State Performance Plan Indicator 13

Statewide Report


The IEP meets the requirements of Indicator 13.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 18885 / 67.2
No / 9198 / 32.8
Total / 28083 / 100.0

Items from Checklist for Measurement of Indicator 13

1. The IEP includes measurable postsecondary goals.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 22909 / 81.6
No / 5174 / 18.4
Total / 28083 / 100.0

2. Initial transition services discussion occurs no later than the first IEP to be in effect

when the student turns 16.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 25995 / 92.6
No / 893 / 3.2
NA / 1195 / 4.2
Total / 28083 / 100.0

3. Age appropriate transition assessments are completed.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 24060 / 85.7
No / 4023 / 14.3
Total / 28083 / 100.0

4. Student strengths and needs are identified.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 26490 / 94.3
No / 1593 / 5.7
Total / 28083 / 100.0

5. The IEP is reviewed and updated at least annually.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 27303 / 97.2
No / 780 / 2.8
Total / 28083 / 100.0

6. Annual IEP goals facilitate movement toward postsecondary goals.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 24977 / 88.9
No / 3106 / 11.1
Total / 28083 / 100.0

7. The student is invited to ARD/IEP meeting.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 26895 / 95.8
No / 1188 / 4.2
Total / 28083 / 100.0

8. Student preferences and interests are taken into consideration in the development of the IEP.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 26674 / 95.0
No / 1409 / 5.0
Total / 28083 / 100.0

9. Student needs, taking into account student strengths, preferences and interests are reflected in identified postsecondary goals.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 25072 / 89.3
No / 3011 / 10.7
Total / 28083 / 100.0

10. Based on student needs, transition services in the form of coordinated activities include instruction, related services, community experiences, development of employment/adult living and if appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and provision of functional vocational evaluation.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 25462 / 90.7
No / 2621 / 9.3
Total / 28083 / 100.0

If response to previous question is “No,” circle the areas NOT included in the form of coordinated activities. (choose all that apply)

Frequency / Percent
NA, previous question was YES / 25412 / 77.7
Instruction / 1291 / 3.9
Related Services / 1146 / 3.5
Community Experiences / 1503 / 4.6
Development of employment/adult living skills / 1621 / 5.0
If appr., acquisition of daily living skills / 709 / 2.2
If appr., functional vocational evaluation / 1029 / 3.1
Total / 32711 / 100.0

11. The IEP includes a course of study that supports postsecondary goals.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 24968 / 88.9
No / 3115 / 11.1
Total / 28083 / 100.0

12. With the consent of parents or adult student, any agency responsible for providing transition services is invited to the ARD/IEP meeting.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 8327 / 29.6
No / 3109 / 11.1
NA / 16647 / 59.3
Total / 28083 / 100.0

13. The ARD committee reconvenes to develop alternative strategies when participating agencies failed to provide transition services.

Frequency / Percent
Yes / 2593 / 9.2
No / 1295 / 4.6
NA / 24195 / 86.2
Total / 28083 / 100.0


Grade Level

Frequency / Percent
Grade 7 / 206 / 0.7
Grade 8 / 402 / 1.4
Grade 9 / 5213 / 18.6
Grade 10 / 7748 / 27.7
Grade 11 / 7399 / 26.3
Grade 12 / 7115 / 25.3
Total / 28083 / 100.0


Frequency / Percent
Male / 18578 / 66.2
Female / 9505 / 33.8
Total / 28083 / 100.0


Frequency / Percent
American Indian / 184 / 0.7
Asian/Pacific Islander / 234 / 0.8
Black / 5058 / 18.0
Hispanic / 10456 / 37.2
White / 12151 / 43.3
Total / 28083 / 100.0


Frequency / Percent
No disability / 120 / 0.4
OI / 270 / 1.0
OHI / 3156 / 11.2
AI / 346 / 1.2
VI / 183 / 0.7
Deaf-Blind / 18 / 0.1
MR / 2349 / 8.4
ED / 2495 / 8.9
LD / 18064 / 64.3
Speech / 136 / 0.5
Autism / 806 / 2.9
DD / 3 / 0.0
TBI / 137 / 0.5
Total / 28083 / 100.0

Instructional Arrangement

Frequency / Percent
00 / 154 / 0.5
01 / 173 / 0.6
02 / 51 / 0.2
08 / 1593 / 5.7
30 / 37 / 0.1
40 / 8833 / 31.5
50 / 16 / 0.1
60 / 4 / 0.0
70 / 28 / 0.1
71 / 60 / 0.2
41 / 7496 / 26.7
42 / 4984 / 17.7
43 / 924 / 3.3
44 / 2639 / 9.4
81 / 292 / 1.0
82 / 129 / 0.5
83 / 120 / 0.4
84 / 35 / 0.1
85 / 153 / 0.5
86 / 111 / 0.4
87 / 1 / 0.0
88 / 9 / 0.1
91 / 8 / 0.0
92 / 3 / 0.0
93 / 5 / 0.0
94 / 14 / 0.0
95 / 98 / 0.3
96 / 76 / 0.3
97 / 37 / 0.1
Total / 28083 / 100.0


TEA Division of IDEA Coordination

August 2008