Homework Syllabus for the 2013-2014 School Year
WHAP Ms. Napp
The World History AP curriculum is a cross-cultural, chronological, and historicalexamination of the connections and encounters between the world’s diverse peoples and the development of individual cultures within diverse regions. Students of World History AP are encouraged to interact with information on many levels. From the gathering of facts concerning when and how events happened to the greater complexities of how circumstances impacted different groups within societies and between societies, students examine world history from a multiplicity of perspectives.
Of course, a history of the world is a daunting undertaking and to ensure that information is understood and remembered, the homework syllabus is designed to provide students opportunities to analyze and synthesize information, to practice concepts and skills, and to reinforce critical information. Therefore, the completion of a weekly homework assignment is a required component of the course.
In this packet, students will find the assignments for the entire year. Before theassignments are presented, students will find a supply list as well as sample responses to the various types of homework questions asked. After the assignments, students will find additional facts about the Advanced Placement Examination in World History and general academic information to ensure a positive transition to the Advanced Placement Level.
Ultimately, all students can achieve academic success in the Advanced Placement World History classroom. The homework syllabus is designed to help students achieve academic mastery.
Required Materials for the Completion of the Homework Syllabus:
1-The Textbook (All students will be issued a copy of Robert W. Strayer’s Ways of the World: A Global History)
Note: The Textbook Companion Website is available at the following link:
2-Cracking The AP World History Exam, 2014 Edition by The Princeton Review
Note: All students are required to purchase the review book in September. The book will be used throughout the yearand will be a valuable study guide for the Advanced Placement examination in May.
3-Ms. Napp’s Social Studies Webpage
(In particular, the World History AP page, the Variations page and Concerto Page)
Note: Ms. Napp’s Social Studies Webpage is available at the following link:
Optional Materials but Highly Recommended:
1-A Box Set of World History AP Flashcards
Note: Many publishers such as Barron’s, Kaplan’s, and 5 Steps to a 5 offer World History AP Flashcards
2-5 Steps to a 5 500 AP World History Questions to Know by Test Day
Note: The 500 questions can be purchased in book form or as an app
Important Reminder: At the end of the listed assignments, there are critical facts to know about the Advanced Placement World History examination. Please familiarize yourself with these facts.
A Word about the Assignments:
- In general, each week an average of twenty pages is assigned from the Strayer textbook.
- For each weekly reading, there are ten questions to be answered in bulleted note form and one reflection to be answered in a body paragraph.
- For questions to be answered in bulleted note form; there is a minimum of three bullets and a maximum of five bullets for each question.
- Students must either rewrite the question or provide an adequate title before answering the question.
- It is advisable to write assignments by hand since students will be required to write three essays by hand on the day of the Advanced Placement Examination. Writing assignments by hand increases handwriting stamina.
- On occasion, students will complete a Princeton Review template or templates for the weekly assignment.
- All weekly assignments are collected on Thursday and a full letter grade will be subtracted for every late day.
- Finally, the Princeton Review book must be purchased to complete a number of assignments in the homework syllabus and to prepare for the AP World History examination.
A Note about Ms. Napp’s Homework Philosophy:
- Homework is an opportunity for reflection and analysis of the key concepts, events, and themes of world history. Homework is an opportunity to practice essential skills such as analytical reading and writing. Homework is also a vehicle to practice and master the facts of the world history classroom. Finally, the completion of homework will lead to the creation of a superb review document for the Advanced Placement World History examination. As such, all students are encouraged to maintain neat and accurate homework assignments and to preserve these assignments for their future preparation for the examination.
- Finally, I have provided a sample for each type of question asked in the Homework Syllabus. Students are encouraged to examine these samples before starting the assignments.
A Sample Bulleted Note Form for an Actual Question in the Syllabus:
The Question: Discuss significant beliefs of Daoism (pp. 131 – 133)
Students must either rewrite the question or provide an adequate title before answering.
Sample Response:
1-Associated with legendary figure, Laozi; a sixth-century B.C.E. archivist said to have penned Daodejing (The Way and Its Power)
2-Daoists urged withdrawal into the world of nature and encouraged behavior that was spontaneous, individualistic, and natural
3-Whereas Confucius focused on the world of human relationships, Daoists turned the spotlight on the immense realm of nature and its mysterious unfolding patterns
4-Central concept Dao refers to the way of nature underlying/unchanging principle governs all natural phenomena
5-On occasion, Daoism provided an ideology for peasant uprisings(such as the Yellow Turban Rebellion) and although differentthan Confucianism, Daoism regarded by the Chinese as complementing Confucian values(like yin and yang and its belief in the unity of opposites).
