FAQ: ECO Rollout June, 2015


Q: Will the new identifier number start as of July 1?

A: Yes. The KSITS ID will automatically generate whenever a new name is added to the database. It will be important to look for a child with a near match when entering children, so that we are tracking the same child within the state.

Q: Will it be a local decision to get a KIDS ID number if we want one?

A: After July 1, Part C will no longer have the ability to assign a KIDS ID. Children who were assigned numbers prior, and up to June 30, 2015 will have both numbers. Children coming into the program July 1, 2015 and after will have only the KSITS ID number.

Q: Our tiny-k program is located in a school district and we think we need a KIDS ID number to put our infants and toddlers in the WebKIDSS system.

A: WebKIDSS is a data management system developed for Kansas educators. The program allows the user to produce an IEP, generate the state MIS data, etc. It is not a tool used in the Part C programs. Your tiny-k program should use only the Kansas ITS database.Part C will no longer have the ability to assign the KIDS ID as of July 1.

Q: Are Part B programs aware of this change?

A: Both Part C staff at KDHE and Part B staff at KSDEhas been involved in making these changes. A joint letter is being developed to share information with LEAs and local tiny-k programs. The KIDS ID trainers at KSDE will train local programs to insure this process goes smoothly as possible during the transition process. Part C will not be involved in this specific training, if you have questions, contact Vera Stroup-Rentier at .

Q: For children who are transitioning to Part B, when will we assign a KIDS ID number?

For children entering the Part B system, it is not necessary for the Part B program to wait until the third birthday to assign a KIDS ID number. However, before assigning a KIDS ID number you must have 1) parental consent to share information with Part B from Part C, and 2) parental consent to share the child’s early intervention record so it will become part of his or her school record. Local LEAs can decide when they would like to assign the KIDS ID number; KSDE encourages the assignment of the number as soon as possible after the referral to the Part B program, even if the child may not be eligible for Part B services. Part C has critical role in the quality of information shared during this time period. In order for information to be upload properly to the Part B system, it is important that the answers to the transition questions on the Universal Part C to B referral form are answered and entered into the ITS databaseprior to the referral to Part B.

Q: How will KSDE or the LEA match the child to see if the child already has a KIDS ID number?

A: An electronic upload system will allow the children to be matched for those that have consent for their early intervention record to become part of their school record.

Q: Without a common ID number between Part C and Part B how are the children's records linked at transition?

A: For those children for whom we have consent for the for the early intervention record to become part of their school record, an upload file will be sent for those children who were referred to the Part C program on a weekly basis. At the local level, you will need to obtain the consents prior to the referral, make the referrals in a timely manner, and enter this correctly in the database. This information will be uploaded and sent to KSDE.

Q: Will we continue to assign the local case number?

A: Yes, you will continue to use your local system for the local case number. This is currently required for the KS ITS database system.

Middle Name Issue:

All children should have at least a middle initial entered into the database. The name may be added after initial entry, but obtaining the middle name should become part of your intake process. We understand that some children do not have middle names, but if your data is showing large numbers of these children, we will question the accuracy of your data and if you have procedures in place to obtain them.

More Database

Q: Will the ECO Summary Statement populate from IFSP to database?

A: Yes, if you are using the web based IFSP.

Q: Will the IFSP send you an error message if you miss checking a box?

A: Adam indicated that yes, there will be error reports for these processes.

Parents Guide to Participating in ECO Process

Q: Whenwill we receive the parent booklets?

A: They were sent out to each Program Coordinator. They are also available on the KITS website.

Q: Please tell me where I can find the "extra" page of the Family Guide to Participating. I did not find it on KITS website

A: It is posted on the KITS website, and has been sent out to Coordinators.

Q: Do we need to differentiate permission to share info to Part B and to share info for the purpose of having longitudinal data linking the child’s early intervention participation to the school record?

A: Yes, our attorney indicated that FERPA clearly states the purpose forsharing information is required when requesting permission to share information. We are requesting permission to share for two distinct purposes. The Consent to Share/Release of Information form has been updated and has both reasons spelled out.

