Minutes 06-27-2011 Page 5
June 27, 2011
Commissioners Present: Ben Bennett, Larry Hicks (gone from 11:24-1:15) and Florence Whitebread
Chairman Hicks called the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Commission review and update:
Commissioner Bennett:
· Discussed the letter that the League of Municipalities sent to KAC regarding the administration of 911 funds.
· Reported on the Heartland Works Board and stated he was appointed Chairman of the elected Officials Board.
Commissioner Whitebread:
· Stated she has an aTa Bus meeting next week. Commissioner Bennett stated he talked with Karen McCullough, Riley County Commissioner, and she is very upset that the City of Manhattan voted down the establishment of a fixed route. Commissioner Whitebread stated the purpose of the meeting is about future financing and asked the other commissioners to consider whether to add more routes and buses. She said they are nearly at capacity with the one bus that is in service in Geary County.
Lt. Wolf and Sgt. Barbara Smith presented the weekly report:
· Reported there are 117 prisoners in our detention center, with 127 being the highest.
· Announced the absconder from work release was captured on Friday in Grandview Plaza.
· Discussed a motorcycle accident that they worked over the weekend.
· Commissioner Bennett inquired if they were ready for the July 4th weekend. Lt. Wolf stated they have a meeting with the Junction City Police Department later this morning regarding Sundown Salute activities.
· Commissioner Bennett inquired about fireworks stands. Lt. Wolf stated sales begin today and Garry Berges has provided them a list of the ones he has permitted in the county. There was a general discussion about this being the first year that the City of Junction City is allowing stands in the city limits. Lt. Wolf and Sgt. Smith left the meeting.
Lisa Eickholt, Human Resources, presented the weekly report:
· Reminded the commission that Open Enrollment will be this Wednesday and Thursday.
· Reviewed positions that are open. She discussed the possibility of training some Equipment Operator IIs so they can advance to Equipment Operator III. They may develop a training position to accomplish this.
Eldon Hoyle, citizen, arrived at the meeting.
Mrs. Eickholt continued:
· Discussion on staffing at Public Works continued.
· Stated that the 2011 budget includes funds for a longevity payment. She recommended paying them in September. The budget has $50,000 and it appears it will take around $46,000.
· Stated that in the 2011 budget departments pooled funds for paying out the sick leave benefit for those who retire and for the vacation sell back option. The department heads decided the vacation sell back option would be discouraged this year and to try to use those funds for the benefit of all employees, since we could not provide an across the board increase for all employees. She recommended that we provide $400 to each employee.
Stacy Schulte and Ben Kitchens, EDC, arrived at the meeting.
Mrs. Eickholt continued:
· Continued the discussion on the $400 payment. She stated it would be for certain departments only (general fund and Public Works) and others could be included if their board chose to. She stated it would cost approximately $60,000 and the positive impact in employee morale would be worth the expenditure. She stated they would like to see the payment in July.
· Requested an executive session. At 10:24; Commissioner Whitebread moved for a 5 minute executive session, to end at 10:29, to discuss non-elected personnel with Mrs. Eickholt. Commissioner Bennett seconded and all voted aye. Clerk Bossemeyer, Ms. Schulte, Mr. Hoyle and Mr. Kitchens left the meeting. The meeting resumed at 10:29 with no action taken.
Clerk Bossemeyer, Mr. Hoyle, Ms. Schulte, and Mr. Kitchens returned to the meeting. Mrs. Eickholt left the meeting.
Gerry Vernon, Junction City Manager, discussed the following:
· Stated Scott Johnson, City Commissioner, asked the EDC to review the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP). The EDC forwarded a recommendation to the City Commission recommending a moratorium so the program can be reviewed. He presented a resolution for possible adoption. He stated it will be on the agenda for the July 5 City Commission meeting and July 6 for the School Board.
· Reviewed the impact of tax abatements to the city’s budget. He stated there is now a need to target tax abatement programs for those businesses that we need to increase sales tax.
· Commissioner Whitebread inquired about the number of applications per month. Ms. Schulte stated that in 2005-2007 it was very active. Commissioner Whitebread stated she is interested in current numbers. Mr. Kitchens stated there have been 28 residential applications so far this year and this includes multifamily and apartments.
· Mr. Hoyle stated he is concerned about any action taken because all three bodies have approved this program until 2013 and the program is working. He said this issue has been studied many times before and we now are on Plan 16 over 10 years. He stated he is concerned about a moratorium while the study is being done because he is not sure we can find 1200 units that Fort Riley needs for housing; there are several programs that are available, we need to be cautious in making changes, it will take several months to evaluate, Stacy is talking to several businesses who are interested in the NRP, citizens are requesting a grocery store on the west side of town and the EDC is working with someone and we can’t just stop all development. He said it is fine to study the plan, but it should be kept open during that time as it has been in the past. It would be bad business to stop in the middle of proposed projects.
· Commissioner Bennett inquired what we provide now.
Lisa Davies, Sanitarian, arrived at the meeting.
Ms. Schulte stated the areas are shown on the map and the rebate is based on a sliding scale as outlined in the current plan.
Commissioner Bennett asked what the benefit is to the moratorium. Mr. Vernon stated because there are several residential properties that may ask to be included in the program, especially since people know we are talking about a moratorium. Mr. Hoyle asked why the City Manager wanted to stop development and noted that any properties that are built on will increase the value. Mr. Vernon stated there is a glut of housing on the market and we don’t need more. Mr. Kitchens stated this was discussed at the EDC, but no vote was taken. He noted the moratorium would stop any further properties from going into the program for 2013 and 2014.
Commissioner Whitebread stated more time is needed to study this issue and the commission should not have been asked to take a vote today. She stated there is a great need for businesses, especially retail, in the community and she is concerned about enacting a moratorium under these circumstances.
