Financial Obligations and Attendance

Requirements for the Rotary Club of Orléans

Financial Obligations

Annual dues (toRI)$ ______

Monthly club dues$ ______

Annual dues can be paid in one lump sum, at the beginning of the Rotary year (July 1) or in two installments (beginning of July and beginning of January).

Monthly dues include the cost of meals and some administrative expenses.

Please submit your payments, by cheque or cash, to the club secretary. Make cheques payable to the Rotary Club of Orléans.

Rotary International encourages each Rotarian to donate $100 US (since RI does its business in US dollars) every year to the Rotary Foundation. It is a most worthy cause, but one is not obligated to contribute. Some clubs donate a sum equivalent to $100 US per member, which this club intends to do as its finances permit. An individual donation is at your discretion.

There is no obligation to participate in District activities, although one will get more out of Rotary by doing so. How much this costs depends on how involved you want to become. If you are thinking of participating in a District event or on a District committee, you should consider the cost in making your decision. The District conference, a weekend in mid-October, including accommodations (if it is out of town), costs around $500. There is a nominal fee to attend the District Assembly, a part-day business meeting in the spring.

Attendance Requirements

All Rotary clubs must abide by the 50 percent attendance rule set for the in article 12, section 4, of the Standard Rotary Club Constitution. The Rotary Club of Orléans accepts this rule, which means that as a member of our club, you are responsible for attending at least 50 percent of all club meetings in a six-month period.

Attendance Options

If you’re unable to attend a meeting, you can make up that meeting by attending a meeting of another Rotary club. For instance, if you’re on a business trip, you might attend a Rotary club meeting in another city. You can also make up a meeting by attending an e-club meeting online. Use the club locator at to find meeting locations and times.

If you would like to make up a meeting at another Rotary club in this area they are all listed on the District website, which can be directly accessed through our ClubRunner site.

Club Information for New Members

The members of this Rotary club extend to you a cordial welcome and invite you to take an active part in the club’s service and fellowship activities.

The Rotary Club of Orléans was admitted to Rotary International on November 7, 2008. It now has ______members.

Our club meets at Portobello Manor every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. (Normally, in months that have five Tuesdays, there is no meeting on the fifth Tuesday.)

Club Officers

Allan Foget613-833-2452


Past PresidentTo be filled in Rotary year 2010-11

Murray Gordon613-824-3709

Vice President/President Elect

Peggy Gilmour613-824-8819


Martin Mills613-327-1715


Len Goddard613-824-4672


Judy Poulin613-837-7228

Club Administration Chair

Aziz Khoja613-837-2839

Service ProjectsCo -Chair

Sean Crossan613-841-0348

Service Projects Co –Chair

Len Cobb613-841-9244

Public Relations Chair

Mehdi Mahdavi613-853-9265

Rotary Foundation

Murray Gordon613-824-3709

Membership Chair