Syllabus –Geometry

MemorialHigh School


Instructor:Ms. ChavezEmail Address:

Room:210Phone Number:444-8300 Ext. 3748

Conference Hour:2:19 pm to 3:12 pm (during 6th period)

Tutoring Time: Tuesdayafter school from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Teacher Website:

Textbook: Geometry (Holt) by Burger, Chard, Hall, Kennedy, Leinwand … Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2007

Course Description:

Geometry is the study of classical Euclidean geometry. This study includes instruction in lines and segments, angles and parallel lines, congruent and similar triangles, proportions in triangles, arcs and segments of circles, right triangles, areas and volumes of geometric figures, properties of quadrilaterals, and constructions. Technology and manipulatives are incorporated to supplement the learning of geometric concepts.

Course Timeline:

First 9 weeks – Foundations of Geometry, Geometry on the Coordinate Plane, Properties of Lines and

Transversals, Logical Reasoning

Second 9 weeks –Triangles and Their Properties, Right Triangles, Quadrilaterals

Third 9 weeks –Properties and Measurement ofTwo- Dimensional Figures and Properties of Three-

Dimensional Figures

Fourth 9 weeks –Measurement ofTwo-Dimensional Figures,TAKS Review, TAKS Test, Geometryof

Architectural Design

Supplies Needed: (* Optional items)

-Pencils/Mechanical Pencil- Erasers

- 3-Ring Binder- Ruler*

- Dividers (5 Tabs)- Protractor*

- Notebook Paper (loose-leaf paper)- Graphing Calculator (TI-83)*

- Different colored highlighters

- Colored Pens

- Pencil Sharpener

Grading Policy:

Grading Scale: 90% – 100%………… A

80% – 89%…………B

75% – 79%…………C

70% – 74%…………D


Tests/Projects/Presentations………………………………….…………………… 50%

Participation/Classwork..…………………………………………..……………… 20%

Homework/Quizzes………………………………………………………………. 30%

Semester Grade:Semester 1: 75% - First 9 Weeks + Second 9 Weeks

25% - Fall Semester Exam

Semester 2: 75% - Third 9 Weeks + Fourth 9 Weeks

25% - Spring Semester Exam

Final Grade: Semester 1 - 50%

Semester 2 - 50%


All tests and quizzes are announced at least one day in advance. You will have at least one unit test after each unit. Unit tests will cover any concepts that have been taught in the class. Retesting is available for test scores that are below a 70%. Retesting will only be allowed during the timeframe before the next unit test. An additional option to retesting is making corrections to a test grade that is below a 70. The corrections will add points to the test grade, however,every incorrect problem must be corrected on a separate piece of paper and corrections must be done step-by-step. Also, the highest possible grade you may obtain is a 70. Several projects will also be assigned throughout the school year. Projects that are assigned will be given ample time to complete, therefore any project that is late will lose 10 points for each school day that the project is late.


Classwork/Homework is an essential part of Geometry. You will be required to demonstrate your knowledge of basic algebra and geometry concepts during this course. In turn, you must show all necessary work step-by-step to receive credit for classwork and homework. In addition, all problems must be attempted. If not, I have the discretion to refuse to accept the assignment. Late work is unacceptable, however any work turned in after the due day will result in a lose of 10 points per day up to three day. No late work will be accepted a week before the end of each nine weeks.


Notebooks are required for this class. The notebook should be a 3-ring binder and should consist of the following items in the following order: List of Assignments, Math Chart, and five dividers. The five dividers should be labeled and ordered as followed: 1st divider-Warm-Ups, 2nd divider- Notes, 3rd divider- Assignments, 4th divider-Tests/Quizzes, and 5th divider-Misc. Notebooks should be brought to class every day, along with a pencils and/or pens.


If you are absent it is your responsibility to collect missing assignment(s) and notes. Class notes should be obtained from a fellow classmate. For each day of an approved (excused) absence, one additional day will be given to complete any missing assignment(s). If you are absence on the day of a test, it is yourresponsibilityto arrange with the teacher a time and date to make-up the missed test.

Scholastic Integrity:

Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but not be limited to: cheating on quizzes/tests, copying of homework, and the discussion of quizzes/tests to other classes. The consequence of scholastic dishonesty will come in the form of a zero (0) for that classwork assignment, homework assignment, or test. In addition, a phone call home to inform your guardians will be made.

Fire Drill Procedure (Posted next to the front door)

We will line up in the front of the classroom in a straight line. The first student in line will lead the rest of the students to the end of the hall (staying in a straight line) only moving by my request. We will proceed down the East stairs and exit the Eastdoors (front of the school) continuing to our assigned area on Memorial Athletic Field. There I will take attendance to confirm everyone got out safely.