Eight ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCHOffice/Rectory:476-3513
405 WEST MADISON STREET School:476-3510
MILLSTADT, ILLINOIS 62260-1499Early Childhood:476-9490
Rev. Marvin C. Volk, Pastor Infant & Toddler:476-7567
Rev. Mr. Ronald Karcher, DeaconParish Center: 476-7985
Email: Website: stjamesmillstadt.com Fax: 476-1281
Weekend Masses: Saturday – 5:00 p.m.; Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.
Reconciliation: Saturday – 4:15-4:35 p.m. ~ Baptisms: By appointment ~ Weddings: Four months notice
Pentecost Sunday May 19, 2013
Monday May 20 8:00 a.m. ------Loose 163.00
Tuesday May 21 8:20 a.m. James Crain Adult (28) 2210.00
Wednesday May 22 8:20 a.m. Veronica Kettler Ascension (119) 3532.00
Thursday May 23 8:00 a.m. All Our GraduatesHome Missions (5) 100.00
Friday May 24 8:20 a.m. Rose Vogt Sister Parish (2) 35.00
Saturday May 25 2:30 p.m. Wedding: Kelly Rapp andDebt Reduction (5) 1080.00
James CamererSchool Endow. (2) 25.00
5:00 p.m. Jim Creason Votive Candles 13.00
Sunday May 26 8:00 a.m. The Parish
10:00 a.m. James Thomas
Sunday 7:00 p.m. Over 50 Wednesday 7:00 p.m. SVDP
Monday 7:00 p.m. Parish Council Thursday 7:00 p.m. Eighth Grade Graduation
Tuesday 4:30 p.m. Quilting Friday 8:20 a.m. Kindergarten Graduation
Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Quilting
May 25 5:00 p.m. Hannah Dengler, Amanda Wegner, Kaleb Rakers
26 8:00 a.m. Joey and Maggie Nester
10:00 a.m. Clare Keeven, Brianna & Kyleigh Hebel, Nick Weilbacher
PARISH NEWS-Please note that on Friday, May 24, following the All School Mass there will be Kindergarten graduation.
Inserted in this weekend’s bulletin is the sign up sheet for the stand and time of you choice to help at the Summer Festival. Please return the signup sheet to the usher or to the rectory. If you are unable to work the day of the parish picnic, August 3, please volunteer to help with the setup and clean up. The sign up sheets should be returned to the rectory by June 2, 2013. Assigning workers for the Summer Festival is much easier if the committee knows the stand and time that you are able to work. Thank you for all the help you can give to make the Summer Festival a success.
Many thanks from the Diocese Respect Life Office to Nancy Obernuefemann and to all who participated in the rose sale on Mother’s Day. Special thanks to those who helped. The proceeds benefit Project Rachel, which offers hope and healing to parents grieving after an abortion. (1-888-456-HOPE).
Thank you to everyone who donated food for Veronica Kettler’s funeral luncheon. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated. The Kettler Family
SOLICITATION WEEKENDS for our Summer Festival will take place after all the Masses on June 1-2 and June 8-9. Please take this opportunity to pick up your envelope and basket for the Basket Boutique.
Bottled water and Gatorade (individual-sized bottles) are needed by the St. Vincent de Paul Society to share with the homeless or those living in homes without air conditioning or fans. These are distributed to the poor and homeless by the SVDP mobile soup buses, at Cosgrove’s Kitchen and cooling centers when the weather is extreme. Please bring your donations to the rectory. Thank you.
SCHOOL NEWS- Eighth grade graduation is Thursday, May 23 and Kindergarten Graduation is Friday, May 24. Last day of school is May 30 with dismissal at 1:30 p.m.
OVER 5O CLUB-The Over 50 Club will meet this Sunday, May 19 at 7:00 p.m. in the parish center. Tim Claxton, R.N. from St. Elizabeth’s Hospital will be the speaker. Refreshments will follow.
The Over 50 Club will be going to St. Joseph’s Church in Prairie du Rocher on Sunday, June 9th. Breakfast will be served after Mass at Lisa’s. Cost is $7.50. Members can carpool and will leave at 7:45 from the parish center. Make reservations by calling Marlene at 476-3428 or .
The members will be going to the Senior Center on Tuesday May 21 (Fried Chicken) and on Tuesday, May 28 (BBQ Pork Steak). If you plan to attend call Darleen (476-1542) or the Center (476-3731).
PRAYER TREE-The Prayer Tree has been changed. Members may pick up the new lists in the back sacristy today. Your name will be on them. Please consider being an additional telephone or email leader who will take the prayer request, then notify other leaders.
Dear St. James Parishioners, Thanks to everyone who came to the Red Cross Blood Drive. We had 83 productive units. Also thanks to everyone who brought food, it was delicious. I appreciate the use of the parish center and for the Toenjes Family and Jack Kramer for all your hard work! Sincerely
Red Cross Coordinator-Marge Wolfmeier
The Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal…providing hope, offering help and answering prayers…
Your contribution enables the office of Education to impact the lives of almost 11,00 students at 29 grade schools, three high schools and in PSR (Parish School of Religion) classes throughout our Belleville Diocese. If you haven’t already done so, please make your gift to the 2013 Appeal today. Thank you.
MARARIAGE ENCOUNTER-Today we celebrate the feast of Pentecost-the sending of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, the Comforter to come and dwell in us. The Holy Spirit is here to lead, guide and instruct us in the ways of God, the ways of Love. Let the Holy Spirit lead you into a deeper relationship with your spouse and with God. Sign up today to attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend in the area on August 9-11. To register or for more information call 314-469- 7317 or go online to
* “Learning To Fly God’s Way.” Paul Coutinho. Shrine. June 15. 9AM-12:30 PM.
*Patriot Concert. “I Stand Proud.” St. Paul UCC, Belleville. June 23. 3:00 PM.
*Maifest. Holy Trinity. Fairview Hgts. May 18. 5-8 PM. German Food, Music, Beer, Wine and Dancing.
*BBQ. Sponsored by St. Paul Church, Floraville. Lee’s Hardware. May 18. 11: AM-?
*Strawberry Festival. St. Patrick, Ruma. May 19. 11-4:30. Quilt/Cash Bingo begins at noon.
*Picnic/Homecoming. St. John the Baptist, Smithon. May 31-4:30- Midnight-.Fish fry. June 1-
3:00-11:30 PM. Fried Chicken Dinner. Quilt/Cash Bingo 6-11:00PM.
*Cash Bingo. St. John the Baptist, Red Bud. June 9. Doors open 11:30AM. Bingo begins at 1:30PM.
*Picnic. St. Agatha, New Athens. June 15. 4-11:30 PM. Quilt Bingo 6-10:30 PM. Washer Tournament 7PM.
*Picnic. St. John the Baptist, Red Bud. July 12 - Fish Dinners. 5PM+. July 13 - Chicken Buffet 3-7:30 PM.
Quilt/Cash Bingo Friday at 7PM and Saturday at 6:30 PM.