For the Week of February 25, 2007
“The Greatest of All is Love”
1 Corinthians 13:8-11
Giving Up Childish Things
Steve Zeisler continues his 5 week series on “Love”. Paul concludes this chapter with two metaphors: a child growing to adulthood and looking at a clouded mirror. In the first of these, we observe that childish things, fine in themselves for a time, are set aside as one matures. Spiritual gifts and many other things that we cling to for significance are seen as limited and the mature believer increasingly delights in what lasts forever. Consider the following.
Discussion questions:
1. Paul is a strong advocate of spiritual gifts (see chapter 12), but he recognizes them as tools that have a limited range of usefulness. How can we have a balanced approach to spiritual gifts? Is this a subject that is given too much or too little attention at PBC?
2. Can you think of an expression of faith that once meant a great deal to you, for which you are grateful, but now has given way to something wiser or more mature?
3. Who has served as a role model (a mature person) for you?