BNSYS Agenda01/11/2018

I. Call to Order / The President called the meeting to order at 7:37pm.
II. Roll Call / Ed Shaughnessy, Dave Spinney, Justine Fournier, Laura McKenna, Jesse Griffin, Erik Croto, Rob Naughton, Jared LaMothe, Carrie Guerrette, Theo Selby
III. Approval of Minutes / Review November 2017 Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve the November 2017 meeting minutes. - Approved
IV. Reports of Board Members / President’s Report:
  • Member Balance Report – Applied board credit.
  • New Payment Option for website – Ed & Laura will train together. (We will have the ability to refund and set up own scheduled payments)
  • Website invoice is outstanding
  • Cloud version of Quickbooks
  • Submitted write up for town report
  • Bradford does a warrant article, other towns do it in their parks & rec budget. Newbury; $3500 and have own painting stuff
  • Status Update on Checking Account ~18k
  • Status Update on Savings Accounts ~11k
  • Bills Paid since last meeting – Eversource, Lumber Barn, Background Checks
  • Reimbursements paid out since last meeting-none
  • Profit & Loss Year End done on 1/2/18
  • Donation – Tall Pines had a great year and donated $50 (Placed in scholarship line item)
  • New payment option for website
Field Director
  • Golf Cart batteries removed and stored inside in R.N. basement
  • Paint removed and stored inside R.N. basement
Equipment Director
  • Begin to look at equipment needed to next season (Baseball and Softball) – all ordered. New helmets, bats, and gear bags.
  • New helmets, bases, bags are in
Wrestling Director
  • February 18, 2018 “Meet of Champions Tournament”
  • Sunday 2/18/18 – NEC offered to lend 2 new mats.
  • Send NEC a Thank you letter & pizza to last practice. They are sending their wrestlers to run a table.
  • Set up night before – Saturday night
  • Flo wrestling – monitors, does all the brackets.
  • Need police officer, food, janitors, extra help….
  • Need U-haul to pick up mats – Tackle shack rents
  • High school wrestling team is partnering and will split profits 50/50.
  • Need help with soliciting food donations.
  • Email out to the BNS web group for donations. (sign-up genius)
  • Jim Spadaro will help out.
  • Send a letter to the school district to help donate drinks/chips.
  • Dunkin Donuts supplied coffee & donuts.
  • Soda
  • Stamp at the door for entrance.
  • Erik & Theo will do team registration
  • Next meeting at Middle School
  • Ed will call & write letter to school for assistance with meet.
Baseball Director
  • Start to formulate when we want to open up registration
Softball Director
  • KMS – big bill this past year. Staying with them.
Soccer Director
  • Nets down as soon as weather breaks?
Fundraising Director
  • Work with Ed and Cheryl on getting concession stand items for tournament

V. Public Comments
VI. New Business / Dug outs for baseball – call into prison
Flag Pole – Lucas’s would like to donate a granite bench
Move Flag Pole to middle of fields, put a light on it to. Open for discussion.
Can we get a water fountain at field?
VII. Adjourn / The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 pm
Next Meeting / Tentative date of February 8, 2018 at 7:30 pm @ KRMS