Donald R. Fox

I would suggest that most of us make bad decisions during our lifetime. Many times we do not have all the facts, or we have been given misleading data causing us to make a poor decision. It has happened to me too often, and I am about sure it has happened to you.

Since I am a retired Army man with thirty-six-years of service, I am very concerned about the current military strength and personnel management. Yes, the military has changed a lot since the time I was in the service. I also believe we presently have highly qualified personnel in the service. Yes, our military is an all volunteered service. Young men/women must have completed high school in order to qualify for enlistment. Past qualification for enlistment was much lower. In a real sense folks from all corners of our society could be used in some capacity. The cook, baker, candlestick maker, doctor, lawyer and the Indian chief all had a place in our armed forces of yesterday.


(An interesting observation about bad decisions is you reap its consequences down the road, sometimes it takes years to see the bitter results.)

Simple put, prior generations of men were programmed that it was their duty to serve their country. Note some reasons the draft worked and some negative results due to bad decisions by our government.

  1. If one was born during the draft era, meaning you were eligible for the draft during this time frame, you were programmed or educated by our government and society in general that it was your duty to serve in the armed forces. With the understanding that our society was counting on you to serve and serving by way of the draft was very acceptable. Men who “dodged the draft” were looked upon as slackers and not loyal citizens.
  2. Our military during this 30-plus year period was large in numbers. After WW2 ended we had the Army of Occupation that was standing guard and stabilizing nations that were our enemies and our allies. Former enemy's way of life was rebuilt, and their governments stabilized. As an example, occupation in Japan ended in 1953. World War Two ended 2 September 1945. Advance preparation is the key to sturdiness in military operations.
  3. An advantage of having a regular and ongoing draft is the preparation of growing boys to young men in the acceptance of serving one’s country. This very fact of serving also produces boys unto manhood who will have an inner feeling of ought. Further, the drafting of men eliminates the need to place women in combat roles with men. There are many other military occupations that women could serve in without the physical hardships in combat type units.
  4. It is my judgment and personal observation when the draft ended military units started to lose men. As an example, in the Mississippi Army National Guard, some units hovered around 50% of authorized strength. When the Women Army Corps was disestablished some units such as medical, etc. were allowed to recruit women and yes, to build up strength. In order to do this the Women Army Corps and other female corps were eliminated. In the passing of time, an expansion of types of units is being open to women to include Infantry and Artillery.

THE DISESTABLISHMENT OF THE WOMEN’S ARMY CORPS: “As a means of assimilating women more closely into the structure of the Army and to eliminate any feeling of separateness from it, the office of the Director, WAC was discontinued on 26 April 1978. The Women’s Army Corps as a separate corps of the Army was disestablished on 29 October 1978 by an act congress.” (Reference: Essay titled “CONSCRIPTION COMMONLY CALLED THE DRAFT”.)

SIDE NOTE: From my viewpoint, when our nation drafted men into the armed services, they all remembered their Oath of Enlistment. Since the draft ended in 1973, we now have a host of men who never heard nor do they comprehend this oath. Just maybe, this is why we are reaping a lack of appreciation for the American way? (See essay titled “OATH OF ENLISTMENT."

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.” (Romans 13:1-5 KJV)

End Note: Check out these essays: