JUNE 1, 2017
Present: Terry Hill, Tony Compo, Jason Paulson, Bill Gerard, Rhonda Peleski, David Pritchett
Absent: Ruth Janke
Vice-chairperson Hill called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Board Room at the Town Hall.
Paulson made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting with corrections. Second by Compo. Motion carried.
Gerard made a motion to approve the current vouchers in the amount of $ 32,567.57 (Check #’s 42211-42246) to pay payroll and due bills and electronic payments in the amount of $ 6,805.85. Second by Paulson. Motion carried.
A thank you was received from the 2017 All Night Graduation Party for the donation made by the Town.
Carlton County Engineer JinYeene Newman was present to introduce herself to the Board. She also talked about upcoming County road projects in Thomson Township.
A request was received from a resident for reimbursement for a mailbox that was taken down by a snow plow over the winter. The request included an amount for labor. After discussion a motion was made by Compo with a second by Gerard to authorize reimbursement for the mailbox only. Motion carried.
Discussion was held on proposed renovations to the Town Office. The renovations would address the issue of staff safety, privacy, and making the area more functional. A proposal for architectural design services was received from Scalzo Architects. A motion was made by Paulson with a second by Compo to approve the agreement with Scalzo Architects with the addition of providing one site visit with staff. Motion carried.
Town Engineer Joe Jurewicz was present to review the proposal he’s made for improving the approaches to the railroad crossing on E. Harney Road. A motion was made by Compo with a second by Gerard to approve the completion of a wetlands delineation and survey work for the area not to exceed $ 9,000. Motion carried. These are expenses that should be reimbursed by the grant money that MNDOT is receiving for the crossing work.
A motion was made by Gerard with a second by Paulson to reschedule the improvement hearing for the Rolling Road and Green Lane paving project to Monday, June 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried.
The job description for the Assistant Road and Utility Maintenance Supervisor was reviewed. A motion was made by Paulson with a second by Compo to approve the job description. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Compo with a second by Gerard to approve advertising to fill the new position. Motion carried.
Discussion was held on the blacktop crack filling that will be completed this year by Sinnott Blacktop. A motion was made by Gerard with a second by Compo to include the parking lot at the Town Hall in this year’s work. Motion carried.
Jurewicz reported that the WLSSD inflow and infiltration ordinance is moving forward. A users’ group meeting will be held on Tues., June 6.
A thank you was given to Bob and Suzy Stokes for planting the flowers at the Town Hall.
WLSSD extended a thank you to David Black and Greg Larson from the Road and Bridge Department for their assistance on the E. Highway 61 sewer issue.
Discussion was held on the hours worked by the Carlton County deputy thru the summer months. No Board members objected to possibly scheduling 4, 10 hour work days each week during those months.
Paulson spoke to a MN Power representative who said they will replace any streetlights that are 10 years or older.
A motion to adjourn was made at 7:35 p.m. by Compo with a second by Paulson. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Peleski, Clerk/Treasurer Terry Hill, Vice-chairperson
Town of Thomson