Rating scales


·  CGI (Clinical global impression - clinician)

·  SF-36 (Medical outcomes study short form health survey – self or clinician)

·  GHQ (General health questionnaire – self)


·  BPRS (Brief psychiatric rating scale - clinician)

·  PANSS (Positive and negative syndrome scale - clinician)

·  SANS (Scale for the assessment of negative symptoms – clinician)

·  SAPS (Schedule for the assessment of positive symptoms – clinician)

·  Manchester rating scale (Krawiecka)

·  CAN (Camberwell assessment of needs)


·  HAM-D (Hamilton rating scale for depression – clinician, severe with somatic)

·  MADRS (Montgomery-Asberg depression rating scale – clinician, changes)

·  GDS (Geriatric depression scale)

·  BDI (Becks' depression inventory)

·  MFQ (Mood and feelings questionnaire in children – self)

·  LEDS (Life events and difficulties schedule – clinician)

·  ILE (Impact of life events)


·  YMRS (Young mania rating scale - clinician)


·  Conner's rating scale


·  LUNSER (Liverpool University neuroleptic side-effect rating scale - self)

·  AIMS (Abnormal involuntary movement inventory - clinician)

·  BARS (Barnes akathisia rating scale - clinician)

·  SAS (Simpson Angus scale – clinician, EPSE)

·  DAI (Drug attitude inventory – clinician, in schizophrenia)

Anxiety/PTSD/OCD/Eating disorders

·  BAI (Beck's anxiety inventory - self)

·  CAPS (Clinician administered PTSD scale)

·  Yale Brown OC Scale

·  Morgan Russell scale

Before and after treatment, the researchers used a rating scale called the Morgan Russell scale to measure these things:

·  Whether people's attitudes towards food got better

·  Whether people's eating habits got better (for example, whether they ate more than before treatment)

·  Whether people did better at school or work

·  Whether people showed more interest in having a relationship

Psychometric tests [held by Psychology]

·  Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale

·  Eating Attitudes Test [EAT]

·  Eating Disorder Inventory

·  Eating Inventory

·  Eysenck Personality Inventory

·  Five Factor Personality Inventory [FFPI]