ASSESSMENT PLAN:-Overview of the assessment process
MAPPING DOCUMENT:-Mapping Instruments to unit of competency
ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS:-Cross out the instruments NOT used
- Observation Checklist
- Questionnaire
- Portfolio
- Third Party report
ASSESSMENT RECORD:-Record of assessment decision
APPEAL & COMPLAINT RECORD- For candidate/s to appeal their assessment
TRAINING PACKAGE: What training package is this unit/qualification from?
QUALIFICATION: What is the qualification name if applicable?
UNIT OF COMPETENCY/S: What is the unit code and name?
DEVELOPED BY: Your name you developed it.
DATE: What date did you develop this?
ASSESSMENT PLANOverview of this assessment process
Qualification or Competency Code and Name
This Assessment plan is to be completed with the assessor.Your assessor will discuss the following areas with you. They should be ticked off once you are confident that you have understood the information and procedures regarding this assessment.
Purpose and outcomes of the assessment process
Relevant units of competency
Appeals process
Confidentiality and security of information
Special needs/Additional information
Candidate’s Name
/ If this is for a specific person or group indicate here. / Phone No.Assessor’s Name
/ Your name if you are the assessor / Phone No.Employer Contact Details
/ Add if you have them / Phone No.Location of Assessment
/ Where is this going to take placeAssessment Date
/ Put in date if applicable /Time
Industry Specialist if required.
/ Any specialist support required to assist? If not N/A will sufficePurpose of Assessment:
Detail why this assessment is taking place
Qualification and/or Unit of Competency:
Add the code of the unit/s here / Add the name of the unit/s here
Conditions of Assessment (Context):
What conditions apply to this assessment, where is it to take place?
Assessment Instructions to the candidate:
Clear instructions to the candidate, what is going to happen, how long will it take, what do they need to do, How many attempts?
ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS: / Brief Description of Tasks required during the gathering or evidence or during assessment.
Methods of Assessment (Delete methods not required) / To demonstrate competence in this unit you are required to complete the following assessment tasks:
Portfolio / Clear description of the instruments you are using only. For example: Portfolio - includes evidence for RPL – reference, qualifications etc.
Questionnaire - Oral or written to assess underpinning knowledge
Observation/Performance Checklists for demonstration practical skills
Case Study
Third party/Supervisors report
Resource requirements for assessment:
For the Assessment of this unit of competency the following resources may be required:
Detail all required resources
Supplementary Evidence (to be provided by candidate as agreed upon)
Any supplementary evidence? E.g. Supervisors Report
Allowable Adjustments:
What allowable adjustments are available that will still provide sufficient evidence to meet the requirements of this unit?
Date of assessment:
Assessment will take place at a mutually agreed time between the candidate and the assessor.
Assessor/s signature: / Date:
In signing this form the candidate acknowledges that the assessment plan has been fully explained and s/he understands and agrees to the assessment process as described above.
Candidate’s signature: / Date:
(Ensures your assessment instruments collect sufficient evidence)
Unit of competency Name and Code / What is the code and name of this unit of competency?
AQF Level/Qualification: / What AQF level is this unit or the name of the Qualification?
Created by / Date / Your name / Date
Critical Aspects of Evidence: (as per unit of competence):
Evidence of the following is essential:
• Consistently applies housekeeping duties to work area, point-of-sale terminals, walkways, fixtures and display areas
• Consistently applies safe working practices in the operation and maintenance of a range of cleaning and housekeeping equipment according to:
• Store policy and procedures
• OHS legislation and codes of practice
• Industry codes of practice
• Manufacturer instructions and design specifications
• Applies store housekeeping program for work area and reports faults and problems to relevant person or department
• Reads, interprets and applies manufacturer instructions for cleaning products, tools and equipment
• Completes tasks in set timeframe.
Required skills:
The following skills must be assessed as part of this unit:
• Using and maintaining cleaning equipment
• Using and storing chemicals, hazardous substances and flammable materials
• Using electrical and other equipment safely
• Literacy and numeracy skills in reading and understanding manufacturer instructions
• Reading and understanding warning labels and instructions for the use of chemicals andhazardous substances
Required knowledge:
The following knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:
• Store policy and procedures in regard to:
• Housekeeping
• Use and maintenance of store cleaning equipment
• Personal hygiene
• Waste disposal and environmental protection
• Reporting problems and faults
• Relevant OHS regulations
• Relevant labels to identify chemicals and hazardous substances, HAZCHEM labels
• Manufacturer instructions for use of cleaning materials or hazardous substances
• Manufacturer instructions for use of cleaning equipment
• Relevant legislation and statutory requirements
• Relevant industry codes of practice
LLN Requirements
• Literacy and numeracy skills in reading and understanding manufacturer instructions
• Reading and understanding warning labels and instructions for the use of chemicals andhazardous substances
Assessment Summary (Legend:Assessment instrument names)
Evidence Number / Assessment Instrument name / Description / Purpose
What assessments instruments are you using, detail them separately here, (e.g. Questionnaire) / Describe what it is:
(e.g. Set of short answer questions) / What evidence is it going to collect? (e.g. Underpinning knowledge)
Mapping Information (Map your assessment instruments against the required outcomes)
Element Number / Element Name / Performance Criteria / Evidence Number /Assessment Name.