Q: How do we discuss what longitudinal data collection means with parents? Can you or part B create a short description for us to share with families?

A: Yes, we will try to find, or create a resource to help with that.

Universal Referral from Part C to Part B

Q: Our Part B partners really want the Part C Referral date. Can that be added to the form?

A: The Universal Referral Form has the required information that we can legally release with no additional consent from parents. You will need to obtain the consent to share with the local district for transition purposes if the district wants other additional information.

Q: What if the referral is legitimately under the 90 days?

A: You would follow the guidelines for a late referral to Part C, and would use the Universal Part C to Part B Referral Form. This does not mean you couldn’t notify by another means, and use this form at the same time, with the date that you also made the other contact.

Q:The Universal Part C to Part B Referral- is this filled out electronically and sent via the database or is this something I print off and send to Part B in paper form with a copy in the chart? Do I still complete the Part B referral date box on the database?

A: The form will auto fill from information in the database. You will need to print it and send it or save as HTML, and email it (with appropriate security) to the Part B contact. Put the referral date into the database, and the form will print with the same referral date. The referral date must be put into the database as this is the date we use for compliance for timely referrals. Make sure that the date in the database matches the form that is sent to Part B.

Q: We have a really good system with our Part B partners. Do I have to use this form?

A: Yes. This form was developed in partnership with KSDE, to ensure that both Part B and Part C could complete a compliant referral.

Q: My school district has approached me and wants to do an online referral to Part B which generates an excel spreadsheet for them and us. I know there is a universal form but can we use this system with them?

A: This would be a local decision. The Universal referral form will be required, but anything extra is up to you, as long as permission to share information etc., as appropriate/required is obtained from parents.

New consent to share information

Q: What do we do if a parent objects to the longitudinal collection?

A: The reason for this change is to ensure parental rights. If a parent objects, they would not sign consent to share for this data collection, and that file would not be uploaded to KSDE. If we see a pattern of parents routinely not providing permission to share longitudinal data, KDHE may ask questions about the process and how it is being explained

*Referral information using the Universal Part C to Part B Referral Form can be sent without any parental consent per Federal regulations.

Q: Does the parent have a choice to participate in longitudinal data gathering for purposes of tracking children throughout their educational career when they are in Part B?

A: We are not aware of how Part B handles this.

Q: Will Part B still receive the information through the same CBER system that they are using currently?

A: Yes


**Children must have a Final Progress Report and Outcome Summary Statement by their third birthday. (This applies even for children who might be receiving services over the summer and past third birthday.)

When loss of contact occurs, a Final Progress Report and Early Childhood Outcome Summary Statement (ECOSS) should be done if contact is not made in 90 days. The IFSP would remain open and the child remains open in the ITS database until the IFSP expires. The ECO exitONLY,is done is this scenario.

Q: Are Outcomes needed at annual IFSP's as well as entrance?

A: Yes. An outcome summary statement will be chosen at each initial and annual IFSP. A final outcome will be chosen when a child exits even if they have been in service less than six months. An exit descriptor will be completed even if you expect the child to transfer (local program exit), as often the child fails to show up in the next service area.

Q: What if you aren’t going to have the child 6 months?

A: A descriptor statement would be chosen at the initial IFSP, no matter how long the child is expected to receive services because we are incorporating this process into the IFSP. When a child exits, a final assessment of progress made will be completed using the final progress report. It is important to look at progress made both with your team and the family even if it is a shorter amount of time.

Q: Do we do an ECOSS when a child leaves our program and goes to another network in KS?

A: Yes, this would be a local program exit in the ECO system.

Q: But we still have until July 31 to enter info for kids that apply through June 30?

A: Yes, all children who enter or exit prior to July 1, 2015 will be entered into the old OWS system and the drop dead date for those entries is July 31. Access to OWS is scheduled to end then. Going forward, the last date to have data complete will be July 31st of the year, as with all data in the ITS database.

Q: Is there a time frame that an ECOSS exit needs to be done - number of days accepted before hand - and then 30 days after exit date?

A: The final progress summary statement can be completed with the family up to 90 days prior to third birthday. The statement must be completed in any scenario, in order to exit a child from the ITS database. You have 15 days to enter data into the database, the same as with any data.

