedy system whom to contact, how frequently and with what media (pager, email, etc.) when a ticket in your group has not been claimed.

Resolution Clock: measures the time it takes for the problem to be solved. The resolution clock will stop if the status of a ticket is marked 'Solved' or 'Pending Customer'. As with response time, your sub-administrator designated a goal for how long it should take to solve a problem. If a ticket is not solved in the projected time, the Remedy system is "told" who to contact, how frequently and with what media.

The UNC-Request For Service schema contains many fields and buttons, some which are displayed constantly and some that are displayed in the specified tabbed sections.

Constant Fields

The following fields will always be visible regardless of what tab is selected:

  • Request Number: This field is the unique identifier for each ticket that is created, and is automatically populated by the Remedy system. You do not have write access to this field.
  • Secure this Ticket:This button locks the Short Description, Custom Data, Client's Problem Description and Work Log fields so that only members of the ITS-SECURITYgroup can read them. This feature is used to secure sensitive information.
  • Acknowledge Ticket: Clicking this button changes the status from 'Assigned' to 'Work In Progress' and saves the request, which will stop response escalations. You claim ownership of a ticket when you acknowledge it.
  • Status: Status levels are steps through which a ticket may pass. Among the different status levels are three Pending statuses: Pending Analyst, Pending Customer and Pending Vendor. Your group manager will regulate the length of time that a ticket can remain in a Pending status.
  1. Assigned (Response clock on; Resolution clock on): This status is given to tickets that have been created but for which no one has claimed ownership (acknowledged).
  2. Work In Progress (Response clock off; Resolution clock on): This status is given to tickets when work is in progress. Clicking the Acknowledge Ticket button will automatically set the ticket to 'Work In Progress' status.
  3. Pending Analyst (Response clock off; Resolution clock off):This status is obtained by selecting "Pending" from the 'Status' field and choosing "Pending Analyst" from the pull-right menu. Pending Analyst should be selected when you have to take extra time to research an issue.
  4. Pending Customer(Response clock off; Resolution clock off): This status is obtained by selecting "Pending" from the 'Status' field and choosing "Pending Customer" from the pull-right menu. Pending Customer should be selected when the customer is keeping you from solving the problem. An example would be if you leave the customer a message asking for more information and they aren't returning your call.
  5. Pending Vendor(Response clock off; Resolution clock off): This status is obtained by selecting "Pending" from the 'Status' field and choosing "Pending Vendor" from the pull-right menu. Pending Vendor should be selected when you need to involve a vendor in the resolution of a problem and you are waiting on them to do deliver.
  6. Solved (Response clock off; Resolution clock off): This status should only be given to tickets for which the problem has been solved to the client's satisfaction.
  7. Cancelled (Response clock off; Resolution clock off): This status can be used for tickets that you do not want to including reporting (i.e. test tickets or duplicate tickets.
  • Follow-up Email: This radio button gives you the choice of whether or not you want Remedy to send the customer a follow-up email. The default is "Yes."
  • Work Log: This is a free text field where you would enter a log of the steps taken to resolve the problem. You can enter data directly into the white (right) section of this field or click on the button to the right of the field to bring up the Diary Editor. When the text is entered, click OK. Remedy will automatically document the entry with your UserID and the current date and time. The colored (left) section of this field displays text that has already been entered. The Work Log field is especially critical if you will be passing and receiving tickets to/from other Remedy groups. It gives a chronological history of what has been done to solve the ticket.
    IMPORTANT:Once data is entered into the Work Log and the changes are saved, you cannot edit or remove it.

Tabbed Fields

Fields and buttons that are contained in tabbed sections are the focus of this section. Below are descriptions of these fields, grouped by the tab that they fall under.

Ticket Summary

  • Student/Faculty/Staff: Choose a value from this menu according to the customer's affiliation with UNC-CH. The choices are "Student," "Faculty-Staff" and "Other."
  • PID: Enter the customer's PID in this free-text field. If you type in the PID and press Enter, Remedy will pull data on the customer from the campus directory. As a result, the following fields will be auto-filled: Student/Faculty/Staff, Last Name, First Name, M. I., Department, Phone, Email and Location. If any of these fields are left empty, it means the campus directory does not contain that information.
  • Last Name: Enter a customer's last name in this free-text field. If a customer does not know their PID, you can still pull their information from the campus directory. To do this, select the appropriate value from Student/Faculty/Staff, then type their last name into the Last Name field and press Enter (with the cursor remaining in the Last Name field).