1.1 / Organise work areas / Maintain work areas in a safe, uncluttered and organised manner according to store policy and procedures / Map your assessment instruments against the criteria, summarise as per above.
E.g. Questionnaire / TPR, etc.
1.2 / Carry out all routines safely, effectively and efficiently with minimum inconvenience to customers and staff according to store policy
1.3 / Apply store policy and procedures for tidying work areas andplacing items in designated areas.
2.1 / Clear work area / Apply store policy and procedures for personal hygiene
2.2 / Apply store policy and procedures for cleaning of work area.
2.3 / Remove and dispose of waste promptly according to store policy and legislative requirements.
2.4 / Report spills, food, waste, or other potential hazards to relevant personnel and remove from floors according to store policy and legislative requirements
2.5 / Promptly display signage in regard to unsafe areas.
2.6 / Maintain equipment and consumable materials and store correctly after use
2.7 / Use and clean tools and equipment (including guards) according to manufacturer instructions and legislative requirements.
Dimensions of Competency›
Task Skill / Map these to your assessment instruments as wellTask Management Skill
Job role/environment Skill
Contingency Management Skill
Transfer Skill
Delete any instruments you are not using.
Assessor name: / Your name
Unit of competency: / Add the unit code and name
Workplace context / Where is this taking place?
Date of assessment:
Brief description of task: / Describe what the observation is going to be. E.g. Candidate will be observed in the workplace for a period of 3 hours. Scenarios will be undertaken to ensure all aspects are covered.
Did the candidate perform the following skills: / Yes / No / Comments
Ensure this maps as per your mapping guide, detail what needs to be observed ensuring it maps to your mapping guide, including dimensions of competency and critical aspects of evidence
The candidate’s performance was: / Competent / Not Yet Competent
Feedback to candidate
This signature confirms candidate agreement that the above record is a true reflection of the task performed.
Candidate signature:Date:
This signature confirms that the candidate has demonstrated competence in the practical performance and theoretical understanding of the observed task.
Assessor signature:Date:
Unit of Competency Code and Name: Complete this
Questions assessed (please select) – Oral / WrittenCandidate Name:
Assessor Name: / Your name
Workplace or RTO: / Is this taking place in the workplace or at the RTO training rooms?
(eg. On or off the job) / Time limit, how many attempts, open closed book? / Date:
Questions / Satisfactory
Yes / No
Q1 Read your questions back to yourself, are they clear to what is required?
The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was:
Competent Not Yet Competent
Signed by the assessor: Date:
Signed by the Candidate Date:
Feedback to candidate:
Acceptable answers are:
Q1 For very question you have ensure you also have a model response to ensure consistency between assessors.
Unit Code and Name: Ensure you complete this information / AQF Level/QualificationAdd the levelCandidates Name: / Date submitted:
Assessors Name: Your name / Date portfolio received:
Referee to confirm documentation: Name: / Contact No.
Detail below clear instructions for portfolio evidence:
You may wish to use the portfolio to describe the RPL evidence provided?
Portfolio Content: / Satisfactory / Not satisfactory
List what document have been provided
Benchmark information:
List what you are checking the portfolio evidence against? E.g.
Meets requirements for style and accuracy as per organisational requirements
Feedback to Candidate:
Notes for reassessment:
Candidatesignature: / Date:
Assessorsignature: / Date:
ConfidentialName of candidate:
Unit(s) of competency: / Ensure you complete this with the questions you will ask the referee
As part of the assessment for the units of competency, we are seeking evidence to support a judgement about the candidate’s competence. To assist in providing evidence we are seeking reports and feedback from supervisor/s and other people who work closely with the candidate.
Name of supervisor:Workplace:
Have you read the units of competency that you are commenting on? / Yes / No
Has the assessor explained the purpose of the candidate's assessment? / Yes / No
Are you aware that the candidate will see a copy of this form? / Yes / No
Are you willing to be contacted should further verification of this statement be required? / Yes / No
What is your relationship to the candidate?
How long have you worked with the person being assessed?
How closely do you work with the candidate in the area being assessed?
What are your technical experience and/or qualification(s) in the area being assessed?
(Include any assessment or training qualifications.)
Does the Candidate consistently perform the following / Yes / No
Detail here the performance/benchmark information required as per your assessment plan and ensure it maps to your mapping guide.
Overall, do you believe the candidate performs to the standard required by the units of competency on a consistent basis?
Detail any competencies or standards or further training that may be needed for the candidate:
Any other comments:
Supervisor signature:
Candidates signature:
Assessors signature: / Date:
ASSESSMENT RECORD(Summary of results)
Candidate information
Assessor’s name: / Your name
Assessor’s signature:
Assessment date:
Training Package / Qualification: Fill this in if applicable
Unit/s of competency Fill this in Yes No
Code: / Title:
Unit code / Unit name – complete this
Assessment application: / List your assessment instruments here e.g.
Final Result (Circle result) / Competent / Not Yet Competent
Re-assessment required/provide details: / Yes / No
Detail further evidence/training required
Feedback and future action
Feedback given:
Gaps in performance:
Future Learning pathway
Assessor signature: / Candidate signature: Candidate signature confirms understanding and agreement with the feedback
Connect Training Group Pty Ltd | Assessment Tool and Matrix: Version 1.6: February 2012