Connie Hall, CVB, arrived at the meeting.
The discussion continued on the possible impact of the moratorium. Mr. Kitchens stated NRP is not the only program out there that could be offered to a business.
Chairman Hicks stated we need to do a strong assessment of tax rebate programs and the goal should be to get people on the tax roll immediately. He inquired what the commission wanted to do. Commissioners Whitebread and Bennett stated they did not want to vote today and wanted more time to study the issue.
Commissioner Bennett inquired if all three entities had to vote for it. Ms. Schulte stated that is the opinion of the city attorney.
Chairman Hicks stated the county attorney has approved the resolution.
Mr. Kitchens suggested that the commission take the matter under advisement and let the EDC make a recommendation. Commissioner Whitebread stated it was inappropriate that this matter was brought to the County Commission with no recommendation from the EDC. Mr. Hoyle told Mr. Vernon they need to bring facts and figures to the EDC and not just unsubstantiated claims.
Commissioner Bennett inquired if Mr. Vernon had been directed by the City Commission to do this. Mr. Vernon said yes by consensus. Mr. Vernon, Mr. Kitchens, Mr. Hoyle and Ms. Schulte left the meeting.
Representative Jim Fawcett arrived at the meeting.
Ms. Davies presented the monthly report:
· Announced that Marshall County adopted the code for inspections of residential property.
· Reviewed inspections: 1 real estate, 5 pre-site, 2 new construction, 3 final septic systems, and 1 well permit.
· Reported that the MPC meeting was held with stakeholders regarding the proposed revisions to the regulations. She stated that 40 invitations were sent but only three people attended.
· Reviewed work that was done in Morris County.
· Reviewed complaints including housing and mosquitoes.
· Announced the state is funding the LEPP at $750,000. Ms. Davies left the meeting.
Connie Hall, CVB, presented the monthly report:
· Stated she invited Representative Fawcett because of the casino issue that has come up. She noted that a vote was taken a few years ago and overwhelmingly passed. Her board has directed her to contact various entities such as the Cities of Grandview Plaza, Milford and Junction City and USD 475 to get community support. She has arranged a meeting for July 15. Commissioner Bennett stated that is not a good day and noted there are several activities planned that day. Commissioner Whitebread noted that it does not require all three commissioners be in attendance.
· Representative Fawcett said he is a lone voice in Topeka and if we really want to get the legislature to vote on allowing us to have a casino, it will take a very strong effort from the community as a whole. He is willing to work to that end, but emphasized it will take a strong lobbying effort. Commissioner Whitebread inquired about the attitude of the other representatives and senators. Representative Fawcett said there is a faction that is opposed to gaming of any type, however the state has approved four casinos, one has been built, two are under construction and one is in an area they think will not be built. He stated he also thinks the Governor needs to be convinced. He stated he thinks it is a long shot, but worth trying.
· Mrs. Hall stated the Daily Union ran an opinion poll about the casino on their web site and 73% are in favor and 27% opposed. She stated she thinks it is important to open discussion as it is jobs and economic prosperity issue. Chairman Hicks stated he is willing to be there and has worked on casino issues in other communities.
Representative Fawcett left the meeting.
Mrs. Hall continued:
· Stated that Major General Mayfield invited the CVB to do the photo work for the division run this morning.
Steve Opat, County Attorney/Counselor, arrived at the meeting
Mrs. Hall continued:
· Reviewed activities they will participate in for Sundown Salute. She stated they need volunteers to help with the booth.
· Stated they are also requesting volunteers for the booth at the State Fair.
· Announced they gave a marketing grant to the Junction City Arts Council for $1000 for the publication of their fall catalog.
· Stated that they noticed some of their photos on display in the new Pizza Hut and they called the owner to ask that they be credited for the photos. Mr. Hemingway told them he had hired a photographer and had paid for the photos. He is looking into the matter and Mrs. Hall noted that the CVB photos are copyrighted. Mrs. Hall left the meeting.
Joniece Pitts cancelled her appointment.
Chairman Hicks left the meeting.
Mr. Opat discussed the following:
· Commissioner Whitebread asked about the letter from Shirley Ehrlich regarding the deed removing payment of delinquent taxes. Mr. Opat stated he had taken care of it and the taxes go with the land and they can’t be removed.
· Discussed unemployment cases.
· Discussed communications with the Riley County Counselor on Fort Riley issues.
· Commissioner Bennett stated he is concerned about the NRP issue which appears to be driven by real estate/developers on both sides of the issue.
· Inquired about consolidation. Commissioner Bennett stated it is not ready for Mr. Opat’s review yet. There was a general discussion regarding the status of benefits for the CVB employees.
· Discussed the indigent defense contract. Mr. Opat left the meeting.
The meeting recessed for lunch from 12:00 to 1:15.
Chairman Hicks returned to the meeting.
Dennis Cox, Public Works Administrator, presented the weekly report:
· Presented the specifications and contract documents from Kaw Valley Engineering for the Goff Addition, Sewer District #4 expansion in Laurel Canyon. Commissioner Bennett moved to approve the contracts and sign the documents. Commissioner Whitebread seconded and all voted aye.
· Presented a request and petition from Ken Goodyear to de-water a lagoon. Commissioner Whitebread moved to approve the request and petition. Commissioner Bennett seconded and all voted aye.
· Announced the Solid Waste Plan was re-written and submitted to KDHE last week. Commissioner Whitebread inquired if the board needed to meet on an annual basis. Mr. Cox stated yes and the meeting will be in the fall.
· Reported they negotiated the purchase of a used 2008 backhoe and took delivery on Friday afternoon. Mr. Cox left the meeting.