Minutes of the Academic Senate Meeting
February 19, 2009
Voting Members Present: (Senators Ed Casson,Terri English,Michong Park, Said Pazirandeh, YolandaRamil, Rick Scuderi, JaniceSilver,Robert Smazenka,Joyce Woodmanse
Voting Members Absent:
Charles Dirks,Ruthie (Parthenia) Grant,John Klitsner,
Myriam Mekelburg,Debby Wong,
Exec, Members: Eloise Cantrell,Angela Echeverri,Lorraine Manoogian, Leslie Milke,
Gary Prostak, Mark Pursley, Louis Zandalasini
Executive Members Absent: Gwen Walker,Pat Flood,
Faculty Present: Cindy Cooper, Gabriela Caballero,Michael Climo, D Art Phares, Chris Williams, David Jordan, Veronica Cox, Jeanne CassaraAdolfo Espinosa, Mike Fenton. Madelline Hernandez,Gina Ladinsky,Mehri Hagar, Margie Long,
Visitors/Guests: Nadia Swerdlow
I. Parliamentarian-President Echeverricalled the meeting to order at 12:19 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes:
The minutes from the December 4, 2008 meeting will be tabled to the March 5, 2009 meeting along with the minutesof February 19, 2009.
Motion to move the agenda to allow for introductions of new faculty hires, and Dean Nadia Swerdlow. Approved.
Said Pazirandeh introduced Michael Fenton, the newest chemistry faculty and gave a brief report as follows:
- It is my pleasure to introduce the new chemistry instructor, Mike Fenton.
- Mike attended UCLA as an undergraduate and later earned a Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology and worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the same lab.
- Mike also directs a lab at the Veteran’s AdministrationHospital and conducts research on thyroid cancer as part of a grant from the VA merit award and American Thyroid Association. He has also published several research articles pertaining to transcription regulations and thyroid cancer.
- Before joining Mission as a faculty, Mike taught as an adjunct at PierceCollege.
- Welcome to LAMC, Mike.
Angela Echeverri introduced Veronica Cox – and Gina Ladinsky both faculty newly hired in the fall in the English Department and D Art Phares hired in the fall in History.
President Echeverri then introduced to the senate for the first time Dean of Academic Affairs, Nadia Swerdlow, hired in December , 2008 to replace the position vacated by vice President Alma Johnson-Hawkins. Nadia gave a brief self-bio, which began with, “What should I say about myself?” The following are her comments:
- Moved from Chicago
- Served as Associate Dean of instruction at a 2 year college – with 32,000 students – 146 languages spoken, a lot of diversity among students
- Education as an Art major but was practical and as moved to English as a major.
- Most proud accomplishment was the fact that I won the state of Illinois Award for Women and Global Issues - belonged to the American Assn. of Women in Community Colleges. I would like to bring awareness of this group to Mission.
- I have found everyone here at mission to be such a pleasure to work with and know. Thanks for welcoming me to your campus.
Angela asked< “What departments do you now supervise?”
Response: As a Dean in Academic Affairs, I supervise Social Sciences, like, and Physical Sciences, Art. Health, PE. and English.
President Echeverri was delighted to re-introduce and recognize Lorraine Manoogian, our parliamentarian who has returned from an extensive bout with cancer. Lorraine indicated that it had been exactly a year since she went out on illness leave to the hospital for her cancer. She spoke of her miraculous victory and journey and thanked everyone for their continual prayers, cards, calls, and undying support during her entire ordeal. She is thankful to be back and missed us all. She is ready to serve the Senate.
President Echeverri announced the position for the Basic Skills Coordinator (see President’s report). Gary Prostak gave the details. He stated that the Mission is hoping to get responses so that a full-time person can run the program. It will be an ISA 12 month position. Position closes on 2-27-09.
Agenda motion to move from Old Business to Hiring Committee Report byGary Prostak for John Klitsner committee chair. Approved.
