Assessment Materials
TAAASS403B Develop assessment tools
1st Edition 2009
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Part of a suite of support materials for the
TAA04 Training and Assessment
Training Package
Table of Contents
Candidate Declaration 1
Getting Started 3
Introduction 4
Assessment Pathways 5
More about skills recognition, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and credit transfer 5
Assessments 6
Assessment Task: Develop assessment tools & instruments 6
Assessment mapping 7
TAAASS403B Develop assessment tools
© 2009 Innovation & Business Industry Skills Council Ltd
Assessment Materials Assessment Pathways
Candidate Declaration
Your trainer/assessor is required to discuss the following matters with you. Tick the relevant box once the matter has been explained to you and you have acknowledged that you understand the advice provided by your trainer/assessor.
q purpose and outcomes of the assessment process
q relevant unit/s of competency
q recognition of prior learning
q appeals process
q confidentiality and security of information
q special needs/additional information
q signing of candidate declaration
Assessor’s name / Phone no.
Assessment site
Assessment date/s / Time/s
Date assessment arrangement was notified to the participant / Notification method
In signing this form the candidate acknowledges that the assessment process has been fully explained to them and they understand and agree to the assessment process as described above.
It is proposed that the assessment outlined will take place at times and locations mutually agreed between the candidate and the assessor.
Candidate’s signature: Date:
Assessor’s signature: Date:
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Assessment Materials Assessment Pathways
Getting Started
The assessment activities in this booklet have been designed to allow you to provide evidence that demonstrates your competency in the unit TAAASS403B Develop assessment tools.
Your learning facilitator and/or assessor will:
· negotiate assessment activities with you and help with their planning
· answer any questions you might have about the assessment
· assess your competence by making judgements about the evidence presented in line with the requirements of the unit of competency
· give you feedback on the outcomes of the assessment process, both formative (as you go through learning and assessment processes) and summative (your final assessment – whether you are competent, or not yet competent)
· counsel you on the outcomes of the assessment including advising you of your right of appeal if you disagree with the assessment decision
· as appropriate, help you to address the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements of the assessment setting and units of competency.
Some units of competency from the TAA04 Training and Assessment Training Package can be delivered and assessed with other relevant units. Have a look through the units you plan to undertake, as it might be possible to use holistic approaches to assessment. Work with your assessor to decide which assessment activities are appropriate for you.
To demonstrate competency in this unit, you must be able to provide evidence that you have developed a number of assessment tools, based on different assessment methods, which address at least three units of competency or accredited curricula, packaged for different Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications.
These tools must include the instruments for collecting the candidates’ evidence, as well as the related instructions to assessor/s and/or candidates and/or third parties. Evidence must also include a report on the trial and review of the assessment tools, including any proposed changes.
Your specific evidence must include:
· evidence of the development and trialling of new assessment tools that support a range of different assessment methods to meet the evidence requirements of the assessment benchmarks
· a number of tools which address at least three units of competency/accredited curricula, packaged for different AQF qualifications
· the trial and review process of the tools, including feedback obtained from relevant personnel
· documentation setting out the specific instruments and instructions/procedures that have been developed for each of the assessment tools.
The assessment tools used as evidence must:
· reflect the context/s for assessment
· show how they account for participants’ needs and special circumstances
· specify the evidence which the tools are designed to collect
· meet the Principles of Assessment and the rules of evidence.
Evidence must be gathered in the workplace, or through a simulated workplace. The evidence must relate to a number of different performances assessed at different points in time and, in a learning and assessment pathway, these assessments should be separated by further learning and practice.
This unit might be assessed individually or together with other units in the TAA04 Training and Assessment Training Package. Suggested units include, but are not limited to:
· TAAASS401C Plan and organise assessment
· TAAASS402C Assess competence
· TAAASS404B Participate in assessment validation
· TAADES401B Use Training Packages to meet client needs.
Much of the information and materials you added to your resource kit while working through the Learner Guide will help you for these assessments. Taking a portfolio approach to assessment can make the assessment process more valuable for you and will often better reflect processes in the workplace. Using a portfolio approach you will gather your evidence together for this unit, and perhaps for other units, and submit it all together as a portfolio. This is similar to what you did when you developed your resource kit.
