Chapter 19

World History

There will be five assignment options for you to choose from for this chapter.

Option 1: Group Report – 275 points


This chapter has five (5) sections. Each member of the group (minimum 2 students) will write a one-page report on their assigned section(s). The section report will answer the section question below.

These section reports will then be used to write a chapter rough draft review. Once graded and comments shared a final report will be written and submitted. The final report will serve as a study guide for the unit test as well as the second semester final exam.

Section 1: The Postwar Era (55 points)

How did this time period set the tone for the rest of the century?

Section 2: Postwar Prosperity Crumbles (55 points)

(Answer each of the "Reading Checks" for this section.)

Section 3: Political Tensions After World War I (55 points)

(Answer each of the "Reading Checks" for this section.)

Section 4: Fascist Dictatorships in Italy and Germany (55 points)

(Answer each of the "Reading Checks" for this section)

Section 5: Dictatorship in the Soviet Union (55 points)

(Answer each of the "Reading Checks" for this section)

Use the textbook & following links

found in the Chapter 19

to complete this assignment

Section 1
The Postwar Era
Practice test
Use as a study guide / Section 3
Political Tensions
After World War I
Practice test
Use as a study guide
Section 2
Postwar Prosperity Crumbles
Practice test
Use as a study guide / Section 4
Fascist Dictatorships in
Italy and Germany
Practice test
Use as a study guide
Section 5
Dictatorship in the
Soviet Union
Practice test
Use as a study guide

Using our textbook, researching the web sites provided and taking notes on each section focus, begin the writing portion of this assignment by writing a draft of your assigned section(s).

Once Mr. Stephens has reviewed your section(s) review, join with the other members of your group to write the final report.

Section reviews and the final report must include any of the following, which are covered in your assigned section.


Chapter 19

World History

Ö  political events,

Ö  military alliances

Ö  factors which lead to war

Ö  advantages

Ö  new technology

Ö  social developments.

Ö  Words to know and use:

Ö  Influenza pandemic **

Ö  Surrealism

Ö  Flappers

Ö  Prohibition **

Ö  Economic nationalism

Ö  Market speculation **

Ö  General Strike

Ö  Nationalism

Ö  Fascism **

Ö  Corporatist

Ö  Collective farms

Ö  Command economy

Ö  Purge


Chapter 19

World History

Be prepared to present the results of your research to the class in an oral presentation and enhance your presentation with visual aids.

Option 2 -Old School - 275 points

On an individual basis, complete all section reviews as indicated in the table below. Take a 100-point objective test.

168 Points

Section 1
31 points
Part 1
5 points
1. Surrealism
2. Jazz
3. Dadists
4. Flappers
5. prohibition
Part 2
6 points
1. Lost Generation
2. James Joyce
3. T.S. Eliot
4. Pablo Picasso
5. Salvador Dali
6. Frank Lloyd Wright
Part 3
5 points
Complete all
Part 4
5 points
4 b only
Part 5
10 points
Complete all / Section 2
33 points
Part 1
2 points
1. Economic nationalism
2. Market speculations
Part 2
6 points
1. Black Tuesday
2. Great Depression
3. Herbert Hoover
4. F.D. Roosevelt
5. New Deal
6. Social Security Act
Part 3
5 points
Complete all
Part 4
10 points
Complete all
Section 5
10 points
Complete all / Section 3
31 points
Part 1
2 points
1. General Strike
2. Nationalism
Part 2
4 points
1.  Maginot line
2.  Popular Front
3.  Easter Uprising
4.  Sinn Fenn
Part 3
5 points
Complete all
Part 4
10 points
Complete all
Part 5
10 points
Complete all / Section 4
34 points
Part 1
2 points
1. fascism
2. corporate state
Part 2
6 points
Complete all
Part 3
6 points
Complete all
Part 4
10 points
Complete all
Part 5
10 points
Complete all / Section 5
39 points
Part 1
3 points
1. collective farms
2. command economy
3. purge
Part 2
6 points
1. New Economic Policy
2. Joseph Stalin
3. Five-year Plan
4. Portiburo
Part 3
10 points
Complete all
Part 4
10 points
Complete all
Part 5
10 points
Complete all

Option 3 - Watch a movie – 275 points

After watching the movie "The Grapes of Wrath" use the following links to write a three page report (168 points) on how the movie reflects the Depression in the United States. Present your report to the class (100 points).

Additional resources for the Grapes of Wrath:

· Tales from the Rails: Going to California

· Timeline of the Great Depression

Option 4 - Fascist Dictatorships in Italy and Germany – 275 points

The above link listed in the Chapter 19 website will take you to a site which will further link you to the following sites. After studying the following links, prepare a 14 slide Power Point Presentation that incorporates the following links into a Power Point Presentation and explains how Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power.

The Rise of the Nazi Party (55 points)

See how a gang of unemployed soldiers became the legal government of Germany in just 14 years. Click on “defne” or the sound symbol for definitions and pronunciations.

Hitler on Propaganda (55 points)

How was Hitler's rise to power accomplished? What was the role of propaganda? At this site, read excerpts from Mien Kampf where Hitler comments on the function of propaganda in general. His statements offer insight into the methods used by the Nazi Party

Hitler (55 points)

Discover Hitler's history from his early years through the end of his regime. See pictures of Hitler throughout his life. Click on the time period that you are interested in to the left.

Nazi Secrets: Can you crack the code? (55 points)

Click on “solve a simple cipher” and attempt to find the key that cracks the code

Power Point Presentation (55 points)

Option 5 - Develop Your Own Alternative Assessment

(275 points)

See Mr. Stephens before beginning assignment

Research Web Sites

A great site for developing Alternative Assessments can be found at the Chapter 19 website the site includes:


Chapter 19

World History

· Selected Historical Entries

· The Arts and the Great War

· The Soldier's Experience

· Life on the Home front

· First Hand Accounts

· Keeping the Memory Alive

· Documenting the Great War

· WW I Submarines

· W.W.I airplanes


Chapter 19

World History

Using either a word-processing program or pencil and paper write the rough drafts of your assigned section.

Before you begin writing a draft of your section, review and use the following writing process:

Writing process (see Chapter 19 website)

After Mr. Stephens has corrected your section rough draft, use a word processing program to write the final report of your section. A fifth and final summary section will reinforces the main points of the each section report will be written by a group of classmates chosen by the class.

A printable version of an Example paper can be found at the Chapter 19 website

Final Paper: 168 points

Using the reports generated by the above section foci and the designated writing process, a selected group of students will write report of information, which presents research on a topic and answers the questions:


Chapter 19

World History








Chapter 19

World History

Information and design of section reports and the final report will be based in Social Studies Skills and Methods Thinking and Organizing section described at the top of this page.


The section report and final report will be graded on how well it:

1. addresses the Social Studies Skills and Methods

2. answers questions readers might have and

3. how well it prepares our class for the written test.

The written test (100 points) will be based on the “Reading Checks” in each section. An acceptable answer must be three paragraphs. The paragraphs must be to the point and include facts from the reading(s) and resources,