A Sample Reflection Not in the Syllabus:
The Question: Was the Agricultural Revolution inevitable? Why did it occur so late in the story of humankind?
Students must either rewrite the question or provide an adequate title before answering.
Sample Response:
Was the Agricultural Revolution inevitable? Why did it occur so late in the story of humankind?
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of inevitable is “incapable of being avoided or evaded.” Is it therefore possible to write with absolute certainty that the Agricultural Revolution was unavoidable? Perhaps not yet it does seem that the Agricultural Revolution was highly probable. Indeed it seems likely that in some place in some region of the world, some individual or group of individuals would have discovered that edible plants sprouted from seeds and that if these seeds were planted, then plants could be cultivated. Given the intelligence of the human mind, it seems likely that the Agricultural Revolution would have occurred. In fact, given that female gatherers spent much of their time in the natural world studying the world of plants; it seems probable that some of these gatherers would have unlocked the mystery of seed germination. But perhaps the larger question, and the question that may answer why it occurred so late in the history of humanity is “When did individuals begin to see the benefits of cultivation and domestication?” Perhaps hunters and gatherers were quite content with their lifestyles and benefited greatly from their way of life. While today the vast majority of humans only know the world of agriculture and the subsequent rise of civilization, it is easy to forget some of the advantages of hunter and gatherer lifestyles. Hunters and gatherers had no class divisions and few gender divisions. Hunters and gatherers did not have slavery. Perhaps the Agricultural Revolution occurred so late in the story of humankind because hunters and gatherers were content with their way of life and as long asnature was bountiful, there was no need for such a profound change.”
Essay Practice:
Periodically, students will be asked to write a Document-Based Essay Question, a Comparative Essay or a Change over Time Essay in class. These essays have been created by the College Board and rubrics for these essays are provided at the end of this packet.
The Assignments:
Strayer Textbook: / Questions: / Due Date:Read pp. 3 - 20 / Answer Questions as Notes:
1-Discuss the evolutionary line of descent leading to Homo Sapiens – be sure to include hominids, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, and Homo Sapiens (p. 3)
2-Describe the Paleolithic era (p. 4)
3-How did the various beginnings of food production lay the foundations for some of the most enduring divisions within the larger human community? (pp. 5 – 6)
4-Describe the significant characteristics of civilization(p.6)
5-Why have historians often neglected the human journey before the coming of agriculture? (p. 12)
6-Describe the first 150,000 years of the human experience(pp. 12 – 13)
7-Describe the cultural changes that occurred as humans migrated out of Africa and into the Eurasia (pp. 16- 17)
8-Describe the cultural changes that occurred as humans migrated out of Africa and into Australia (pp. 17- 18)
9-Describe the cultural changes that occurred as humans migrated out of Africa and to the Americas (p. 18)
10-Describe the cultural changes as humans migrated out of Africa and into the Pacific (pp. 19 – 20)
What is the significance of the Paleolithic era in world history? / Thursday,
September 19, 2013
Read pp. 25 – 48 / Answer Questions as Notes:
1-What was the most revolutionary aspect of the age of agriculture? (pp. 36 – 37)
2-What were some of the common patterns that facilitated the Agricultural Revolution? (pp. 37 – 39)
3-Describe the Agricultural Revolution in the Fertile Crescent (pp. 39 – 41)
4-Describe the process of domestication in the African continent (p. 41)
5-Describe the process of farming in Africa (p. 41)
6-Describe the pattern of agricultural development in the Americas (pp. 41 – 42)
7-Describe the two ways in which agriculture spread (p. 42)
8-What are the Indo-European languages? (p. 43)
9-Who were the Bantu? (p. 46)
10-Describe the culture of agriculture (pp. 47 – 48)