Helpful templates from the appendices of your Learner Guide are available in MSWord format online at <>.
Assessment Pathways
Assessment in Vocational Education and Training (VET) can be undertaken via three different pathways:
· In a learning and assessment pathway candidates for assessment attend learning sessions, participate in all activities and complete the assessments to a schedule usually arranged around the learning sessions. In this pathway candidates are usually guided by facilitators and have access to all resources, hardcopy and online. The advantage of this pathway is the development of skills, sharing resources and networking with other people working in the VET sector.
· In an assessment only pathway the assessment candidate does not attend learning sessions but completes the assessments and submits them to the assessor at pre-determined times.
· In a skills recognition pathway the assessment candidate does not usually attend learning sessions or complete assessments. Skills recognition is another form of assessment only pathway. However, it is through a different type of assessment called Recognition of Prior Learning or RPL.
More about skills recognition, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and credit transfer
You may be eligible for RPL if you have had life, study or work experience that allows you to meet the evidence requirements for competencies in the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAA40104). You may have covered similar learning and assessment content in other qualifications and have already been assessed against similar benchmarks to those in the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. Your prior learning in each case is measured against the requirements of each competency.
Credit transfer
You may be eligible for a credit transfer if you have completed modules/competencies in a different course or another educational organisation and those modules/competencies are the same as, or deemed equivalent to, those in the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
Why apply for RPL?
RPL recognises that you may already have many skills that apply to the modules or competencies in which you plan to enrol. It may mean you only need to study modules/competencies that are new to you, which may shorten the length of learning and assessment you have to do as a part of a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment program.
Completing the self-assessment tool, which can be found on the Learner Resources website at <>, will give you an idea of whether you are a suitable candidate for skills recognition assessment. If you think you might already have the skills and knowledge to demonstrate your competency in this unit you should contact your assessor so that they can discuss the self-assessment tool with you and provide you with information on the skills recognition process.
You are encouraged to negotiate activities with your assessor, relevant to your practice environment or future work roles.
Assessment Task: Develop assessment tools & instruments
You are required to develop and trial at least three (3) new assessment tools that support a range of different assessment methods. Each assessment tool must comprise:
· a documented assessment plan
· instructions to both candidates and assessors, including provisions for reasonable adjustments
· detailed mapping of units of competency showing which criteria are assessed by which assessment methods
· an evidence collection matrix
· assessment instruments to support the selected assessment methods
· an assessment decision and summary template with provision for feedback given to the candidate
· templates for both post-trial and post-assessment reviews of the assessment tool.
The tools developed must address at least three units of competency or accredited curricula, packaged in qualifications at different AQF levels.
You must document the processes used to trial and review the tools, including feedback obtained from relevant personnel.
You must provide documentation, setting out the specific instruments and procedures that have been developed.
You should assemble a portfolio for each tool developed with evidence of:
· the benchmarks used, for example, unit or units of competency
· final versions of your assessment tool documentation setting out the instruments and instructions and including how the:
o evidence requirements were identified or confirmed
o target group of candidates/was identified and addressed
o assessment methods were identified or confirmed
o assessment methods are appropriate for the evidence requirements, target group and context/s of assessment and meet the Principles of Assessment and the rules of evidence
o tools are designed to be clear, user-friendly and effective for the purpose of gathering quality evidence in the assessment process
o development documentation such as completed learning activities and drafts
o a report on the trial and review of the assessment tools and any changes made.
Discuss with your trainer/facilitator how the portfolio could be presented. It could be paper-based, in a folder, or in electronic form. Make sure it is properly indexed so the evidence is easy to match against the above requirements.
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Assessment Materials Assessment mapping
Assessment mapping
Assessment Task / Description / AssessmentNumber / Assessment Method/s / Specific evidence requirements** / Elements/
Develop assessment tools and instruments / You are required to develop and trial at least three (3) new assessment tools that support a range of different assessment methods.
The tools developed must address at least three units of competency or accredited curricula, packaged in qualifications at different AQF levels.
You must document the processes used to trial and review the tools, including feedback obtained from relevant personnel.
You must provide documentation setting out the specific instruments and procedures that have been developed. / Assessment 1 / Developed assessment tools (minimum 3) / 1-4 / All
* Elements and Performance Criteria are numbered using the Unit of Competency numbering system.