eArmyU Fiscal Year 2005
Implementation Plan
FY 2005 eArmyU Implementation Plan
Revised 06 May 2005
06 May 05
eArmyU Fiscal Year 2005
Implementation Plan
Introduction 1
Vision 1
Mission 1
Program Overview 2
Program Funding 2
Tuition Assistance (TA) Policy 2
Participating Schools & Degree Programs 3
Student Services Network 3
Army Education Centers (AEC) 3
Program Mentors (PMs) 4
Helpdesk/Customer Relations Management (CRM) Tool 4
Campus Points of Contact (POCs) 4
IBM Student Services Team 4
Library Support 4
Operation Virtual Counselor Transforms Online Resources for You (ViCTORY) 4
Command Support 5
Training for ACES Staff 6
Marketing Management 6
Course Materials Policy 6
eArmyU Tuition Assistance Recoupment Schedule 7
Program Overview 8
eCourse (Course-by-Course) Enrollment 8
FY05 Criteria for eCourse Enrollment 8
Issuance of DA Form XXXX, eArmyU Participation Agreement for Laptop Enrollment 9
Soldier’s Record is in TAPDB 10
Soldier’s Record is Not in TAPDB 10
Technology Package (Laptop) Enrollment 10
FY05 Criteria for Technology Package (Laptop) Enrollment 11
FY05 Additional Conditions of Participation for Technology Package (Laptop) Enrollees 12
FY05 Participation Agreement for Laptop Enrollment 14
Technology Packages 15
Operational Overview: 22
Program Selection 22
Degree Maps 22
Library Support 22
Tutoring 23
Career Information: 23
Web Offline Learning Application (OLA) 24
eReader: 24
Testing Procedures 24
Improper Test Conduct, Test Loss and/or Compromise 25
eArmyU/SOCAD Student Agreements 25
Course Registration 25
Grade Reports 26
Graduation Fees 26
Student Financial Administration 26
Operational Guidelines 26
Placing HOLDS 26
Viewing HOLDs 27
Removing HOLDs 28
View Behind Pace Student Report (Operation EAGLE) 29
The 12 SH in 3-Year Requirement Indicator 30
The Behind Pace in Course Indicator 30
Course Reimbursement Requirements 32
Course Drop 32
Recoupment Guidance for Course Drop 32
Course Withdrawal 32
Recoupment Guidance for Course Withdrawal 33
Course Failure/Incomplete 34
Recoupment Guidance for Unsatisfactory Grades 35
Unauthorized (Erroneous) Course Enrollment 36
Recoupment Guidance for Unauthorized Course Enrollment 36
FY Tuition Assistance Ceiling 37
Program Reimbursement Requirements 37
Failure to Meet Service Remaining Requirement (SRR) 37
Recoupment Guidance for Failure to Meet Service Remaining Requirement (SRR) 38
Failure to Complete 12 SH Requirement 38
Exceptions to Reimbursement Requirement 39
General Recoupment Procedures 41
The FY05 ACC 44
The FY01 ACC 47
The FY02 ACC 47
The FY03 ACC 47
The FY04 ACC 47
eArmyU SH Program Milestone Recoupment Tables 48
eArmyU Course Recoupment Requirement Table 49
eArmyU Roles & Responsibilities 50
Secretariat 50
Department of the Army 50
Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 (DCS, G-1). 50
Defense Contracts Command-Washington (DCC-W). 50
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM). 50
U.S. Total Army Human Resources Command (AHRC) 50
The Adjutant General (TAG) 51
eArmyU Program Manager 52
Contracting Officer's Representative 52
Regional Education Advisors 53
Installations 53
Garrison Commander 53
Director of Public Works (DPW) 53
Director of Information Management (DOIM) 53
Education Services Officer (ESO) 54
Technical Point of Contact (TechPOC) 57
Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) 58
Counselors 58
Issuance of DA Form XXXX, eArmyU Participation Agreement For Laptop Enrollment 60
Soldier’s Record is in TAPDB 60
Soldier’s Record is Not in TAPDB 60
Unit Commanders 61
Soldiers 62
IBM Support Staff 64
Key Contacts 65
eArmyU Contact Information 65
IBM eArmyU Operations Team 65
ACES eArmyU Team 65
06 May 05
eArmyU Fiscal Year 2005
Implementation Plan
