Kathrin Tasker

17 Ridsdale Road


Woking Surrey

GU21 3BU

Tel./Fax: 01483 724369

Mobile: 07771 893631


Only download and fill in one of these forms if you have spoken to me or had e-mail confirmation and been given a start date for the course


Thank you for the interest you have shown in the Obedience/Agility Classes. I have enclosed an enrolment form for you to complete and return to me. The Classes are very popular and get booked up very quickly. Places will therefore be allocated on a “First Come” basis. You will only be notified if your application has not been successful and your cheque will be returned to you. Please wear sensible clothes and shoes foroutdoor training.

Please bring with you: -An ordinary collar, lead, the dog’s favourite toy, tit-bits and a valid vaccination certificate.

We are a very friendly Club where dogs and handlers can have fun in a relaxed atmosphere whilst at the same time being able to train their dogs to a high standard. Harsh handling of dogs will not be tolerated.

Other than class lessons there are also private lessons available in agility, obedience, heelwork to music and help with behaviour problems. Ask for details.

Please send back your completed enrolment form together with your payment (cheques made payable to Canine Capers). Please note:- If another person is planning to handle the dog on a course in your absence or as well as yourself they will have to pay a membership fee of £10.00.

The next 10 week course will start on ……………………………..

Your Course Instructor: ……………………………………………

The fee for the 10 week course is £60 plus a £10 membership fee payable annually in May) Family membership £15)

Total fee payable on enrolment £70.

Please note that fees cannot be refunded for missing classes.

I hope you enjoy the course!

Enrolment Form





Post Code………………..

Home Tel. No. Incl. Code………………………………………………..

Work Tel. No. Incl. Code………………………………………………...

Mobile Number…………………………………………………………..

Fax Number………………………………………………………………


Dog’s Kennel Club Name…………………………………………………


Dog’s Kennel Club Reg.Number………………………………………….

Dog’s Pet Name……………………………………………………………

Dog’s Date of Birth………………………………………………………..


Are you insured with a Pet Insurance Company?


Please note that if a friend or partner also wants to work the dog a membership fee of £10 (£15 family membership) will also be payable.

Date of course: ………………………… Instructor………………………

Send to :

Kathrin Tasker,

17 Ridsdale Road,




GU21 3BU

Tel 01483 724369