The Agricultural Revolution marked a decisive turning point in human history. What evidence might you offer to support this claim? / Thursday, September 26, 2013
Read pp. 49 – 68 / Answer Questions as Notes:
1-Describe significant characteristics of pastoral societies (p. 49)
2-Describe characteristics of Çatal Hüyük, a very early agricultural village in southern Turkey (p.50)
3-Discuss the lineage system in Africa which provided the framework within which large numbers of people could make and enforce rules, etc. (p. 50)
4-Discuss the six major locations of the first civilizations after 3500 B.C.E. – include important facts about each (pp.56 – 61)
5-Discuss the other smaller civilizations that flourished beyond the six First civilizations (p. 61)
6-Describe the city of Uruk (p.62)
7-Describe the city of Mohenjo Daro (p.63)
8-Describe the city of Teotihuacán (p. 63)
9-Discuss the class hierarchies that developed in the First Civilizations (pp. 64 – 66)
10-Discuss hierarchies based on gender and the practice of patriarchy in the First Civilizations (pp. 66 – 68)
What distinguished civilizations from other forms of human community? / Thursday, October 3, 2013
Read pp. 69 – 84 / Answer Questions as Notes:
1-How did the formation of states give rise to greater inequalities? (pp. 69 – 70)
2-Discuss the importance of the “remarkable invention of writing” and compare and contrast several early writing systems (pp. 70 – 72)
3-Discuss the lavish lifestyle of elites (pp. 72 – 73)
4-Compare the physical geography of Mesopotamia and Egypt and the effects of geography on the cultures of the regions (pp. 73 – 76)
5-Discuss the impact of population growth and demand for resources on the environments of Mesopotamia and Egypt (pp. 76 – 77)
6-Compare the political realities of Mesopotamia and Egypt (pp. 77 – 79)
7-Discuss the significance of the Hebrews in world history (p. 80)
8-Discuss the significance of the Phoenicians in world history (p. 80)
9-Compare Mesopotamian and Egyptian interactions with neighboring cultures (also pp. 80 – 81 )
10-Discuss the significance of the Hittites and Hyksos (p. 81)
In the development of the First Civilizations, what was gained for humankind, and what was lost? / Thursday, October 10, 2013
Read pp. 87 – 101 / Answer Questions as Notes:
1-Summarize reasons for the decline of some of the First Civilizations (p. 87)
2-State specific continuities from the First civilizations to the second and third waves of civilization (pp. 88 – 89)
3-State specific changes that occurred in the second and third waves of civilization (pp. 89 – 91)
4-Summarize significant facts concerning long-distance trade routes in the second and third waves of civilization (pp. 91 – 92)
5-Why do historians refer to the period between 500 B.C.E. and 500 C.E. as the “classical era” (p. 92)
6-How are the current identities of nations still linked to the classical era? (p. 91)
7-Summarize significant facts about the location of the Persian Empire (p. 99)
8-Describe the Persian Empire’s cult of kingship (p. 99)
9-Discuss the importance of satraps in the Persian Empire (p. 100)
10-Describe the infrastructure of the Persian empire (p. 101)
Continue to next page for Reflection!
Discuss changes and continuities from the First Civilizations to the Second and Third Waves of Civilizations. / Thursday, October 17, 2013
Read pp. 101 – 121 / Answer Questions as Notes:
1-Discuss the impact of geography on the Greek city-states (p. 102)
2-Describe causes and effects of Greek expansion (p. 103)
3-Describe Athenian democracy and the role of the “citizen” (pp. 103 - 104)
4-Discuss the causes and effects of the Greco-Persian Wars (pp. 104 – 105)
5-Describe the achievements of Alexander the Great as well as his chief significance in world history (pp. 106 – 108)
6-Describe the Roman Republic and the outcomes of conflict between the patricians and plebeians (p. 109)
7-Discuss Roman expansion (pp. 109 –111)
8-Describe the accomplishments of Shihuangdi (pp. 112 – 114)
9-Compare the Roman and Chinese Empires (pp. 114 – 116)
10-Describe the Indian subcontinent before the Mauryan empire, during the Mauryan empire, after the Mauryan empire, and during the Gupta empire (pp. 119 – 120)
Are you more impressed with the “greatness” of empires or with their destructive and oppressive features? Why? / Thursday, October 24, 2013
Complete the Princeton Review Templates!
