30th September2008 TraffordTown Hall,


Dear Councillor,

Your attendance is requested at a meeting of the Council of the Borough of Trafford on WEDNESDAY, 8THOCTOBER 2008, at 7.00p.m.in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, TRAFFORDTOWN HALL, STRETFORD, for the transaction of the following business:-

1. / Minutes
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 9th July 2008 for signature by the Mayor as Chairman. / 1
2. / Announcements
To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader of the Council, Members of the Executive, Chairmen of Overview and Scrutiny Committees and the Head of Paid Service.
3. / Questions By Members
This is an opportunity for Members of Council to ask the Mayor, Members of the Executive or the Chairman of any Committee or Sub-Committee a question on notice under Procedure Rule 10.2.
4. / Membership of Standards Committee
(a)To note the appointment of Councillor Mrs. S. Royle from Dunham Massey Parish Council as a Parish Member of the Standards Committee.
(b)To receive a recommendation on the appointment of a further Independent Member of the Standards Committee and to make such an appointment.
5. / Report on Special Urgency Decisions
To note the following decision taken by the Executive under special urgency provisions:
Transport Innovation Fund (TIF) Referendum Proposals
With the consent of the Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, the Executive on 22nd September 2008, considered a report regarding the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities’ (AGMA) recommendations on the principles and key operational issues relating to the conduct of a Transport Innovation Fund “referendum”.
It was determined that an urgent decision was required to enable the Council toenter into joint arrangements with the other Greater Manchester district councils to discharge those functionsrelating to the conduct of a poll (“referendum”) on the TIFthrough the AGMA Executive Board.
6. / Children in Care - Presentation
To receive a presentation from the Executive Member for Supporting Children and Families and the Head of Services for Looked After Children.
7. / Annual Corporate report on Health and Safety - 1st April 2007 - 31stMarch 2008
To consider a report of the Executive Member for Value for Money which was recommended to the Council by the Executive on 28thJuly2008. / 7
8. / Motions
To consider the following motions submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 11:
(a) Motion submitted by the Labour Group
“Following the Government announcement last year to support a National Veterans Day, we call on the Council to develop and organise a Trafford wide Veterans Day to coincide with the National Veterans Day.
This initiative will help the continuing recognition and commitment to Veterans living in Trafford who have done so much for our Borough and Country.”
(b)Motion submitted by the Labour Group
“The Council expresses its deep concern that the Conservative Executive refused to take up the Government offer to part fund Trafford to introduce free swimming for young people and 60+ users in our Leisure Centres. We are also concerned that this decision has been taken without any consultation with the public and elected members of Council.
We therefore call on the Council to reconsider this decision, with a view to consulting and engaging the public and elected members to see how match funding can be found tohelp the Council to draw down the Government funding,which willenable Trafford to introduce free swimming for young people and 60+ users.”
(c)Motion submitted by the Labour Group
“Trafford Council is concerned that the Council's parks and Green Spaces are beginning to suffer from the effects of the significant cuts in the parks and open space budget.
Council and friends of parks groups were previously informed that the cuts in the budgets would not adversely affect the quality of the services provided in our parks and open spaces.
We therefore call on the Council to reinstate flowers in the flower beds where they have beenrecently replacedwith bark, and that the standards in our parks are restored to, and maintainedat the same level as they were prior to the budget being cut at the last budget setting meeting.”
(d)Motion submitted by the Labour Group
“Following the discontinuation of the Trafford universal 11+ test this Council has concerns about the lack of effective regular monitoring of the Grammar Schools own entrance examination tests.
In a Selective Authority like Trafford where around a third of children are selected into Grammar Schools, it is important that standards of entrance examination in our Grammar Schools are, and seen to be, fair and equitable, and in the best interest of all children across the Authority Schools.
We therefore call on the LA to work with ALL our schools to develop a monitoring system which will ensure standards of testing in our Grammar schools are fair and equitable and which will stand up to scrutiny.
Part of the savings made from the discontinuation of the universal Trafford 11+ testing could be used, if necessary, to fund the new LEA monitoring system.”
(e)Motion submitted by the Labour Group
“The Council is concerned that the Conservative Executive Committee is considering the sale of the land at the corner of Barrington Road and Stamford Road, Altrincham.
This strip of land was a gift to the people of Altrincham by Henry Shaw in memory of his Mother MrsMarthaLydiatt Shaw in 1933 and is held in Trust by the Council.
In light of the above, and the complaints from the public which have been received concerning the sale of the land, we call on the Council to organise consultation with the people of Altrincham, with whom the land was left to, through the Altrincham Neighbourhood Forum and by other suitable means.
Once those views have been received, the matter comes back to full Council for Councillors to consider the outcome of the consultation prior to a decision being taken.”
(f)Motion submitted by the Conservative Group
“This Council notes that Gurkhas have played an active front line part in the British Army’s activities in times of war and peace for nearly 200 years. In this period approximately 300,000 have fought alongside United Kingdom soldiers, with 45,000 of them being either killed or wounded.
This Council notes that the Government announced in September 2004 a change in immigration rules that allowed Gurkhas who had served in the British Army to settle in the United Kingdom with their families.
This Council notes with concern, however, that this offer has only been extended to cover those Gurkhas who had served at least four years and been discharged after 1st July 1997.
This Council believes that, given the exceptional service they have given to the United Kingdom, Gurkhas and their families should be given fast track eligibility for either the right to remain or citizenship.
This Council:
  1. Urges Trafford’s MPs to support Early Day Motions that seek to extend Gurkha rights; and
  1. Instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Prime Minister outlining this Council’s belief that all retired Gurkhas who fought in the British Army, should have the right to citizenship, as well as a fair deal on pensions.”

(g)Motion submitted by the Conservative Group
“That Trafford Borough Council:
(i)supports the bottom up process in the Sustainable Communities Act designed to allow local authorities and their communities to drive the help that central government gives in reversing community decline and promoting thriving, sustainable communities;
(ii) notes that the Act gives local authorities the power to:
  • make proposals to government on the action government must take to reverse community decline and promote sustainable communities, and
  • argue for a transfer of public money and function from central to local control;
(iii) notes that the Act defines the sustainability of local communities broadly, that definition having the 4 aspects of:
  • the improvement of the local economy,
  • protection of the environment,
  • promotion of social inclusion, and
  • participation in civic and political activity;
(iv) notes that reasons for a local authority choosing to use the Act include involving citizens in democracy, gaining new assistance from government, determining that assistance and being able to argue for transfers of public monies from central to local control; and
(v) resolves, when invited to by the Secretary of State in October 2008, to use the Act by preparing and submitting proposals on how central government can help to promote sustainability within Trafford.”

Yours sincerely,

Chief Executive