A selection box will appear if there is more than one person in the campus directory with the same last name. The selection box will give last name, then first name in alphabetical order. It also includes other useful information for each person, such as department, location, email and phone number.

  • First Name: Enter the customer's first name in this free-text field.
  • M. I.: Enter the customer's middle initial in this free-text field.
  • Department: This is a read-only field that displays what department the customer is in as it is listed in the campus directory. If this information is incorrect, the customer will have to get it changed in the campus directory. A Remedy user cannot change the information in this field.
  • VIP/CTC: This field will appear only if the customer is a member of Carolina Technology Consultants or reports to the Chancellor. If visible, the value in the field will indicate whether the customer is CTC or VIP.
  • Point of Contact: Choose a value from this menu to indicate how the customer contacted you with his/her problem. The choices are Phone, Email, Web, Walk-in and Alarm.
  • Phone: Enter the customer's phone number in this free-text field if it is not already filled in.
  • Email: Enter the customer's email address in this free-text field if it is not already filled in.
  • Location: Enter the customer's location (such as building name and office number) in this free-text field.
  • Alternate Phone/Contact #: If the customer has an additional phone number or email address which they would like to use for contact, enter it in this free-text field.
  • Short Description: Select from your menu the item that best describes the problem. Your selection from this menu (see example at right) may auto populate two or more of the four campus problem categorization types: Campus Primary Category, Campus Secondary Category, Topic Affected and Item Affected fields. This gives the customer's problem specific categorization for statistical purposes. The values you see in this menu depend on what group you are a member of.
  • Client's Problem Description: Free text field, not required, should be used to enter a brief description of the problem. It is helpful to the customer to use this field because what you enter is included in the automated follow-up email, which Remedy sends to the customer when his/her ticket is solved. If there is no text in Client's Problem Description, the customer may not know which problem the follow-up email is referring to.
  • Model Number: Choose a model number from the menu if applicable.
  • Knowledgebase Consider: If you feel that the problem you are addressing should be considered for entry into a departmental or campus knowledgebase, make a selection from this menu. The default selection is "None."
  • Campus Primary Category: First level categorization field, containing campus wide standardized values and required to submit a ticket. The values you see in this menu depend on what group you are a member of.
  • Campus Secondary Category: Second level categorization field, containing campus wide standardized values and required to submit a ticket. Secondary values will depend on which Campus Primary Category value was chosen. The values you see in this menu depend on what group you are a member of.
  • Topic Affected: Third level categorization field, will contain values chosen by individual organization groups and will be required for Solved status. Values will depend on which Campus Secondary Category value was chosen. The values you see in this menu depend on what group you are a member of.
  • Item Affected: Fourth level categorization field, will contain values chosen by individual organization groups and will be required for Solved status. Values will depend on which Topic Affected value was chosen. The values you see in this menu depend on what group you are a member of.
  • Group Assigned: Select the Remedy group that will be assigned the request for service in this field. If you will not be passing the request for service to another group, assign it to your own group.
  • ? (to the right of Group Assigned): This button, when clicked, provides Service Level Agreement information for the group that is selected from the Group Assigned menu.
  • Secure this Ticket: This button locks the Short Description, Custom Data, Client's Problem Description and Work Log fields so that only members of a secure group can read them. This feature is used to secure sensitive information. This button will only appear if a group that can read secure tickets is selected from the Group Assigned field.
  • Person Assigned: Select from this field if you generally assign requests for service to specific persons within a group. Again, if you will not be passing the ticket to anyone else, assign it to yourself.
  • ? (to the right of Person Assigned): This button, when clicked, gives background information on the UserID populated in that field (person's name, how to reach them, etc.)
  • Severity Menu: UNC-CH offers three ways to classify a ticket: Critical, Important and General. Select a severity level from this field. Things to consider in deciding the severity would be whether or not the issue is stopping work, the number of people affected and mission critical nature of the work.
  • Custom Data: this is a free-text field for you to enter specialized data that may help in reporting. Consult your Data Administrator for guidelines in using this field.