Gary indicated that the committee members need to get in their rating sheets to John by Feb.19, 2009 today. If you have not received your packets, whichJohn believes most all have, then please contact him directly and he will get you a packet. On Wednesday, Feb. 25, at 3:00 pm. the committee will meet
to review the data and determine the hiring seniority. Report of the results will be given at the March 5 meeting.
Angela resumed her President report with the acknowledgement of the two faculty winter retirees, Joanne Kalter-Flink (Counseling) and Phoebe Rivera ( ESL) founding faculty member of Mission and Learning Center director report ( See President’s report below for details).
III. Officers’ Reports
President Echeverri Report
PRESIDENT’S REPORT February 19, 2008
Submitted by Angela C. Echeverri
- Faculty Hiring:
- Michael Fenton (Chemistry): Our newest probationary faculty member was hired over the winter break to start in spring of 2009.
- Basic Skills Coordinator: The position for a Basic Skills Coordinator has been posted and can be viewed at:
The position closes on 2/27/09. Minimum qualifications are Master’s Degree in English; TESOL; Mathematics; Education with an emphasis in Reading; or the equivalent
- Other positions: The Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee has met to review hiring requests for 2008-2009. John Klitsner will give a report later today.
- Faculty Retirements: Two long serving faculty members retired this winter:
- Joanne Kalter-Flink (Counseling): Retired after many years of service to the college. She started working at LAMC in 1983 as a student worker. She later obtained her graduate degree and worked as an hourly counselor before she became a full-time counselor in 1990.
- Phoebe Rivera (ESL): Phoebe was one of the founding faculty members of Mission. She worked as LearningCenter Director and ESL faculty member for 33 years at our college.
- Administrative Update:
- Dean of Academic Affairs: Our new permanent Dean of Academic Affairs Nadia Swerdlow was hired in December of 2008 to replace the position vacated by Vice President Alma Johnson-Hawkins.
- ASCCC 2009 Spring Plenary Session: Will take place April16-18, 2009in San Francisco. The current discipline list revision process is ending. There will be a vote on the minimum qualifications (MQs) for eight disciplines: five proposals to modify MQs for current disciplines on the list and three proposals to establish new disciplines. Written testimony in support or against these changes can be submitted to Beth Smith ().
Proposed MQ Revisions to Existing Disciplines:
1)Political Science: Master’s in political science, government, public administration, or international relations, OR Bachelor’s in any of the above AND Master’s in economics, history, public administration, social science, sociology, any ethnic studies, JD, or LL.B
2)Humanities: Master’s in humanities OR The equivalent. See Interdisciplinary Studies
3)Mathematics: Master’s in mathematics, applied mathematics or statistics OR Bachelor’s in mathematics or applied mathematics AND Master’s in statistics, physics, or mathematics education OR The equivalent.
4)Instructional Design/Technology:Master’s in instructional design/technology or educational technology OR The equivalent
5)Agriculture: Master’s in agriculture, agriculture science, education with a specialization in agriculture, or other agricultural area (including: agricultural business, agricultural engineering, agricultural mechanics, agronomy, animal science, enology, environmental (ornamental) horticulture, equine science, forestry, natural resources, plant science, pomology, soil science, viticulture or other agriculture science) OR Bachelor’s in any of the above AND Master’s in agriculture business, natural resources, animal science, plant science, soil science, forestry, pomology, agricultural engineering, environmental horticulture, agronomy, viticulture or enology OR The equivalent.
Proposed New Disciplines and MQs:
1)Statistics: Master’s in statistics OR Bachelor’s in statistics or applied mathematics AND Master’s in mathematics or applied mathematics OR The equivalent
2)Speech Language Pathology: Master’s In Speech Pathology, Speech Language Pathology, Speech Language and Hearing Sciences, Communicative Disorders, Communicative Disorders and Sciences, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Education with a concentration in Speech Pathology, OR The equivalent.
3)Biotechnology: Bachelor’s degree in the Biological Sciences or Chemistry or Biochemistry or Engineering and two years of full-time related work experience.
