First Saturday PrayerImagine your city where the leaders are united in prayer, honor God and His word, preserve marriage, and protect life... It can happen as we pray and work together to promote
Biblical values.
PLEASE JOIN US the first Saturday of every month1, as people of faith come together from churches across the Sacramentoregion to: pray for those in authority, seek His help on key local, state, and national issues, and studythe Biblical basis for our participation in government and public policy.2
We meet from 7am-to-8am, at CalvaryChristianCenter(2665 Del Paso Blvd., Sacramento, 95815 – Room F or G). Questions? Please contact Craig DeLuz at .
1First Saturday is dedicated to prayer together, and learning about the Biblical basis for our participation in government and public policy. For more info, visit the “Events” link on’s home page or contact Mark Matta ( or 916-853-9777). Public Awareness Ministries is a Non-Profit 501c3 Educational Organization. All contributions are tax-deductible (PO Box 3133, Rancho Cordova, CA95741).
2Scriptural Support:
First of all that prayers be made for all who are in authority—I Tim. 2:1-2
Select men (to be rulers) such as fear God—Ex. 18:21, II Sam. 23:3
Come let us rebuild—Neh. 2:17-18. Restore the foundations—Is. 58:12.
Do business (occupy) till I come—Luke 19:13
Your kingdom come and your will be done on earth—Mt. 6:10
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD—Ps. 33:12
First Saturday PrayerImagine your city where the leaders are united in prayer, honor God and His word, preserve marriage, and protect life... It can happen as we pray and work together to promote
Biblical values.
PLEASE JOIN US the first Saturday of every month1, as people of faith come together from churches across the Sacramentoregion to: pray for those in authority, seek His help on key local, state, and national issues, and studythe Biblical basis for our participation in government and public policy.2
We meet from 7am-to-8am, at CalvaryChristianCenter(2665 Del Paso Blvd., Sacramento, 95815 – Room F or G). Questions? Please contact Craig DeLuz at .
1First Saturday is dedicated to prayer together, and learning about the Biblical basis for our participation in government and public policy. For more info, visit the “Events” link on’s home page or contact Mark Matta ( or 916-853-9777). Public Awareness Ministries is a Non-Profit 501c3 Educational Organization. All contributions are tax-deductible (PO Box 3133, Rancho Cordova, CA95741).
2Scriptural Support:
First of all that prayers be made for all who are in authority—I Tim. 2:1-2
Select men (to be rulers) such as fear God—Ex. 18:21, II Sam. 23:3
Come let us rebuild—Neh. 2:17-18. Restore the foundations—Is. 58:12.
Do business (occupy) till I come—Luke 19:13
Your kingdom come and your will be done on earth—Mt. 6:10
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD—Ps. 33:12