Title should not Exceed 100 Total Characters (Palatino Linotype, 18, Bold)
Author Name1*, Author Name2 and Author Name3 (Palatino Linotype, 10, Bold)
- Department/Division/Institute, Organization, Country (Palatino Linotype, 10, Italic)
- Department/Division/Institute, Organization, Country
- Department/Division/Institute, Organization, Country
ABSTRACT (Palatino Linotype, 11, Bold, capital letterS)
Your abstract should be written in American English and not exceed 300 total words. Please note that if English writing is found to be deficient, abstracts will be returned to authors and will not be considered until they meet the established language standard. Abstracts with critical language flaws will not be considered for review and will be returned to authors for further editing. If American English is not the native language of the author(s), the text should be translated or edited by a professional translator prior to submission. Authors are fully responsible for hiring and paying for these services.
Appropriate language for an international technical publication must satisfy the following requirements: Correct grammar, careful construction of sentences, and syntax; Ideas flow naturally and logically, and are easy to read and follow; Vocabulary is appropriately used (variety of vocabulary, consistent meanings); Expressions are clear and concise (avoid redundancy, wordiness, jargon, evasiveness, overuse of passive voice).
Abstracts should not contain references, bibliography, bullets, images or graphics, or any other elements. Acronyms or nomenclature used in the text must be explained.
Please note that the abstract is informative and should not be only a substitute for the summary, conclusions or results sections. The abstract consists of a clear and concise presentation of the most relevant points of the research or experience, it must be written as a sequential series of compound sentences and not a list of topics. Avoid covering two or more topics, works must focus on presenting one specific topic. Its content includes the results and conclusions of the work carried out. Please avoid general or vague concepts—it is not satisfactory to say “the results will be discussed.” Self-promotion or abstracts with a commercial focus are discouraged, and will not be accepted for publication or presentation. (Palatino Linotype, 10, Normal)
*Corresponding author: Department/Division/Institute, Organization, Position, Complete Postal Address of Company. Phone: +XX XX XXXXXXXX. Email: