Provide Links to VAS reports without need for user credentials

These steps outline how to set up a report that you can share so users do not have to log in. This procedure uses UIDs to provide a username and password in the link along with the DMI Report.

**Must have the DMI Report that you want to link already created.

1.  Open the VAS, and navigate to Settings -> Security-> Users

2.  Click “Add…” to add a new user.

3.  Fill in the necessary fields. Suggest having the permissions set to “Custom_Report_User”, and making it a “Persistent Login”. Click OK to finish creating the user.

4.  Select the user you just created, and click “User rights”.

5.  Find the report that you created, select it, and click the “>” to give access to the user. Click OK. If the report you made has drilldowns, you must add them here as well.

6.  Navigate to Tools -> Diagnostics -> Console.

7.  Locate “UID GENERATE login password.

8.  You will be re-directed to the top of the page, with the Command field now filled out. Replace “login” and “password” with the username and password of the user you just created. Click “Execute”. The generated string will be displayed below. Copy and save this text, as it will be used later.

9.  Go to the Data Mining Reports screen.

10.  Find the report, Right Click, and select “Copy link address”.

11.  Paste the value somewhere in which you can modify it.


12.  At the end of the link, add “&uid=”. After the =, add the UID you generated in step 8. There shouldn’t be any spaces in the link.

http://<vasName>/LSServlet?lsAction=Load&lsEntryId=691&dmiAction=Generate&uid= MDM4RDQyQzk1OEJBNDAxRTdFMzc0QTJFRDYzOUNCMDlERjlGMTRENUUxM0Y5NTFEMDEzMUYxMkFFODM2RTlBRQ==

13.  You can then send the link out to anyone, even if they don’t have a user login and password for the VAS.