Panhellenic Council Meeting

February 17, 2013

Kansas State Student Union Little Theater

7:00 pm



We, as Undergraduate Members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities.

We, as Fraternity Women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.

Minutes were approved


All Chapters were present




President: Kaitlin Beeman ()

·  President’s round table- Doodle Poll Online to find time that is best for you

·  My Sister My Responsibility- Spring 2 delegates will present, Fall your own chapter members will present

·  Executive team sign up

·  NPC Manual of Information- Print out if you can!

Vice President: Sarah McKittrick ()

·  Judicial Training - TONIGHT

o  Right after PHC meeting, Big 12 Room

·  Month of the Scholar- Smarties

Risk Management: Jennifer Stanley ()

·  Please turn in event forms on time and done correctly- Please turn in by Tuesday, before office hours on Wednesday

·  Women for SRC

Community & Internal Relations: Lauren Strickler ()

·  Round Table meeting went well

·  Keep tuning in service hours for December and January

·  Don’t forget to turn in philanthropy registration and reflection forms

·  Good of the Order sheets

Public Relations: Mallory Patten ()

·  Panhellenic Delegate Sign Up for International Badge Day

·  Philanthropy spotlights

Recruitment: Nicole Wasserman Chelsey Ast Molly DeBusk

(nicwasse@kstate-edu) () ()

Director of Recruitment- External

·  Meeting with GTM about t-shirts

Director of Recruitment- Internal

·  First training date is March 2nd.

·  Make sure recruitment chairs and/or Presidents received my email excusing recruitment guides and PHC members from recruitment activities.

Director of Recruitment- COB & Retention

·  COB Roundtable at 8pm after Panhellenic

·  COB off to a good start! Any interested women

Practicum Advisor: Beth Little ()

·  Co Advise Panhellenic

·  March 7th Fraternal Excellence awards

·  Greek Week Meeting Thursday March 6th in room 207- Points awarded if your present

Advisor’s Report: Brianna Hayes ()

·  Remember to fill out Individual Fraternal Excellence Awards they are due on 3/7

·  Spring Billing is due on 2/28. If not paid your chapter will be subject to a 5% late fee and 1.5% per month interest fee for outstanding balance

·  If you are COBing be sure to pick up grade release forms and MRABAs from the Greek Affairs office

·  If I am your Liaison and you have not set-up an appointment with me please do so ASAP. My email address is .

·  Update OSAS registration

Old Business


New Business

·  Unanimous Agreement 10

o  For example RUSH ______Shirts are not allowed to be worn by women

o  No women for example sweethearts should appear on composites of the opposite sex

·  Change in calculation of total

o  72 hours after formal recruitment average chapter total size will be calculated, which will determine chapter totals

·  Tri Sigma

o  No sooner than fall 2015, no guarantee they will decide to return this soon

o  Chapter Support needed to successfully establish chapter

§  Each chapter provides 20-30 names for potential members

§  15%-20% of Greek Community following on Twitter and liking Facebook Page

For the Good of the Order

Alpha Chi Omega: Pan Award to Gamma Phi Beta, Raised almost $800 for Crisis Center Thanks to all who participated

Alpha Delta Pi: Function with Kappa Delta made valentines sent to retirement home

Alpha Xi Delta: Raised over 2 million dollars as a whole for autism speaks

Chi Omega: Chi O Casino next Tuesday February 25th at the Holiday Inn at 6p.m.-8:30, $10 to get in unless you bought a t-shirt, please like our facebook page

Delta Delta Delta: Valentines for St Jude over 200, Date party in two weeks, scholarship dinner soon, participating in COB

Gamma Phi Beta: They won Alpha Chi Omega dodgeball, Valentines cookie with Pi Beta Phi, Diva Dash March 1

Kappa Alpha Theta: April 13th Spring Philanthropy, preparing for COB, Looking forward to Greek Week

Kappa Delta: February 20th shamrock fundraiser at purple swirl, Shamrock March 1 +2

Kappa Kappa Gamma: Moms Weekend Saturday, Date Party February 28th, Dinner swap with Kappa Delta Thursday

Pi Beta Phi: Beta Function, Beau and Arrow FOrmal, Function with Gamma Phi Beta, CAR

Sigma Kappa: Collegiate Officer ACademy on February 22nd, Glow Run April 27th with Tau Kappa Epsilon

Zeta Tau Alpha: Traveling Leadership COnsultant was here for a week, Collected supplies for boys and girls club,Valentines SIsterhood

Announcements/ Important Dates to Remember

·  Next meeting is 3/3/14 in the Union Big 12 Room

The meeting was adjourned.