As the Army confronted a recruiting crisis in Fiscal Year (FY) 99, the Secretary of the Army directed that innovative programs be designed to not only attract new recruits, but also retain Soldiers by allowing them to serve their country and obtain their college education. An education option was envisioned by the Army Continuing Education System (ACES) staff that would accomplish this. Through the Army's new initiative, emphasis was placed on Army education to take up the challenges of making our Soldiers more technology-savvy. At the same time, eArmyU presented a challenge that forces academic institutions to reevaluate their fundamental processes and functions and go beyond to revolutionize education program delivery. The vision included a program that would offer Soldiers "anytime, anywhere" access to high-quality learning opportunities from accredited postsecondary and technical institutions while on active duty. The program would need to be student-centered, student-friendly, and appropriate to the Army environment. Access to asynchronous, Web-based learning content and instructional tools would be via the Internet using laptops. Under this initiative, Soldiers would be able to complete all coursework to meet certificate or degree requirements regardless of duty station and mission requirements. Online education would become a seamless part of Soldiering. In short, this program -- eArmyU (also called Army University Access Online or AUAO) -- would capitalize on technology to provide 21st century education to today's 21st century Soldiers.
eArmyU will enhance the Army's reputation as an innovator of cutting-edge educational programs and as a provider of life-long learning opportunities that prepare Soldiers for success on the battlespace of the future.
The eArmyU initiative is designed to ensure that all Soldiers have the opportunity to fulfill their personal and professional educational goals while simultaneously building the technology-based, critical thinking, and decision-making skills required to fully transform the Army. eArmyU's mission is to provide high-caliber Soldiers the opportunity to obtain postsecondary degrees and professional credentials regardless of duty station and mission requirement. By providing access to a variety of online programs and related educational services via a comprehensive web portal, eArmyU eliminates many of the barriers Soldiers have traditionally faced throughout their military careers when attempting to continue their education.
eArmyU is designed to follow Soldier-students as they transfer to other installations. As of
13 Sep 04, a total of 16,388 Soldier-students had completed a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) from their original eArmyU installations. We now have eArmyU Soldier-students stationed around the world, thus, all Education Services Officers (ESOs) must now be knowledgeable of the program and ensure ACES Counselors can assist eArmyU Soldier-students.
Program Overview
Program Funding
Originally, funding for this program was part of the Visibility Initiatives and Recruiting Support (VIRS) Management Decision Package (MDEP) and was managed by ASA (M&RA). Effective 1 Oct 02, eArmyU dollars are included in the Visibility Army Tuition Assistance (VATA) and Visibility Army Continuing Education (VACE) MDEPs and are managed by the Director, ACES. Additional contract manpower is being funded to ensure the successful operation of this new program. eArmyU pays 100% of tuition up to the DA established semester hour cap and annual ceiling, including tuition, course fees, books, academic tutoring, program mentoring, helpdesk, “Boot Camp,” and Internet access. Soldiers enrolling in eArmyU under the Laptop option will have the first-year tuition ceiling reduced by the cost of the technology package. eCourse program enrollees receive the same technology support, except for the Army-issued laptop. There is no additional cost to eCourse enrollees for these services. The matriculation fee for eCourses is not reduced from the annual tuition ceiling.