- District Academic Senate: The last general DAS meeting took place on February 12, 2009 at TradeTechCollege. The DAS approved the following action items:
- General Education Regulations (Board Rule 6201): To reflect new graduation requirements for Math and English competencies that go into effect Fall of 2009.
- Essential Academic Skills in Course Outline: Adds self-reflective learning to EAS and choice of purposeful collaboration under methods of instruction.
- Independent Study (Administrative regulation): States that academic standards shall be the same as other courses at the college.
- Unit/Hour Alignment (Administrative regulation): To comply with Title 5 changes made in August 2008. The number of credit awarded shall be adjusted in proportion to the number of hours of lecture, study or laboratory work in half increments.
- Community Services (BR 12001): Minor change replaces the word classes with offerings.
Next general DAS meeting will take place on 3/12/09 at ValleyCollege.
- Proposition J Construction Bond:
The voters of Los AngelesCounty approved LACCD bond measure J for $3.5 Billion dollars. MissionCollege will receive approximately $300 million. The bond will fund a number of projects including a ProfessionalHealthSciencesBuilding for $70 million at East campus.
- Career Technical Education (CTE) Innovation Funds:
Approximately $108,900 in CTE funds was set aside for curriculum development, establishment of advisory committees, and faculty internships in the vocational areas for 2008-09. A CTE Innovation Fund task force was formed last fall to review faculty requests for CTE innovation funds. Initial funding was allocated to several of the requests in November. The task force met yesterday (2/18/09) to allocate additional funds. Dean Zayas will be notifying faculty of the task force decisions. Vice Chancellor Marvin Martinez has indicated that additional CTE innovation funds will be available for 2009-10.
Due to time constraints and the college Council meeting today, Leslie Milke asked to move up the agenda to the Accreditation Report. Seconded by Said Pazirandeh. Unanimously passed.
Copies of the Accreditation reports are available for everyone to read and are on line. President Echeverri passed them out.
Leslie Milke commends Pat Flood and Angela Echeverri on the Accreditation Report. Leslie moves to approve the report to be submitted to College Council. Eloise Cantrell seconds the motion.
Angela indicated that the report states that the faculty and the academic senate should be more involved in the planning of future buildings and curriculum – not the other way around.
Mike suggested that the report should add one sentence as follows:
- We have placed a copy of all of the accreditation report: in the library and it is also available on-line@......
Leslie and Eloise were asked if they would accept a friendly amendment and add that sentence to the motion to approve and accept the accreditation report. So accepted. Angela called for the question.
Motion to accept and present the Accreditation Report to College Council was unanimously approved.
B. Treasurer (Louis Zandalasini)
- Report on account at the Pacific Western Bank:
- Academic Senate Account $ 966.79
- Carla Bowman Scholarship $3,959.10
- David Lee Moss Scholarship $ 457.89
- Faculty Dues of $25 are due now, these dues help to provide Scholarships for our LAMC students. Please pay Louie as soon as possible.
- Conference Requests: There is $300.00 available Full-time, $250.00 Adjunct for conference requests. Please be reminded of the 2 weeks prior authorization for any conference request or attendance in any activity that requires a conference request form. Even if it is a meeting at the LACCD, you should do a form for insurance purposes if you will be away from your teaching responsibilities. The Conference Request form is on the college website (as well as laccd.edu) under faculty, and then campus forms, please attach a flyer of the conference activity. Remember, you must fill out the Travel Expense Claim Form document no later than 10 days after your attendance in order for your conference request for money to be processed. This document must also be accompanied by all of your originalreceipts for your expenses. In addition, a Report on Conference Activity must be filled out with a detailed report of the value you gained by your attendance.
- Chair for Scholarship Committee 2008-2009: If you are interested to be the Scholarship Chair, or would like to serve on this committee please e-mail me, or phone campus ext. #7849.
IV.Public Address: (comments on matters on the agenda for the current meeting (Echeverri)
V. Reports of Senate Committee Meetings
A. Curriculum (Pazirandeh)
Curriculum Report
All course outlines need SLO; s on file. You can merge them into your Old Course Outlines. Everything is posted on line. Next Curriculum meeting is March 3.
