BCTC Rules Meeting

November 10, 2017

Officers: Jamie Clark, (Chair),Lauren Campbell (Secretary/BCIS Rep.)
Ex-Officio Members: Marilyn Akins (Parliamentarian of the Faculty/AHNS), Becky Harp Stephens (Associate Dean/SDEM)
Division Representatives: Andy Ball (HUM), Steve Stone (AS), Dixie Hayes (AMT),
Absent:Jeff Herrin (MS), Hossein Motamedi (CHLSS), Lise Roemmele (Nursing), Kathy Swango (KCTCS Rules Rep.), Crystal Hacker (AHNS)
Item / Discussion / Action
Approval of Agenda / No additions were made / Steve Stonemoved to accept the agenda.The motion was seconded by Andy Balland the agenda was approved with no objections or abstentions.
Approval of October 13, 2017 Minutes / Lauren Campbellmoved to accept the minutes as submitted.The motion was seconded by Dixie Hayes and the minutes were approved with no objections or abstentions.
KCTCS Rules Report /
No report as they have not met.
Compass Testing Language /
The Committee decided to table the discussion until the next meeting. / Marilyn Akins moved to table the discussion and Andy Ball seconded. Motion was approved with no objections or abstentions.
Rules of the Faculty about special called meetings /
The Committee discussed the following proposed rules change regarding special called Faculty Council meetings (changes in yellow):
New Rule:
b. Terms and Vacancies
Division representatives and alternates will hold two-year staggered terms that run from August 1 through July 31. Elected representatives and alternates shall be eligible for re-election for a second consecutive term, but ineligible for further re-election until one year has elapsed.
5. Special Meetings
Faculty Council may be called into special session by the Chair of the Faculty or the President of BCTC when deemed necessary or in response to a written request by one-fourth of the voting members of the Faculty Council. Notice of the time and place of all special meetings shall be prepared by the Secretary and delivered to each member of the Faculty Council, with notice to all faculty, at least five (5) calendar days before such meetings. All notices of special meetings shall state the purpose of the meeting.
Special meetings called in June and July can be conducted electronically only if the meetings provide, at a minimum, conditions of opportunity for synchronous aural and oral communication among all participating members equivalent to those of meetings held in one room or area. A minimum of one Faculty officer shall be present at a campus location to preside over the meeting.
Rational for the proposed change:
Under special circumstances, Faculty Council may occasionally be required to meet during June or July when most faculty are off contract. This rule change makes it clear what term parameters are; additionally, it provides a process for urgent summer meetings to be held electronically. Currently there is no procedure for those meetings to occur.
The new rule is better because the rule clarifies and codifies expectations of Faculty Council members during summer to facilitate special meetings.
Discussion: The Committee discussed using general language regarding curriculum in the new rule and thought it was best to leave it open in case any other instances arose where the Faculty Council needed to meet. Should Faculty Council need to meet over the summer, the Committee thought it would be beneficial to ask Council members to providethe Council with the best way to reach them over the summer (i.e. a phone number, email)at the last meeting of the year. The Committee also discussed the objection period for the summer and decided to leave itas is (ten days) to move the process along.
Rules Committee members are to discuss the proposed change at their next Division meeting for discussion at the next Rules meeting.
Rules change proposed by Nursing / Nursing sent in the following rules change, which needs to be discussed duringupcoming Division meetings for discussion at the next Rules meeting (changes in yellow):
Bluegrass Community and Technical College
The Kentucky Community and Technical College system (KCTCS) Guidelines for
Admissions will be observed with the following exceptions:
If a student is not eligible for readmission or progression in the program, the candidate
may apply as an initial admission to the program. If accepted to the program, credit will
not be given for any previous successfully completed practical nursing courses.
5b.Proposal To ReviseaRule of the Senate:
In order to be considered for admission to the Practical Nursing Program, each applicant
must submit the following credentials:
1. Complete admissions application to a KCTCS college.
2. Official high school transcript indicating that the applicant has or will complete a high
school course of study or a passing GED official score report;
3. Official transcripts of postsecondary work completed at other institutions;
4. Submit official documentation of obtaining minimum college readiness benchmarks;
5. Successful completion of a Nurse Aide equivalent course within the past three (3) years
or proof of active status on the Medicaid Nurse Aide Registry.
A pre-admission conference with the coordinator or the coordinator’s designee is required
prior to an applicant’s consideration by the Practical Nursing Admissions Committee.
Preference may be given to:
1. Candidates who demonstrate above average standing in high school or on the General
Education Development Examination (GED);
2. Applicants who score above the assessment and placement entry level scores for admission to the practical nursing program; and
3. Applicants who have completed 12 or more credit hours in the approved curriculum with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better from any regionally accredited college, or Council on Occupational
Education accreditation.
  1. To be considered for readmission by the Practical Nursing Admissions
Committee, the applicant must submit a written request to the Practical Nursing Coordinator including evidence of remedial study, additional preparation or resolution of factors contribution to unsuccessful course completion, and must meet current admission guidelines.
2. A student may be readmitted to the Practical Nursing Program one time if a student has furnished sufficient evidence of remedial study, additional preparation, or resolution of factors contributing to unsuccessful course completion. The Practical Nursing Admissions Committee may recommend readmission a second time.
3. If more than three years have elapsed since initial enrollment in the first nursing course of any practical nursing program, an applicant must repeat all nursing courses. unless the student has demonstrated current competency by passingexams equivalent to comprehensive course final examinations (both writtenexams and clinical skills) if available at the college to which the student isapplying for admission.
Rationale for proposed Action.
BCTC Practical Nursing Admissions Committee does not use these documents in the
selective admissions process.
Faculty Performance Review Committee Name Change / Barbara Elzey requested a name change of the Faculty Performance Review Committee to the Faculty Evaluation Process Committee because the name is too similar to the Faculty Performance Review Appeals Committee. They want to make sure nothing confidential is leaked because the names are so similar. Rules Committee members will discuss at their Division meetings and will bring the results of their discussions to the next Rules Committee meeting.
Additions / No additions to the agenda.
Adjournment / Jamie Clarkmoved to adjourn the meeting.The motion was seconded by Steve Stone and all approved with no objections or abstentions.