Bay Area Academy Registration

Database Instructions

  1. Logging into the database

- At the home page of our website ( go to the top right corner- you will see login

This brings you to the Login screen. The information you need here is:

- Username: user

- Password: baa2012

This brings you to the listing of the upcoming trainings. Here you are able to browse the trainings that are available within all 12 counties, search for a specific title using a keyword, Project, Level (Core, Supervisor, Advanced, etc) or a date range.

  1. Registering Participants

PLEASE NOTE: Any changes you make here affects the other counties that are also registered. Please do not unregister or waitlist any participants from another county.

To add an additional trainee from your county to the list of registered participants, search for the training you want to register someone for. Once you are in the training, click the "Register Additional Trainees" which is the blue button toward the middle of the page. This brings up an additional box that is titled "Find Trainees". Enter the information you know- Your county, the first and/or last name of the trainee you are looking for, and press search.

- This list will show you the top 15 trainees (alphabetically) on the list, if you don't see them on the list, you may need to refine the search you are doing by entering a first name, a last name, and/or an initial of some sort. You can then choose to either enroll the participant into the training or place them on the waitlist.

- If you know more information about the trainee, such as a first and or last name- especially with counties, there are many more trainees in the database, so you will need to enter some information- you can also enter that information and press search.

- Once you find the correct trainee, click on the enroll or waitlist button to register them for this training. If you do not have enough slots to allow you to register this participant, it will automatically move the trainee to the waitlist.

  1. Adding a New Trainee

- If you do not see the trainee you are looking for by searching, you can enter a new trainee at any time. At the top of the page, on the black bar, click on Trainees and then Add Trainee. You will see a form that asks you for the information that you know. First name, last name, county, email, phone number, and their supervisor- press save.

- If you enter in a trainee that already exists in the database, the system will do a duplicate check. After you enter the information and press save, if the system sees an entry that looks to be the same person, below the form a duplicate check will show up. It shows any trainees that are very similar to the one you just entered. If it is not the same person, click on Save New Trainee. If it is the same person, you can edit the trainee to update their information. Once the new trainee is entered, you can then register them for a training.