B. District Academic Senate ( Echeverri,)
( See President’s report)
C. Education Planning Committee Report and Unit Assessment( Silver)
Educational Planning Committee
Report to Senate February 19th , 2009
EPC Meetings held December 15, 2008 Feb. 9 2009
Summary of Agenda Items Discussed:
December 15th, 2008
- The Essential Skills Committee is preparing to post the position of coordinator
- The Essential Skills Committee presented EPC with a draft of a charter to be voted on at the next meeting.
- Accreditation: Pat Flood and Angela Echeverri are working on a progress report due to the Board on February 19th, 2009
- EPC will review the Educational Master Plan to ensure that we are progressing on the timetable outlined in the document
- CTE Program Innovation Funds: a meeting is being scheduled to revisit the RFP’s already submitted so that remaining funds can be allocated.
February 9th, 2009
- Program review reports were presented by English as a Second Language and Mathematics/CSIT
D. Budget and Planning Committee( Milke) No Report
E. College Council- ( Milke/Echeverri) No Report
F. Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment (SLOA) Committee (Flood)
No Report
G. Academic Rank Committee – (Long)
The report for this month, February 2009 is as follows:
The Academic Rank Committee met two times in January to finalize the details forfive formerly submitted applicants who had completed the process for Academic Rank Change and for two new applicants. We have written letters and sent them to the candidates, sent the completed letters of recommendation to President Valles, and have received copies ofPresident Valles'letters of congratulations and copies of the candidates certificates she sent to each of them.
We are pleased to state that for following faculty are now promoted to the rank of Professor and may sign their name with that rank. These faculty members are:
Gary Prostak Professor- English as a Second Language
Lilamani de SilvaProfessor- Child Development
PatriciaFloodProfessor- Computer Applications and Office Technologies
Joyce WoodmanseProfessor - Computer Applications and Office Technologies
Kit Shan Debby WongProfessor -Mathematics
Abdoe J. MalkiProfessor- Mathematics
The following full-time faculty member has been approved for the rank of Associate Professor:
Said Pazirandeh Associate Professor - Chemistry
The following Adjunct faculty have been granted the rank of Adjunct Assistant Professor:
Kathleen M. Dawson Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
Sherrie Denise LoperAdjunct Assistant Professor of Counseling
Mark A. Lund Adjunct Assistant Professor of Administration of Justice
Delbert Dean WeilacherAdjunct Assistant Professor of Interior Design
Garo Kilislian Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Cynthia Allen Luis Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
Zagaryan Stephan Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
We are working to get our application forms on-line and hopefully will have this task completed soon.
H. Distance Education Committee (Jordan/Pazirandeh) No Report
VI. Old Business
A.Accreditation Visit Report (Flood/Echeverri)
(See President’s report above)
Comments were made on the Accreditation reports as follows:
Mike Climo mentioned that out of six-shared governance committees four of them had no action taken at College Council in the report. Recommendations have not been taken to the College Council by the committees. Instead, just reports were made.
Mike indicated that 2/3 of the shared governance committees are not taking actions to the College Council.
President Echeverri commented on the report and recommendations are being made as follows:
Composition of some of the shared governance committee is not reflecting faculty involvement
- Facilities committee lacks faculty input and committee participation and members
- Student Services – is more of a staff meeting than a shared governance committee and there is a lack of faculty input.
- Technology committee cut the amount of faculty when the charter was made – faculty could attend but would have no input and not vote as of Fall 2007. So, why attend if you have no voice? (Mike Climo)
These topics will be considered for more discussion. It is time to adjourn for the College Council meeting.
Angela called adjournment.
- Project Match: Intern applications must be received by Sunday March 1, 2009. Mentor recruitment packages will go out in late April or early May 2009. Stipends for both interns and mentors are $800. For more info visit:
- LAMC Honors Ceremony: Will take place on Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 5:00pm. in CampusCenterMain. Contact Deborah Manning for more information.
The meeting adjourned at 1:09 PM
Respectfully submitted by Eloise Cantrell - Secretary