Tuition Assistance (TA) Policy
TA Policy as described in AR 621-5, Chapter 5, Tuition Assistance applies to eArmyU. These exceptions apply:
a. Soldiers entering eArmyU during the period 16 Jan 01 to 30 Sep 01 have no tuition cap or ceiling applied to eArmyU courses (the tuition ceiling, currently $4,500, and cap, currently $250 per SH, apply to non-eArmyU courses funded by TA). Once the terms of their PAs are fulfilled (the approved education goal is achieved), the Soldier will be able to enroll in eCourses but will be subject to the established SH cap and ceiling.
b. Soldiers entering eArmyU during the period 1 Oct 01 to 30 Sep 02 have the tuition ceiling but no per SH cap applied to eArmyU courses. For these Soldiers, the tuition cap, currently $250 per SH, applies only to non-eArmyU courses funded by TA. Tuition ceiling, currently $4,500, applies to non-eArmyU and eArmyU courses since TA funds both courses. Once the terms of their PAs are fulfilled (the approved education goal is achieved), the Soldier will be able to enroll in eCourses but will be subject to the established SH cap and ceiling.
c. Soldiers entering eArmyU during the period 1 Oct 02 to present have both the tuition ceiling and per SH cap applied. Tuition cap, currently $250 per SH, applies to all courses funded by TA. The tuition ceiling, currently $4,500, applies to non-eArmyU and eArmyU courses since TA funds both courses. The eArmyU portal tracks the tuition ceiling spent for both eArmyU courses and those taken in the traditional program.
Soldiers may not use TA if: (1) there is an outstanding grade of "F"-"W"-"I" which has not been resolved; (2) eArmyU course(s) repeat a course already completed; (3) Soldiers do not meet the prerequisite course requirements; (4) eArmyU course(s) are not listed on degree plan or are not required for stated educational goal on degree plan; (5) Soldier has reached the established FY tuition ceiling; or 6) cumulative grade point average (GPA) is less than 2.0 after the first 15 SH of TA funding.
The school has the authority to identify course requirements. Soldiers have the responsibility to make sure that they are not repeating a course already completed or are enrolling in a course which does not meet course requirements as stipulated on the Army Tuition Assistance Statement of Understanding (SOU). Soldiers seeking degrees from the resident 29 eArmyU education partners are responsible for making sure transcripts of courses taken outside of their home institution are sent to the home institution so that the school can evaluate correctly eArmyU course enrollments. If transcripts have not been received by the home institution, Soldiers are responsible for making sure they do not enroll in courses that repeat a course already completed or that do not meet the prerequisite course requirements. Soldiers may be subject to recoupment for these courses as stated in the Army Tuition Assistance SOU.
The portal automatically accounts for course registration and tuition costs and IBM bills the Army directly. By spring, 2005, the portal will automatically account for course registrations that repeat a course already completed and prohibit enrollment in these courses. The portal does not prohibit course enrollment if the Soldiers does not meet the prerequisite course requirements as this is the responsibility of the participating education partner. Soldiers seeking degrees with the resident 29 eArmyU education partners will be prohibited from taking courses outside their established degree plan by spring 2005 when portal functionality to prohibit these course enrollments is fully operational. No paperwork is processed by the AEC to issue eArmyU tuition.
Participating Schools & Degree Programs
In order to maximize credit for military skills and experience, and to ensure that Soldiers can transfer education credits across institutions, only SOCAD member schools may offer undergraduate programs as part of eArmyU. Non-SOCAD institutions offering only graduate and/or certificate programs must agree in writing to the SOC institutional principles and criteria. All participating institutions must agree to award maximum credit for military training and experience and college-level test scores at ACE-recommended levels. List of current eArmyU participating schools and degree programs may be found in the Annual Catalog or Term Schedule and on the portal.
Student Services Network
eArmyU is augmented by an organized web of support services—the Army Education Centers, the Program Mentors, the Helpdesk/Customer Relations Management (CRM) tool, the Campus Points of Contact, the IBM Student Services Team, the SMARTHINKING.com online tutoring service, and the Operation Virtual Counselor Transforms Online Resources for You (ViCTORY)—that ensures assistance and guidance at every point throughout the eArmyU system.