Q: For a child that is currently on ECO that will be exited in July or anytime after because they turn 3, do we only use the new system? And do we have to do anything in the OWS?

A: Any action that happens going forward from July 1, 2015 will be entered in the ITS database (not the OWS) using the ECO Summary Statements that are within the IFSP. Final Progress will be reported using the Final Progress Report and entered into the ITS database.

Q: Will Outcome Summary Statements need to be done on annual IFSPs of children already in our program?

A: Yes. Moving forward, an ECOSS will be completed as part of all initial and annual IFSPs.

Final Progress Report/ECO Exit

Q: Will we be sharing final summary statement with parents and so make a decision on the spot?

Are you planning way ahead to be sure to get updated progress info from the family that you then take back to the team and then go back and share that with the family?

A: No, you would not be making any ECOSS on the spot. It is assumed that during your process of ongoing assessment, updating your assessment tools, quarterly teaming, IFSP reviews and ongoing conversation with families, that you have adequate information to determine a final outcome summary statement. The process would still incorporate the use of the decision tree, basis for rating, and at least two professionals. (This is the same as the old process).All professionals are not required to be present for the discussion with family.

In your final conversation with a family, you would summarize all progress made during the duration of the child’s time in service. This would be documented on the Final Progress Report and shared with the family. The Final Progress Report/ECOSS is the summation of ALL progress made from start to finish, even though there may have been annual descriptor statements in between. The ECO outcomes were not meant to be a one time look at a child, but instead, a comprehensive look at all the information you have about the child,and how he is functioning, both at entry and at exit. That has not changed.

Q: Sometimes you don't know it is your last visit with the family/child. You might have a visit scheduled, but for whatever reason, it doesn't happen. Now what with the ECOSS?

Q2: So how do you recommend we handle final progress meetings for families that are unable or unavailable to attend?

A: Best practice would say that you would plan in advance and make sure you had a final visit to summarize things with a family. In the real world, things happen and you would do the best you can. See above answer. It is assumed that there would be adequate information to make a final ECOSS rating.

Q: On the progress statement if a child does make progress but the rating doesn’t go up can it still be marked yes?

A: Yes. There are very few instances when that question would be marked no. A child may stay at the same rating or even drop in rating and still make progress in their development.

Prior Written Notice (PWN)

**This process is a final progress report. It will not change services or amend the IFSP; it is just a report on the progress made during the duration of the IFSP(s). For this reason, we do not see this as an IFSP review or a required PWN.

However, the progress report may be combined with a regular IFSP review, a transition meeting, etc. In this case,a PWN is required. A PWN is also required to inform a family of exit from the program, and that PWN may be done in conjunction with the Final Progress report. If you need help in determining a process to use, it is recommended that you consult with KDHE or your KITS TA providers.

ECO exit vs. IFSP/services exit

**There were several questions asking to clarify this issue.

In most cases, we believe the Final Outcomes Summary would occur upon exit from ITS services. Use the same date for both exits (even if you met with the family at an earlier point).In some cases, children can receive the final outcome/exit from the ECO without being exited from ITS services. When contact is lost, the child should be given a final outcome summary when contact cannot be reestablished within 90 days. The child would remain open for services until the IFSP expired. The other scenario is when a child is being served past his third birthday because of a summer birthday. Those children must have an ECO exit prior to third birthday. There are exit reasons associated with the ECO to accommodate those situations.

Database Reports

Q: Will there be any new error reports that help us know if we have not entered all required IFSP info?

A: Adam North: Yes, there will be reports added. The majority of the information will be required entries, so missing any information will not be an option.

Q: Will we be able to get reports out of the database that include all of the ratings made over the entire time in our services?

A: Yes, eventually. Part of the reason for moving systems was to have better access to drill down data. All of those reports will not be available July 1, but we plan to have them ready by October 1. (First quarter)

Q: When is the new release form going to be in the database?

A: Adam North: I had planned as of July 1, to have the new form available on the ITS data base. It is already available on the Kansas Infant Toddler website.


Q: When will any of the new forms be available in Spanish?