Concord High School

Stage 5

Assessment Task

“Dreamtime, Colonial & Migrant perspectives”

Creative Empathy Story Task

Target Outcomes / 8, 9
Task Weighting / 40%
Mode / Written
Medium / Creative Writing
Date Due / Week 5
Individual Task Yes / Group Task No
Task Description
You are to write an original short story (1- 2 typed pages) from the perspective of a distinctly Australian character. This character must explore the idea of Australian identity.
Example character perspectives include:
-  A convict on the First fleet
-  An indigenous Australian during the time of Settlement
-  Farmer working the lands
-  A child from the stolen generation
-  Historical figure – an Australian soldier
-  Migrant adjusting to their new life in Australia.
Other point of views may be considered. Please consult with your teacher.
Assessment Criteria:
You will be assessed on how well you
·  Write an original and imaginative story that show your understanding and appreciation of Australian identity
·  Include content that is relevant to the task and demonstrates creativity and insight
·  Control language – Spelling, grammar, punctuation.
·  Understanding of narrative conventions
·  Ability to explore key ideas through the perspective of an original character
Components to be included:
·  Creative and imaginative writing
·  References to distinctly Australian features. This can include language, landscape, animals, icons, historical landmarks
·  Elements of the character’s context including lifestyle and culture of the time
·  Typed out story on 12 size Times New Roman or Arial font

Stage 5

Assessment Task


2E905 English “Dreamtime, Colonial and Migrant Perspectives” Creative Empathy Story Task

Criteria Being Examined / 0
No Attempt / 1
Poor Attempt / 2
Fair Attempt / 3
Good Attempt / 4
Very Good Attempt / 5
Excellent Attempt
Creates a creative and original story from the perspective of a distinctly Australian character
Ideas about the Australian identity have been explored and sustained throughout the story. This includes references to Australian features such as landmarks, language, landscape, history etc
Sophistication of language
Use of language to create imagery, construct an authentic voice for chosen character and ability to maintain tense.
Demonstrates an understanding of and adheres to the conventions of the narrative structure.
Clarity and accuracy of written expression – grammar, spelling and punctuation

Total Mark…………/20