Note: Review Templates can be found on the Variations Page of Ms. Napp’s Social Studies Webpage / Complete Review Templates:
Review Template 1 [45 Questions]
Review Template 2 [56 Questions]
[Each answer is only several words. It is a very manageable assignment.] / Thursday, October 31, 2013
Read pp. 128 – 148 / Answer Questions as Notes:
1-Discuss beliefs of Legalism (p. 128)
2-Discuss significant beliefs of Confucianism (pp. 129 – 131)
3-Discuss significant beliefs of Daoism (pp. 131 – 133)
4-Discuss early texts of Hinduism and Hindu concepts of atman, moksha, samsara, and karma (pp. 133 – 134)
5-Discuss significant beliefs of Buddhism (pp. 135 – 137)
6-DiscussBhakti (p. 138)
7-Discuss significant beliefs of Zoroastrianism (pp. 139 – 140)
8-Discuss significant beliefs of Judaism (pp. 140 – 141)
9-Discuss the ideas of Socrates, Thales, Democritus, Hippocrates, Plato, and Aristotle (pp. 142 – 144)
10-Compare the lives of Jesus and Buddha (p. 146)
“Religions are fundamentally alike.” Do your notes support or undermine this idea? / Thursday, November 7, 2013
Read pp. 156 – 176 / Answer Questions as Notes:
1-Describe the responsibilities and lifestyles of the elite officials or scholar-gentry in classical China (pp. 156 – 157
2-Compare the status and lifestyles of the landlord class, the peasant class, and the merchant class in classical China (pp. 158 – 160)
3-Discuss the four varnas of India (pp. 160 – 162)
4-Discuss the role of jatis in Indian society (pp. 163 – 164 )
5-Discuss slavery in the Greco-Roman world (pp. 167 – 169)
6-Discuss the slave rebellion of Spartacus (pp. 169 – 170)
7-Discuss patriarchy in China (pp. 171 – 173)
8-Discuss the unusual reign of Empress Wu (p. 173)
9-Discuss patriarchy in Athens (pp. 173 – 175)
10-Discuss patriarchy in Sparta (pp. 175 – 177)
What philosophical, religious, or cultural ideas served to legitimate the class and gender inequalities of classical civilization? / Thursday, November 14, 2013
Read pp. 184 – 203 / Answer Questions as Notes:
1-Discuss significant facts about Meroë (pp. 184 – 186)
2-Discuss significant facts about Axum (pp. 186 – 188)
3-Describe the distinctive features of Jenne-Jeno (pp. 188 – 189)
4-Describe the Bantu migrations and the impact of these migrations on Sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 190 – 192)
5-Describe Mesoamerica’s geography and cultures (pp. 193)
6-Discuss significant facts about the Maya (pp. 194 – 195)
7-Discuss significant facts about Teotihuacán (pp. 195 – 197)
8-Discuss significant facts about the Chavín (pp. 198)
9-Discuss significant facts about the Moche (pp. 198 – 200)
10-Discuss significant facts about the southwestern region of North America, specifically Chaco canyon (pp. 201 – 203)
“The histories of Africa and the Americas during the classical era largely resemble those of Eurasia.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain why or why not. / Thursday, November21, 2013
Read pp. 219 - 239 / Answer Questions as Notes:
1-Discuss the significance of Silk in the history of the Silk Road (pp. 221 – 222)
2-Discuss significant facts about cultural diffusion on the Silk Road (pp. 222 – 224)
3-Discuss significant facts about Indian Ocean trade (pp. 225 – 226)
4-State one reason why Indian Ocean trade increased in the classical era (p. 227) and two major processes that changed Indian Ocean trade (p. 228)
5-Discuss significant facts about Srivijaya (pp. 229)
6-Discuss significant facts about Sailendra and especially, Borobudur (pp. 229 – 230)
7-Discuss significant facts about Swahili civilization (pp. 230 – 232)
8-Discuss significant facts about Trans-Saharan trade (pp. 232 – 233)
9-Discuss significant facts about the West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay (pp. 234 – 235)
10-Discuss trade in the Western Hemisphere, especially geographic obstacles and yet trading successes (pp. 235 – 238)
In what ways did commercial exchange foster other changes? / Wednesday, November 27, 2013
[Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday]
Read pp. 242 - 263 / Answer Questions as Notes:
1-Discuss significant facts about China’s golden age (pp. 242 – 246)
2-Discuss the status of women in the Song Dynasty (pp. 246 – 247)
3-Discuss the Chinese Tribute System in theory and in practice (pp. 249 – 251)
4-Discuss Korea’s historical relationship with China (pp. 253 – 254)
5-Discuss Vietnam’s historical relationship with China (pp. 254 – 256)
6-Discuss Japan’s historical relationship with China (pp. 256 – 257)
7-Discuss unique features of Japanese culture and belief such as samurai, Bushido, kami, tanka, The Tale of the Genji, and the status of Japanese women (pp. 257 – 259)