Army Education Centers (AEC)
AECs provide counseling and administrative support for eArmyU.
Program Mentors (PMs)
PMs work proactively with all eArmyU Soldier-students beginning at their point of entry into the program. They personalize support for each Soldier-student by tailoring appropriate interventions to promote Soldier-student success.
Helpdesk/Customer Relations Management (CRM) Tool
The CRM tool enhances the way ACES Counselors and Soldier-students create and track helpdesk cases for questions and concerns related to eArmyU. The feature allows common actions to be performed in the portal. These actions include placing and lifting HOLDs, withdrawal requests, program and degree plan changes, all in real time. ACES Counselors are able to track and add comments for any Soldier-student's helpdesk case. Additionally, ACES Counselors are able to see behind pace Soldier-students who may be experiencing course difficulty or who are behind pace for completing program milestones. The CRM system includes built-in escalation paths and response time requirements to ensure that cases are escalated to the right person and resolved in a timely manner, including direct contact with IBM’s Deputy Program Manager and a Customer Satisfaction Survey to solicit feedback. To escalate a case to the IBM Program Manager from the ACES view of the portal, click on the Resources Tab. Click on Helpdesk and scroll to the bottom of the screen. Click on the link “Create Program Management Case”.
Campus Points of Contact (POCs)
Campus POCs address questions related to school-specific issues (e.g., course registration, prerequisites, admissions, grades, etc.)
IBM Student Services Team
IBM’s student services team responds to issues and questions escalated by the helpdesk, PMs, and campus POCs, and performs many administrative functions related to escalated issues.
Soldiers enrolled in eArmyU have access to SMARTTHINKING.com which provides live grammar and brainstorming centers, Essay Centers and Career Writing Centers. Access to services is entirely online with 24/7 access.
Operation Virtual Counselor Transforms Online Resources for You (ViCTORY)
Operation ViCTORY is the robust, proactive, end-to-end process that greets newly enrolling Soldier-students and monitors their learning progress through in-reach and out-reach interventions. Operation ViCTORY is at the heart of Soldier-student success, promoting the ongoing effectiveness and viability of the eArmyU program. This innovative student success initiative involves two parallel tracks: Operation Early Academic Guidance for Learning Excellence (EAGLE) and Operation Student Online Achievement Recognized (SOAR).
· Operation EAGLE assists Soldiers who are behind pace in a course or in their program and provides continuous intervention during the Soldier-student’s academic journey. Operation SOAR is the outreach to the successful–or on pace–Soldier and parallels EAGLE to provide positive reinforcement at major milestones throughout the journey. A special feature of Operation SOAR is a pictorial acknowledgement on the eArmyU portal, eArmyU.com, of those Soldier-students who have risen to the challenge of balancing education and career goals. Both proactive pieces ensure that Soldier-students receive support and encouragement throughout their eArmyU experience.
· Operation Helping to Assist With Knowledge-Support (HAWK) and With Information and Guidance to Soar (WINGS) initiate Program Mentor support at the onset of the academic journey to reach out proactively and establish a personal mentoring relationship, to remind Soldier-students of key policies, and to resolve any issues that they may have in getting started in eArmyU. Soldier-students are greeted when they enroll in or complete their first course. They are provided the “WINGS” to soar successfully! If Soldier-students fail to enroll in a course in a timely manner, Operation HAWK is energized. Program Mentors send an email at the 30-, 60-, 90-, and 120-day mark to remind Soldier-students of program milestones and then continue to keep a sharp eye out to track Soldier-students and assist or motivate them toward continuing their academic progress, thereby maximizing success-building opportunities. Thus, HAWK is an ongoing process. These initial and complimentary action pieces to Operations EAGLE and SOAR introduce the Student Services Network to Soldier-students and provide the face-to-face guidance that is the strategic key to building community in an online environment. Refer to Appendix V for more information.