UCR GSA Officer Report

Finance Officer

Tiffany Viggiano

April-May, 2016

See table for budget news as of March 31st

a.  75% of the fiscal year is completed and 80.74% of original budget spent

Graduate Student Assoc Expenses as of March 31, 2016: 75% of the Fiscal Year Completed
* Given that we have only completed 75% of the fiscal year, anything above 75% is above budget
A01970 / Conference Travel Grant
DESCRIPTION / BudCateg / Allocated / Expenditures / Balance / % Spent*
CTG Travel-SSFAC 20000 / BC40 / $20,000.00 / $19,859.66 / $140.34 / 99.2983
CTG Coordinator Stipend 20035 / BC25 / $5,493.00 / $4,208.75 / $1,284.25 / 76.62024395
CTG Benefits 20035 / BC30 / $4,790.00 / $72.21 / $4,717.79 / 1.507515658
CTG - Conf Travel Grants 20035 / BC40 / $70,274.00 / $68,091.73 / $2,182.27 / 96.89462675
CTG Meeting Expense 20035 / BC40 / $150.00 / $150.00 / 0
Payroll expenses-GL / BC47 / $0.00 / $40.02 / ($40.02) / N/A
Foundation CTG Donations 46471 / BC35 / $1,098.80 / $1,098.80 / $0.00 / 100
CTG- Chancellor Matching 69997 / BC40 / $67,996.00 / $44,586.41 / $23,409.59 / 65.57210718
UCOP Assessment-Chanc Funds 69997 / BC47 / $2,004.00 / $1,503.00 / $501.00 / 75
Totals / $171,805.80 / $139,460.58 / $32,345.22 / 81.17338297
Graduate Division Emergency Funds / $231,805.80 / $92,345.22 / 60.16267928
A01438-20035 / General - Student Fees
DESCRIPTION / BudCateg / Allocated / Expenditures / Balance / % Spent
Officer Stipends / BC25/30 / $34,949.00 / $24,513.93 / $10,435.07 / 70.14200692
Department Co-Sponshorship / BC40 / $9,258.00 / $1,705.00 / $7,553.00 / 18.41650464
Graduate Club Funding (Mini-GSA) / BC40/41/46/47 / $11,600.00 / $1,991.05 / $9,608.95 / 17.16422414
PRC-Imprint/Grad Bash/GSC/Eboard / BC40/41 / $12,000.00 / $6,930.35 / $5,069.65 / 57.75291667
UCSA Travel / BC40 / $7,000.00 / $5,325.46 / $1,674.54 / 76.078
President's Budget / BC40 / $1,500.00 / $670.18 / $829.82 / 44.67866667
Executive VP Budget / BC40 / $100.00 / $457.66 / ($357.66) / 457.66
VP Acad Affairs Budget / BC40 / $100.00 / $0.00 / $100.00 / 0
AAO Meetings / BC40/41 / $2,100.00 / $0.00 / $2,100.00 / 0
Community Outreach Fund / BC40/41 / $2,500.00 / $0.00 / $2,500.00 / 0
ASUCR Admin Services / BC42 / $3,600.00 / $3,600.00 / $0.00 / 100
Copier Billing / BC44 / $500.00 / $0.00 / $500.00 / 0
Payroll charges GL, UI, WC, CWF / BC45/47 / $700.00 / $589.12 / $110.88 / 84.16
Office Supplies Storehouse / BC41/46 / $0.00 / N/A
UCSA Membership / BC47 / $4,707.00 / $2,948.00 / $1,759.00 / 62.63012535
HUB Charges / BC70 / $14,400.00 / $10,970.44 / $3,429.56 / 76.18361111
Totals / $105,014.00 / $59,701.19 / $45,312.81 / 56.8506961
A01438-20000 / GSA SSFAC
DESCRIPTION / BudCateg / Allocated / Expenditures / Balance / % Spent
Staff Salary / BC25 / $53,360.00 / $41,921.60 / $11,438.40 / 78.56371814
Staff Benefits / BC30/31 / $18,764.00 / $24,628.77 / ($5,864.77) / 131.2554359
Student Assistants / BC 25/30 / $17,738.00 / $9,381.33 / $8,356.67 / 52.88831886
Lectures/On Campus / BC40 / $10,000.00 / $4,030.57 / $5,969.43 / 40.3057
Office Supplies / BC41 / $1,894.00 / $408.94 / $1,485.06 / 21.59134108
Mail Services / BC43 / $900.00 / $1.65 / $898.35 / 0.183333333
Printing/Business Cards / BC44 / $0.00 / $374.45 / ($374.45) / N/A
Communications / BC45 / $577.00 / $1,226.12 / ($649.12) / 212.4991334
Computing / BC46 / $0.00 / $753.44 / ($753.44) / N/A
Payroll Charges-Gen Liab / BC47 / $0.00 / $506.17 / ($506.17) / N/A
Sparkletts water / BC70 / $0.00 / $119.17 / ($119.17) / N/A
Totals / $103,233.00 / $83,352.21 / $19,880.79 / 80.74182674
Graduate Division Emergency Funds / $163,233.00 / $79,880.79 / 51.06333278